A woman runs, holding onto her torso as she keeps glancing behind her. Tears spilling from her already wet cheeks. She catches her breath and screams as the hurt in her chest tore her up internally. "Why... why?!" She cries as her clenched fist hits her broken heart. Her lover tried to drug her, thinking of ridding her of their unborn baby. She was hurt. She felt betrayed. She grew to hate him with all of her being. Still, memories of the love they shared still plagued her. How could she possibly still trust him? And yet, despite her anxiousness, she still held onto a small scale sliver of hope. All she could do now, was to leave him and keep their child safe. *** 16 years passed and there stood a young boy with silver hair and bright amethyst coloured eyes. He smiles at the horizon, staring at the capital city of the country of Enoch. Finally, he was old enough to venture out into the great city. Said to be the largest and most prosperous of the kingdom. He holds firmly onto the hope of an exciting journey as he kissed his mother goodbye. Thinking of all the warning she gave him before his journey could begin. Once in the city, his life changed forever and his perilous struggles began. *** Contains sexual implications and fantasy violence which may be disturbing for some readers. Do take note. Follow me on IG for story updates and sneak peeks! IG: random_stories_by_a_bored_girl Image of boy extracted from:
A woman lies in bed, snuggling close to her lover. She had luscious brown locks and eyes of sparkling amethyst. She sighed as her lover kissed her forehead and stroked her long hair.
The woman's lover had silver hair that made him look ethereal in the soft glow of the moonlight. He looked at her lovingly with his piercing sapphire eyes, as he kissed the tip of her hair before pulling her into his strong arms.
"I wish everyday could be this way... Don't you?" the woman asked as she lightly stroked her lover's hair, smiling to herself.
"I do... But everything will be different soon... There's much to do before I can bring you back with me..." the man said as he rubbed the woman's back softly, his voice a soft murmur.
The couple snuggled for a few moments before the man sat up in bed, finding his garments. "I'm sorry my stay was short today. I'll visit you soon... I promise." the man said as he gave one last glance to his lover before pulling on his shirt.
The woman smiled softly as her heart sank. Promise... huh... The soonest he visits is in 2 months...
She said nothing but laid on the bed, watching her lover throw on the last of his garments before making his way over to her and kissing her gently on the lips.
Diane threw her arms around him, savouring the warmth of his embrace as she breathed in the scent she was familiar with.
"Don't make that face, it makes it harder for me to part... its hard enough as it is... ... I love you, Diane... And I promise to visit you as soon as I can." the man said as he pulled himself out of his lover's embrace.
The woman smiled sadly this time and nodded as she kept her head down, avoiding his gaze as he left her alone. Once again, just like the countless times he did before.
"He never breaks his promise... No matter how late he is..." Diane whispers to herself as she cried herself to sleep. Snuggling in the warmth left on her lover's side of the bed. Memories of their first meeting dancing in her mind as she felt the exhaustion of her weeping kicking in.
The bellow of a hunting horn echoed throughout the plaza, drawing in the attention of the masses. "Hear ye! Hear ye! The Crown Prince of Enoch has been officially wed to the Duchess of the Kingdom of Lestria. Hereby commencing the peace between the two countries! Three Cheers for the wise, venerable and benevolent king! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!" the town crier rang out.
Diane looked up towards the balcony of the royal palace. Finding the source of the event, only for her to be met with a heartwrenching situation.
Tears welled in her eyes as she saw her lover standing next to a beautiful woman; the next queen of Enoch. Her heart clenched and she felt her throat contract as she turned and ran from the scene, pushing her way through the crowd as she felt her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and grew damp from her tears.
"Why did I... ever think he would be with me?" Diane sobbed as she slumped onto the ground. Memories of the moments they shared shattering, just like the breaking she felt in her heart.
Xander watched as his lover Diane ran off through the crowd, clenching the balustrade firmly, fighting the urge to run after her.
If I leave... it would be a mark of betrayal to the pledge between the two countries... It could be a means of war... I can't... leave...
He sighed miserably as his heart clenched as if someone were squeezing it. The woman beside him grinned as she gingerly touched him, catching his eyes as she teased him.
"Your little lover? Too bad you're stuck with me, huh?" the woman said as she whispered into his ears before parting from him, still smiling slyly.
Xander gritted his teeth as he let the moment sink in. He was now married to this woman, Lilith from the Lestria kingdom. She had wavy red hair and similar ruby red eyes.
If anything were to befall her, their kingdom would be consumed in the perils of war that they had just escaped through means of a political marriage.
"Why the look? Your majesty? I don't mind a little mistress. After all... you're not the only one who had to sacrifice something for their country." Lilith said as her sly smile was replaced with a solemn look.
Xander stared silently at his wife, thinking of her situation as a pawn of her country. He groans mentally as he turned to face the crowd and raised his scepter, declaring his right as the newly crowned king.