

I stared at the wall, just like staring the blank page! as to one that says there is plenty to write when the page is blank.

Indeed I want to write something but I couldn't even find an exact words to start. The pen is in my hands and my mind is marching out but nothing could really explained, why?

I was struck between holding on or moving on! then finally my tears fell down, this is too damn hurt! a fake smile won't do justice to what I had felt inside. Its completely useless!

This is the world that I created, the journey that I choose to walked in and the life that I wish to live on. Should I regret it? should I blame myself?

Why fate is so cruel? Everything has a price to pay! All I wanted is to be happy but what I get is a broken heart and a shattered spirits.

Now, I just realized why as a young kids we always believe in magic. Because in the world of magic there's no pain, we only see the beauty of things that only exists in the world that we created.

However behind those magical world is the ugly reality, once were broken we could not be fixed we could only mend ourselves. Believed it or not, accept it or denied it, this is the truth!

I often wonder why the pencils has an eraser? it was actually the moment you made a mistake you can erase immediately just like a snap of your finger. That was the real magic! isn't it?

Just like an eraser I also want to undo every mistake that I have done, Undo all the sadness and pain that I felt inside.

Then I realized something as we walked in our daily life, It is the pain that always make us strong. The lesson that we learned from our mistakes is what teaches us the best and the tears that we shed becomes our inspiration.

People may often comes and goes. Sometimes we only meet that particular someone but not destined for us, we always runs out of words to speak something to them but its alright there are words that better left unspoken!

We are all masters to our own ship, don't be afraid to made mistakes, break the rules and lived your life to the fullest. Never scared to step out, we only once lived as young.

We will aged as our hair turns to gray but in our heart we could not forget that once upon a time, we shed tears to someone that was not even worthy for us, we made silly mistakes and learn a great deal of courage as we face our daily trials in life.

Alone but not lonely, old but not forgotten. A words that better left unspoken, a book filled with our stories to be told and a blank page for the words, unwritten!