
CHAPTER 59 Surrounded

  Back in Houston, the news of Nathan's abduction had reached the Larson family. Jeremy was more than angry knowing Nathan was faking it. Camila also agreed. Elizabeth was more than convinced, Nathan planned out the whole thing just to get money from Laura

  "Don't let her take that money, stop her job," Jeremy said angrily over the phone while pacing back and forth. The entire family had gathered in the lounge. Except for their uncle Stan, everyone was present as they waited for Jeremy to finish talking to some of his friends in New York. 

  "I don't care what you do, just stop her… I'm sure that man planned all this to swindle my sister," Jeremy yelled, ordering for his men to get to work. He didn't care if Nathan was abducted or even killed. He knew Nathan was a gold digger. He got married into a wealthy family and now he is using that advantage to get money

  "Good," saying that Jeremy disconnected the call and tossed the phone away. Anger boiled within him