
The Unwanted Proposal

Cedric and Veronica agreed to enter a contractual marriage for personal reasons. But can they still keep their arrangement purely business when one starts falling in love with the other? **** When the elusive billionaire Cedric Ford's only option is to get married in order to inherit the family business and fulfill his grandmother's dying wish, he devises the perfect plan so his marriage would only last for a year. Hire a professional to act as his wife, pay her a hefty amount of money, and part ways without problems. This way, he gets to kill two birds with one stone; he secures the business and make his gran happy. Well- that was the plan at least until his cousin accidentally fucked everything up and he was forced to propose to the wrong person on national television. The last thing Veronica Renarth expects is to receive a proposal from billionaire Cedric Ford. But when she found herself in an unexpected situation that only someone like him who has so much money and power at his disposal can do, Veronica has no other choice but to agree and accept him. EXCERPT: "You know what to do, right?" he began saying but she seemed to not hear it as the woman only continued to stare at him, confusion starting to paint her face but Cedric can't let that happen since a lot of people are watching them so he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer and started acting like an affectionate lover before bringing his mouth to her ear, "You know what to do, right?" he whispered the same thing again and her back stiffened in response. There Cedric knew that his suspicions were correct. The woman in his arms isn't a professional. His jaw clenched thinking about what Lucas had done before eventually deciding to lead the show. Cedric kept the woman in his arms to look as intimate as possible before stealthily sliding the ring he thankfully found earlier in the pocket of his jacket. Veronica's mouth went dry as his warm breath touched her skin while everything happened so fast from there that she didn't even notice how he had already slipped a ring on her finger. Her breathing hitched when she spotted the extravagant jewelry sitting on her hand before a series of clap and cheers surrounded the hall...

Misha_Chrisal · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 18

"...I figured the best time to do this if not tonight while we honor my grandfather's continuing legacy so thank you, everyone, for coming and enjoy the auction."

Another man took over once the three disappeared at the back of the stage. "We'll now begin the children's art charity auction. Welcome esteemed guests. This painting is made by an 8-year-old girl..."

The voice of the host was drowned out by Xavier Rossi's statement to Beatrice Ford. "Now I see why your grandson isn't interested with my daughter anymore," Xavier commented with a chuckle before drinking down the wine in his glass as soon as Cedric's speech ended.

"Ah yes," Beatrice flashed the group with a smile that made the wrinkle on the side of her eyes more defined.

The auction went on and the Rossi's, Xavier in particular, made sure to flaunt his wealth to everybody as he tries to top every bid announced. Beatrice isn't complaining though, he can do whatever he wants with his money. It's for a good cause anyway. This is also the main reason why she invited someone like Xavier.

Arrogant and wealthy.

Perfect for her charity auctions.

With this, they can start accepting more students into the academy.

After winning his third painting, Xavier Rossi looked at Beatrice smugly as if what he did is such hard work. "Ah, this is why I enjoy your events so much," he said with a belly laugh.

She let out a polite smile. "If you'd excuse me, I have something important to attend to."

She waved them goodbye and walked her way back to where her grandsons disappeared to. Once she stepped behind the curtain that leads to the backstage rooms, a smiling Lucas suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Gran, what a surprise! What are you doing here?"

She flashed Lucas a smile before gently patting his cheek without saying anything.

Lucas responded with a sheepish smile. And with a sigh, he steps out of her way. Beatrice proceeded to enter the room Lucas seemed to be protecting. No doubt that Cedric must have put him up to it.

As soon as the door opened, Beatrice stopped in her tracks when she found the room vacant.


She turned around and saw Cedric standing outside as well while his face is painted with confusion. Beatrice couldn't help but raise a brow in suspicion so she opened the door to the room once more and went inside, "Have a chat with your grandmother for a moment."

Cedric followed his gran inside with Lucas in tow. They both sat opposite their gran who still had a small smile on her face. The setup reminded Lucas of when they were still kids and their gran would sit them together then scold him for tormenting their butler's daughter. Cedric wasn't involved but he always ends up being scolded as well for not doing anything to stop him.

"So," Beatrice began, "-tell me something about this girl."

Cedric's mind went blank. This isn't what he expected at all. He was prepared to get shout at or scolded since he was convinced that his grandmother has already seen through their lies. This is the main reason why he let Veronica Renarth escape. But his gran's question sounded as if she's interested to get to know the fake fiancée Lucas hired instead of being angry.

A hard nudge on the side cut Cedric's thoughts off. He shot Lucas a glare before moving his gaze to where his gran is.

Remembering the employee profile Lucas sent him in his email, he answered his grandmother's previous question. "She's an artist."

Well-make up, artist. Still an artist nevertheless.

"Mhm. And?"

For the first time, Cedric felt lost for words. "She's..."

Beatrice leaned forward waiting for his grandson, "She's what?"

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" He blurted out unconsciously.

Lucas snickered loud enough for Cedric to be the only one to hear it and Beatrice, for a moment, looked taken back but she immediately regained her composure with a hearty laugh. "You're right, she is."

"Have you met her Lucas?" She asked again and this time the question is directed to the other young man sitting on the couch.

"Certainly did." Lucas proudly admitted and Cedric wanted to smack him on the back of his head. He's been having this feeling that Lucas is deliberately sabotaging him.

Beatrice gave Cedric a pointed look, "Then why is that it's my first time hearing about this woman? Am I not an important part of your life that you didn't even bother introducing us?"

Beatrice's eyes started to water and she wiped a small tear on the corner of her eye. Lucas took out a neatly ironed handkerchief from his suit jacket and immediately handed it to his sniffling grandmother. Then he gives Cedric a look like it's his fault that their gran is crying while shaking his head disappointedly.

"That's not true, gran. I was going to introduce the two of you tonight." A flustered Cedric responded in panic.

"Then where is she? I don't see her anywhere, Cedric."

As expected from gran. Her attacks are quick and sharp like a knife. Lucas thought while looking at his grandmother. No wonder where his mother gotten her mouth from.

An elbow jab on the side brought Lucas back to reality. He pointedly looks at his cousin who pretended to not know anything when their eyes met.

'What?' Lucas mouthed at him but Cedric kept a straight face before mouthing 'payback'.

"Penny for your thoughts, Lucas?"

Lucas's eyes immediately met with his grandmother's, "Hm? I didn't say anything."

Beatrice shook his head before moving her gaze back to her eldest grandson. "Cedric?"

"She went home because she hasn't been feeling well since this morning." Cedric promptly answered.

Beatrice's mouth turned to a frown, "Oh, poor thing. Is she okay?" Her nose has turned a lighter shade of red from the short time she's been shedding tears.

Just as he thought that he has finally gotten over a hurdle, Beatrice Ford throws in another question that threw him off once again.

"Yes. She will be."

"She will be in 9 months, gran." Lucas suddenly chimed in out of the blue while a playful grin crossed his face as if he just revealed a secret.

Cedric swore that he'll feed his cousin's body to the dogs back at the estate. He's been planning a slow painful death for him since he messed up but now he just wants to end him once and for all.

"Goodness, Cedric." Beatrice held her chest in shock. "Is this true?"

"No, gran. It's not true."

Beatrice narrowed her eyes at her grandson. Distrust settling in on her facial expression. "You aren't lying to me, are you?"

"Of course not." He laughed without humor thinking of how ridiculous the idea is. "-She's not..."

"Pregnant? Then prove it. I want to meet her once she gets better." Beatrice got up from her seat. "-In a week, Cedric. I take it she's better by then."

Then Beatrice was gone like she wasn't even there crying just a few seconds ago.

_to be continued_