
The Unwanted Proposal

Cedric and Veronica agreed to enter a contractual marriage for personal reasons. But can they still keep their arrangement purely business when one starts falling in love with the other? **** When the elusive billionaire Cedric Ford's only option is to get married in order to inherit the family business and fulfill his grandmother's dying wish, he devises the perfect plan so his marriage would only last for a year. Hire a professional to act as his wife, pay her a hefty amount of money, and part ways without problems. This way, he gets to kill two birds with one stone; he secures the business and make his gran happy. Well- that was the plan at least until his cousin accidentally fucked everything up and he was forced to propose to the wrong person on national television. The last thing Veronica Renarth expects is to receive a proposal from billionaire Cedric Ford. But when she found herself in an unexpected situation that only someone like him who has so much money and power at his disposal can do, Veronica has no other choice but to agree and accept him. EXCERPT: "You know what to do, right?" he began saying but she seemed to not hear it as the woman only continued to stare at him, confusion starting to paint her face but Cedric can't let that happen since a lot of people are watching them so he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer and started acting like an affectionate lover before bringing his mouth to her ear, "You know what to do, right?" he whispered the same thing again and her back stiffened in response. There Cedric knew that his suspicions were correct. The woman in his arms isn't a professional. His jaw clenched thinking about what Lucas had done before eventually deciding to lead the show. Cedric kept the woman in his arms to look as intimate as possible before stealthily sliding the ring he thankfully found earlier in the pocket of his jacket. Veronica's mouth went dry as his warm breath touched her skin while everything happened so fast from there that she didn't even notice how he had already slipped a ring on her finger. Her breathing hitched when she spotted the extravagant jewelry sitting on her hand before a series of clap and cheers surrounded the hall...

Misha_Chrisal · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 20

Veronica walked back to her car after getting kicked out of the station. Feeling all the energy leave her body, her hand lingered on her car door handle as she debated inside whether she's going to thicken her skin and walk right back in there and beg for their help until they give in or just find her parents herself.

No, if the situation they're in requires urgent help, it might be too late if she does it by herself and besides, her only clue is that they are last seen up north of their countryside home and that's several hours of drive from the city where she is right now. Veronica continued to debate with herself when she abruptly thought of checking her messages just in case April has already seen or heard the ones she left.

Panic consumed her when she suddenly remembered that she slipped her phone on the side pocket of her jacket. She hurriedly took out the phone and inwardly scolded herself for her carelessness. Now her phone is completely drenched.

Please work, she whispered to herself as she tries to open the dead phone but the screen remained dark no matter how hard or long she pressed the turn-on switch. Stupid, Veronica.

Feeling the hopelessness of the situation, her eyes unexpectedly caught the news being played on the lined-up old televisions displayed from the shop windows of the appliance store where her car is currently parked.

"…Known to be one of the most influential families in the country, the Fords are also well known for their philanthropy. This is seen over the years as the Ford Foundation continues to grow and support multiple charitable organizations, both in the public and private sector. This year is no different as they announced at their annual charity event that all donations from tonight's auction will be allotted to the students of the newly opened Edward Ford Academy. The auction was said to have raised several million…"

The news report began while the screen showed pictures of Cedric and an elegant-looking old woman on his side. Judging from the clothes he's wearing, the images must have been taken earlier this evening, she thought remembering the suit he had on the whole time at the event.

The news report continued to play but Veronica isn't listening anymore. Her eyes remained on the screen that showed video previews of Cedric in a tailored suit as he walks inside the event hall building, Cedric talking with some important looking people, Cedric's most recent interview, him being featured in a business magazine, and many other images they could show on TV.

Memories of her last conversation with him began to replay in her head as she kept her eyes on the display. Her knuckles turned white as her grip tightens on the door handle of her car while her mouth curve to form a mirthless smile. This is crazy. You're such a fool, Roni.

An idea started to form in her head and a part of her knew that this might be the only solution to her problem right now.

No, scratch that. This is the only solution that should work out now.

Making up her mind, she hopped in her car, got out of the parking lot, and drove back to the academy.

Veronica reached the event hall after merely a few minute drive since it was already in the middle of the night, and traffic has already eased. She parked her car on the back of the building where she exited just a few hours ago and proceeded to the steep metal staircase that leads to the emergency exit.

Thank goodness she still remembers the way back to the backstage rooms. She knew the chances of Cedric still being there is slim but she has to try. She can only pray that he's still there since she currently has no way to contact him especially now that her phone is dead.

The cool air from the air conditioning touched her rain-soaked skin and clothes which made her inwardly shiver. She took a few more turns before the backstage rooms can be seen but before she's even able to get close to the rooms, Veronica felt a sudden force pull her, and the next thing she knows, Cedric's in front of her, pinning her close to the wall with his hand covering her mouth while his finger on his lip in a shush.


"Shh, my grandmother is still close by," Cedric said in a whisper to her ear, and Veronica noticed her cool skin starting to warm up.

Looking closely, they seem to be in a small empty hallway that leads to a janitor's closet basing on the cleaning equipment neatly stored there. Somebody must have left the door open.

The comforting scent of freshly ironed clothes, clean soap, and musky cologne reached Veronica's nose when Cedric leaned in to take a peek from her side to check if his grandmother is still there.

When he seemed to have confirmed her already gone, he let out a sigh of relief.

Veronica spoke quietly to get his attention when he showed no signs of moving away. Cedric then noticed how close they are before quickly backing away from her, releasing his hold on her. "My apologies…"

"I-it's fine… I mean, I-I'm fine."

The two of them awkwardly spent a few more minutes standing still trying to regain composure before Cedric cleared his throat to break the silence. "Why are you still here? Didn't George take you home?"

"N-no, he safely escorted me to the back earlier but I-I went back here because I'm here to tell you something important." Veronica let her eyes meet with Cedric's at the mention of the last word.

Desperation and determination crossed her face while she clenches and unclenches her fists as she anxiously waits for his response. Cedric peered at the woman in front of him and then only noticed her wet clothes and disheveled appearance.

He's going to turn her down. Veronica tried to stop her thoughts from being pessimistic but she can't help but think that way after what she did to him when it's her fault that he now has to deal with that misunderstanding mess.

"I-I'll do anything you want. Just hear me out, please." She announced when he didn't reply to anything she said.

"Please…" the last word came out more like a whisper as Veronica looks down on her feet to hide her tear-threatened eyes when her last hope to find her parents is slowly getting out of her grasp.

Then the unexpected happens when she felt something warm placed on her shoulders.

It was Cedric's suit jacket.

"I'll listen to you in the car. Follow me."

_to be continued_

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