
The Unwilling Duchess

In a kingdom far, far away, a beautiful princess named Rose is forced into an arranged marriage with a duke from a neighboring kingdom. She doesn't love him and is heartbroken at the thought of being separated from her true love, a handsome knight named Daniel. As the wedding day approaches, Rose tries to push Daniel out of her mind and focus on her duty to the kingdom. But on the day of the ceremony, she can't shake the feeling that something is not right. After the wedding, Rose struggles to find happiness in her loveless marriage. She feels trapped and miserable, and she knows she will never love the duke the way she loves Daniel. But just when she thinks all hope is lost, Daniel comes to her and offers a solution. They make a plan to be together, even if it means going against the wishes of the kingdom and breaking the rules of society. In the end, their love conquers all, proving that true love knows no bounds.

Chizaruu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Dark Secret

As the wedding day drew closer, Rose couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. She knew she was making a mistake by marrying the duke, and she couldn't imagine spending the rest of her life with a man she didn't love.

But despite her reservations, she felt trapped by her duty to the kingdom and her parent's expectations. She didn't know how to back out of the marriage without causing a scandal and was afraid of the consequences of going against their wishes.

One day, while going through some old documents in the castle library, Rose stumbled upon a shocking discovery. She found a contract that revealed the valid reason for her marriage to the duke. But, it turns out, the marriage was not arranged for political reasons, as she had been told. Instead, it was a ploy by the duke to get his hands on the kingdom's wealth and power.

Rose was horrified. She had been lied to by her parents and the duke and forced into a loveless marriage for greed and ambition. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she couldn't stay with the duke any longer.

She confided in Daniel, who was shocked and angered by the revelation. Together, they decided to investigate further and uncover the truth behind the duke's motives. They would do whatever it took to expose his lies and stop the wedding from happening.

As they delved deeper into the mystery, they discovered that the duke was not who he claimed to be. Instead, he had a dark past and a reputation for deceit and betrayal. And he was willing to do anything to get what he wanted, even if it meant destroying the kingdom and the people who lived there.

Rose and Daniel knew they had to act fast. They couldn't let the duke succeed in his plans, and they had to find a way to stop him before it was too late. The future of the kingdom and their happiness depended on it. But they knew they would face many challenges and obstacles along the way.

As Rose and Daniel continued their investigation, they discovered more and more evidence of the duke's dark intentions. They found documents outlining his plans to seize and steal the kingdom's wealth and power. They also discovered that he had been involved in several criminal activities, including murder and theft.

They knew they had to act fast and expose the duke before it was too late. So they gathered their evidence and presented it to the king and queen, hoping they would listen and take action.

But to their shock and dismay, the king and queen refused to believe them. The duke's charm and lies blinded them, and they refused to see the truth. Instead, they accused Rose and Daniel of making up stories and trying to ruin the wedding.

Rose and Daniel were devastated. They had risked everything to expose the duke and save the kingdom, but their efforts had been in vain. They didn't know what to do and feared that the duke would succeed in his plans and destroy everything they loved.

But they didn't give up. They continued to search for evidence and look for allies who would help them in their mission. They knew they were fighting an uphill battle but were determined to stop the duke and save the kingdom.

They just hoped they could do it in time, before the wedding and the duke's plans were set into motion. The future was uncertain, but they were determined to do whatever it took to protect the people and the land they loved.