
Chapter 7

"I wish to extend an invitation for you to accompany me to the royal palace for Christmas festivities. It would be an honor to have you by my side, joined only by my esteemed mother. Your presence in the city has brought immense joy, yet I understand your hesitations," Madu expressed to his beloved. Despite her initial reluctance, he anticipated her reservations, given her recent relocation to the city.

"It's barely been a week since I arrived in the city. Why the rush to journey to the village? I find comfort here and have yet to yearn for my family's company. My intention was to acclimate to city life for at least five years before considering a visit to my hometown. Why the sudden urge to spend Christmas in the village? I'm not inclined to accompany you," the new wife replied, her countenance revealing her reluctance to depart.

"Fear not, my love. You have already captured my heart, and no other could ever replace you. You reign supreme in my affections, and I have yet to fulfill the customary obligation of paying your dowry. Thus, it is only fitting that we venture to your village, utilizing the Christmas season as an opportunity to present wine to your kin. Although you have graciously accompanied my mother to the city, the formalities of your arrival have not been observed. As a dutiful husband, I am compelled to rectify this by visiting your family and formally declaring my status as your husband. Furthermore, I intend to orchestrate a traditional marriage ceremony upon our arrival, ensuring your rightful place of honor amongst your kin and the entire village. What say you?" Madu inquired, employing his charm to sway his new wife, who readily acquiesced upon hearing the mention of a traditional marriage.

In African tradition, a woman's marital status remains incomplete until her dowry is paid, rendering it unseemly for a man to cohabit with her without this formality. Young women typically view this tradition with disdain. Therefore, the new wife welcomed Madu's intention to visit her family, as it signified respect and validation of their union—a sentiment echoed by her eagerness to partake in the impending traditional ceremony.

"I am delighted to accompany you. Your gesture honors me, my king, and fills me with pride. Upon my arrival in the city, I pondered when you would pay respects to my family, albeit hesitantly. Today, I am the epitome of joy, as I now bear the title of your cherished bride," the new wife declared with elation, her demeanor akin to a child bestowed with a cherished gift.

"And when shall we depart?" she inquired, her visage adorned with a radiant smile.

"We embark on the morrow," Madu revealed.

"Such haste! How shall I prepare? A wedding warrants ample time for arrangements," she exclaimed.

"Fret not, my darling. I am loath to cause you distress, hence I have taken the liberty of informing your family of our impending visit, ensuring preparations have commenced since my mother apprised me of your arrival last week. Additionally, I have engaged the services of a premier catering and event planning firm to oversee all arrangements. You need not lift a finger, my dear. As the bride, you deserve naught but regal treatment. So, relax. Simply gather your belongings and ready yourself for tomorrow's journey," Madu reassured his new wife, who, brimming with excitement, hastened to pack her belongings. However, before she could depart the living room, Madu detained her, producing an engagement ring from his pocket and proffering it to her.

"I had intended to formalize our union with a proper proposal. Will you consent to be my wife?" Madu queried, kneeling before her. Without waiting for a response, the new wife accepted the ring, sliding it onto her finger with unwavering determination.

"Do you doubt my answer? Yes, a thousand times yes! You are the embodiment of my dreams, and I cannot fathom existence without you. Where have you been all my life? Now that I have found you, I refuse to envision a future devoid of your presence," she proclaimed, enveloping Madu in a fervent embrace before darting off to prepare for their impending journey.

The following morning, accompanied by Madu's mother, the couple embarked on their voyage to the royal palace. Despite the arduous twelve-hour journey, their anticipation remained unbridled. Upon reaching their destination, they retired to the opulent chambers within the palace, preparing for the festivities ahead.

Word had spread throughout the kingdom of Madu's impending nuptials, igniting an atmosphere of jubilation and anticipation. As the day of the ceremony dawned, the village brimmed with excitement, adorned in festive regalia to celebrate the union of two souls.

"Proceed to your family's abode. It is tradition for me to come to you and formalize our union. Following the customary rites, you shall be bestowed unto me. Fear not, for all arrangements have been made," Madu instructed his bride, who, resplendent in her attire, departed to her familial dwelling.

"Until tomorrow, my beloved," Madu bid her farewell.

"I shall miss you, my love, but take solace in the knowledge that our eternity commences forthwith," the new wife replied.

On the morrow, amidst a jubilant gathering, the bride, adorned in regal attire, prepared to identify her betrothed amongst the assembled suitors. With a cup of palm wine in hand, she emerged, radiant and resplendent.

However, Madu, seizing the moment, requested the floor to address the assembly—an unconventional request met with skepticism from the elders. Undeterred, he proceeded, resolute in his mission.

"Before we proceed with the ceremony, there is a matter of great import that must be addressed," Madu declared, his words resounding with gravity.

"I beseech the bride to reveal the identity of the father of her unborn child," he proclaimed, sending shockwaves through the crowd. As the cup of palm wine slipped from the new wife's grasp, shattering upon impact, she trembled visibly, her turmoil palpable to all.

"She arrived in the city under my care, yet concealed a pregnancy conceived by another. How could she bring such deceit into my home? Was it to mock me in the eyes of kin and acquaintance? Am I not deserving of honesty? My mother spoke highly of her, and I welcomed her into our fold, prepared to cherish her as my own. Yet, to discover her deceit has compelled me to return her to her kin, not in marriage, but as a cautionary tale. If my words ring true, let her attest otherwise before this assembly. Tell me, am I mistaken? Is this child not conceived by another? Is it not his?" Madu implored, offering the microphone to the trembling new wife, who, overwhelmed by the revelation, collapsed before she could utter a word.