
The Unwanted Proposal

Cedric and Veronica agreed to enter a contractual marriage for personal reasons. But can they still keep their arrangement purely business when one starts falling in love with the other? **** When the elusive billionaire Cedric Ford's only option is to get married in order to inherit the family business and fulfill his grandmother's dying wish, he devises the perfect plan so his marriage would only last for a year. Hire a professional to act as his wife, pay her a hefty amount of money, and part ways without problems. This way, he gets to kill two birds with one stone; he secures the business and make his gran happy. Well- that was the plan at least until his cousin accidentally fucked everything up and he was forced to propose to the wrong person on national television. The last thing Veronica Renarth expects is to receive a proposal from billionaire Cedric Ford. But when she found herself in an unexpected situation that only someone like him who has so much money and power at his disposal can do, Veronica has no other choice but to agree and accept him. EXCERPT: "You know what to do, right?" he began saying but she seemed to not hear it as the woman only continued to stare at him, confusion starting to paint her face but Cedric can't let that happen since a lot of people are watching them so he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer and started acting like an affectionate lover before bringing his mouth to her ear, "You know what to do, right?" he whispered the same thing again and her back stiffened in response. There Cedric knew that his suspicions were correct. The woman in his arms isn't a professional. His jaw clenched thinking about what Lucas had done before eventually deciding to lead the show. Cedric kept the woman in his arms to look as intimate as possible before stealthily sliding the ring he thankfully found earlier in the pocket of his jacket. Veronica's mouth went dry as his warm breath touched her skin while everything happened so fast from there that she didn't even notice how he had already slipped a ring on her finger. Her breathing hitched when she spotted the extravagant jewelry sitting on her hand before a series of clap and cheers surrounded the hall...

Misha_Chrisal · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 22

True to his words, Cedric did his best to keep Veronica by his side to cover her from the press and in just a few minutes, the two were already riding a private elevator to Cedric's office.

"I had my lawyer write a new contract and it should be ready in a few days. You can sign it after we find your parents." He informed her while they wait for the elevator to reach their destination.

"I will, thank you." she nods in his direction in response before the elevator dinged telling them that they have arrived at their stop. The elevator doors opened and revealed a wide office that overlooks the whole city.

A man was already waiting inside when they arrived. He quickly stood up to greet Cedric when he noticed their arrival. Looking closely, the man wore black-rimmed glasses, a white shirt paired with dark cargo pants and boots.



The two said in unison before patting each other's back.

Cedric turned to Veronica and held her by the shoulders to pull her to him. "This is my fiancée, Veronica Renarth."

The man's mouth curved upward, "Daniel Creed. It's nice to meet you." He introduced himself before taking Veronica's hand to his lips while he looks at her with amused eyes that shone with interest.

"Likewise," she replied embarrassed at what he did. After all, she reached out her hand to him expecting a handshake not a light kiss on the back of her hand.

Cedric pulled her away from the man when he seemed to linger, "My fiancée requires your services, Creed. So, I brought you here because I know that you're the best in the business." Cedric tugs Veronica to his desk as he says that then he let her sit on the leather chair behind it while he stood to her side with his arms crossed over his chest.

Daniel Creed watched the two for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "Anything for the lady."

"Daniel worked as a special agent for the government before he retired to run his own security company. Currently, he provides the men who ensure the safety of my family and company so you can trust him with your parents." Cedric explained to her.

So the security team who always guards Cedric against the press is from Mr. Creed's company… she thought while observing the man. If Cedric didn't mention him being a special agent, Veronica wouldn't even think of it since he looked like that friendly next-door neighbor who'd you see trimming grass on his front yard every morning with a smile. Their eyes meet and his smile got even wider showing a dimpled cheek.

"I received Cedric's message that you want to find your parents and that they were last seen at the Northern Mountains, is that right?"

"Yes, they were coming from a cabin resort in the north, and then they're supposed to go to the beach next if their travel plans are followed."

Daniel quickly nodded before sitting himself on one of the couches in the room. He took out a tablet from his satchel and typed something in it. "I've been to that place before and I remember the roads are abnormally steep."

Veronica replied with a brief nod, "You're right but the locals are already used to driving those roads and my parents grew up in the closest town to that mountain."

Daniel was looking at a map on his tablet before moving his gaze at the two. "But the closest town is still about a five-hour drive, right?"

"Yes," Veronica replied.

He nodded his head as if understanding something. "Hmm, combining the non-stop heavy rains and steep mountain roads, they may have run into something on the way down."

"You mean that they might have been in an accident?" her ears ringed at the thought while she asked for his confirmation. Daniel's expression turned serious while he gives her a nod.

"It's a possibility, yes." Veronica would have already fallen over if she was standing as she feels her knees weaken from worry. A reassuring hand then patted her on the back comfortingly.

Daniel's phone rang and he immediately took it out to read the message. Once done, he looked over his tablet again and then began saying, "If my deductions are correct, they must still be somewhere in the mountains." He announces while his eyes are still glued on the tablet, "I already dispatched my men on the location where they have been last seen." he looks at his watch, "They should be there searching right now. I'll be going too since I'm overseeing the situation from there." He said to Cedric.

"Please, find them." was Veronica's last appeal to Daniel before he hurriedly left for the rooftop where a helicopter is waiting for him.

Veronica's eyes lingered at the door where Daniel disappeared to. A big part of her wanted to go with him to help with the search, but she also doubts if she'd be of help to them.

"It's better to leave it with the professionals." A voice told her from behind.

"I know…"

"You look like you wanted to go with him though," Cedric says as he takes out two bottled water from a mini-fridge at the corner of the room where a mini coffee bar is set up.

Veronica sighed as she sat down on one of the empty seats, "I do want to join him but I doubt if I'd even be of help. I would just get in their way."

Cedric opened the bottled water before handing it to Veronica and then doing the same thing to the other one for himself, quickly swigging it down in one drink.

The door to his office opened and chestnut brown hair peered from it. Lucas arrives holding a couple of paper bags in his hand.

"You promised to explain to me why I have to buy a woman's underwea-" he stops midsentence after seeing Veronica now awkwardly sitting on the couch.

"Great job making her feel uncomfortable. Now, go and give it to her." Cedric scolded when he's close enough for only Lucas to hear.

"Why is she here?" Lucas whispered with wide eyes but Cedric shook his head and pushed his cousin in the direction where Veronica is.

"Stop making it awkward, Lucas. Just give it to her." The two continued to bicker before Veronica finally decides to clear her throat to grab their attention.

"Is that for me?" she points at the bags in Lucas's hands.

Lucas smiled awkwardly as he hands Veronica the paper bags while rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you." She replied with a smile. The bag has an underwear set, a grey v-neck pullover sweater, and denim jeans.

"So, you're Veronica. I'm Lucas Hill, Cedric's cousin." Lucas happily introduces himself while he sits on the space beside her. "I know we've met at the wrong time but it's nice to finally meet you." He continued to talk while his head rests on his knuckles.

"You don't have to talk to him. He'll just get on your nerves." Cedric began as he shoves in some clothes on an empty paper bag.

"Hey, I only do that to you." Lucas protested and Veronica watched the two with newfound interest.

Cedric then walks behind Lucas wearing a gray shirt, jeans, and plain white sneakers. His hair is also combed down making him look a few years younger. In his hand is a bag of take-out food. "Come on," he motions at Veronica with his hand, "-change your clothes and let's eat. Daniel texted me that his men found something. The helicopter should be arriving in 30 minutes."

_to be continued_

Feel free to leave comments. I'd love to hear what you think about the story so far! thanks a bunch, xxMisha

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