
The Useless Child of Count's Family

A strong and talented women who change the future

Xinling_830 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

I'm a Malaysian who become a idol at Korea, I enjoy be with the group I was in but I quit become idol after my family death.

After I left the idol group, I watching the video about my ex-group, they look more happier rather then when I'm with them even when I contact them they never reply me.

They even avoiding me like I was no one but stranger to them when I meet them thats when I realize I was no one to the group... They only act kind to become popular.

Altough I was a ex-idol now, I still stay at Korea because my family move here after I become a idol and sometimes I go back to Malaysia to visit my grandparents grave.

I've become a kindergarten teacher after I quit become idol.

I always read my favorite novel 'The Hero Twin's' after my work finish.

'The Hero Twin's' Main charater, Kim JiHun and Kim JiSoo, the first year high school boy and girl who was transported to different dimension.

This wo protagonist, Kim JiHun and Kim JiSoo, go to a village to learn about the world.

Roothallow village, where they had found people they can call friends and family.

But one day, the people in the village were killed by a organization. Kim JiHun and Kim JiSoo don't really have a lot of talent and had lived in Night Forest for decades.

They are not brave enough to use their power to kill a person,but after seeing the whole village was destroy and mudered. They didn't let it go after what happend and thats where they kill someone for first time...

They kill the organization's mamber.

"We need to kill everyone who responsible for this..."

They.. committed their first murder and learnt of the cruelty of death. The first town they reach after the inciden are the Central Capital of the Ellison Estate Eastern City.

* * *

The girl slowly open her eyes ... She found herself in different room not her room and her body feels different. She quickly go to the bathroom and look at the mirror. Was surprise when she look her reflection in the mirror.

"W..what on earth..."

Nora Ellison... The useless child of the Count's Family who doesn't know anything got involved with Kim JiHun and Kim JiSoo got beaten up by them.

'I can't believe this, am I really posessing this body?'

She pinched her own cheeks to see if this is real or not.


Sigh, 'I couldn't believe this is real and not a dream.'

She sit in squat position while covering her face.

"I still can't believe it... I will be in trouble. I should take a bath first and think about it later because I smell strong acohol," She stand up and walk towards bathtub. 

After the bath she dry herself while walk towards wardrobe. She open the wardrobe and take one of the clothes there.

'I should wear a simple dress from here, I don't like to wear a layered dress. Come thinking of it, altought Nora Eillson are woman, she wear man dress other then woman dress, I mean, she have short hair and kinda look like a man and peole mistake her as man.'

Nora look at mirror after geting dress and suprised of the reflection in the mirror was quite good looking.

'Oh my, she's so looks handsome and makes any guys clothes look good on her. No wonder why people mistaken her as a man, or it was because her behavor like a man too?'

As Nora look the mirror she realize theres no scar on her face. 

'No scars on face... Thats mean Kim JiHun and Kim JiSoo not here yet, that a realif.'

Nora exited the bathroom then walk to the balcony. She open glass door and sat on chair biside her.

"The day still dark... I wonder what time is it in this world right now?"

Nora look up at the beautiful night sky.

'How did I end up here again? I only remember that I was reading the novel before I fall asleep. Wait, if I stuck here what about my friend and my work?What happend to my body there?'

Nora can't imagine what happend to her body in her world.

Her life as LingWei. It wasn't to much, after her family die she quit her job as a idol and work as kindergarten teacher. She countinue to live altought she want to die yet.

Yes, she still scares to die and hate pain.

"Why do I even care about them? It's not like they even care about me at all. They doesn't even care when I die anyway.. I batter not think about them..."

Nora lower her head, "More importan I need a plan right now. First let's no get beat up by th twin's. Second...," she put her finger on her chin "...Should change the story...? Maybe I should. I don't wanna the world to be destory and I want to live in peace.

And third I need to act like th original Nora a bit, luckyly I can handel the acohol. Hm?"

Nora looked towards the sunrise.

"Ah, sunrise! I haven't see sunrise for so long. Lucky can see sunrise again."

Knock! Knock!

A knock sound from the door but Nora didn't respond it because she was at the balcony and enjoy watching the sunrise.

The sounds of the door open, a white hair female butler enter the room.

"Young Master are you awake? Hm? Where did she go?"

The butler look for Nora around the room but nowhere to be found untill she notice balcony glass door open.

"It's rare to see the blacony door in Young Master room open," she walk towards the balcony.

"Young Master?," the female butler call Nora.

Nora flinch when she heard someone calling her.

"Ah, it was you."

LingWei or know as Nora now, immediately know the female butler who call her just now. Sabrina, Original Nora's butler since Nora still young and... A assassin.

"You wake up and take a bath more earlier then usual, and it was rare to see you here."

"I just want to see sunrise today, am I not allow?"

"Ofcouse you can Young Master. As I said it was rare to see you at balcony. And since you wake earlier you should go to the diningroom and wait the duke and others for breakfast."

"I will go there later. It still too early."

"Understandable, Young Master. I'll let you know if the breakfreast ready."

Sabrina exited Nora's room after short conversation.

'Sabrina, the assassin along with her son. Just how can she still looks young when she was in her 60s??? I hope she didn't feel suspicious for act like "Nora". And her son Jhon...'

Nora image about Sabrina son, Jhon, holding a kitchen knife with scary face.

"... Just hope I wont see his scary face."

"Seems like I will met Nora's family later...," she sigh "... Hope nothing will happen. Maybe I should avoid their gaze and quickly eat finish the meal."