

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasy
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76 Chs


Alex and Mikasa were walking and as Alex had expected. An average looking young man came in front of Mikasa and said " Hello, i am Sam Williams, the only heir of Williams household. will you like to have a personal talk with me.

Alex didn't say anything and just kept looking at both of them.

" I am sorry young master Sam, i have a boyfriend" Mikasa said as he pointed at Alex.

Alex was dumbfounded not because Mikasa said that he was her boyfriend but due to the dialogue ' I have a boyfriend'. It was a legendary grade dialogue which has shattered many men's dreams back on earth Alex didn't expect these similarities between the worlds.

"Boy if you know what is good for you, Get the fuck out of here. My young master always gets what he likes" The protector said as he looked at Alex while kissing Sam's ass, not literally.

Alex laughed inside his mind and thought 'let's kick some ass'

"exactly, if you run away now you might have a chance to live" Sam said while laughing at Alex.

Soon the crowd formed to see what was going on but no one interfered because most of them were just the foundation realm or Qi refining realm cultivator and they also heard about young master Sam's personality, he would kill anyone without any mercy.

Alex didn't say anything and just unsheathed his sword and used wind step (Mythical grade) and killed the protector before anyone could blink.

the crowd was silent for some time and then started whispering "Young master Sam has finally met his match today"

"haha match? he is clearly at the Nascent realm not even the head of the Williams household is at the Nascent realm. if they fought it would not be a match but one sided massacre" an old man said while drinking some alcohol from his wooden bottle.

'Gasp' all the crowd gasped to hear that the young master was at Nascent realm cultivator.

Alex was about to kill Sam also but an old man with a fierce aura walked into the market and shouted "stop"

he was at Soul wandering realm and was not a match of Alex so Alex stopped his sword just a few millimetres away from Sam's neck and said "who might you be? well not that i care " Alec swung his sword and killed Sam. The old Man with fierce aura growled in anger and dashed towards Alex "You killed my son i will kill your whole family" The man was Sam's father and head of the Williams household.

"Boy i don't believe you are at Nascent realm at this young age. you are surely using some artifact to increase your strength. hand over the artifact and also give that girl to me i might let you live" The head of Williams household said while licking his lower lip like a pervert.

'is he really your son? you will forgive the young man if he gives you his artifact and woman. Old man, who are you kidding' the crowd thought but didn't show any dissatisfaction.

But Alex teleported in the side of the old man and swung his sword which chopped one hand of the old man before the old man could feel it Alex teleported again to the other side and chopped his other hand. only then the old man realised he was missing his hands. he growled in pain.

"Your voice is annoying old man" Alex said and chopped his head off and started cleaning the blood stains on his sword with the old mans clothes and walked away with mikasa as nothing ever happened.

"Thank you sect master for saving my life again" Mikasa said while winking at Alex.

"you know thank you won't cut it, why don't you pay me something for my life saving grace" Alex joked and laughed gently at her.

"I don't have anything to pay you accept my body. please Accept it" Mikasa said jokingly and giggled

"sure, let's go back to the room" Alex said while looking at her blue eyes.

"i was just kidding you know, and how are you such a strong, sect master?" Mikasa tried to exchange the topic while complementing Alex

Alex laughed and didn't say anything else, on his way he was happy to feel what it's like to be a main character of a novel, 'no i am not in a novel it is real world. i should not mess with people or karma will surely strike back at me' Alex thought and walked towards the inn.


Alex woke up and saw outside the window to see the city's street filled fully with people. Alex knocked Mikasa door and asked her to get ready.

After 5 minutes Alex, Mikasa and Kiko were walking towards the central area of the city and saw many stalls with a sect banner hanging on the top of the stalls. there was a long line in front of every stall. Alex booked a stall for himself and hung his sect banner with High Heaven Sect written on it. He sat down on the chair and asked Mikasa to recruit anyone who is less than 20 and has minimum low tier talent. Mikasa was about to say that having more low tier will only increase the quantity of Disciples not the quality but didn't say anything and just nodded.