
Chapter 1(introduction)

Hi my name's Sara. I'm a normal 14 yrs old girl with a normal life. But I have a secret that no one knows about, not even my parents! If you wanna know about it then you'll find out in the later chapters ;)

So this is my story. It all started after I was born (obviously). The first person I saw was my father after I was born then there was my mother in the hospital bed tired, sweaty and unconscious. After we went home I found out that I have a brother who is 2 yrs older then me. I still remember his face when he saw me...it was filled with love and gentleness. He didn't really know how to show love to me or that he actually cares since he was not too old enough to know about these things.

Let's fast forward to the time when I was 6. Me and my mom would often go to walks to keep my mind fresh and that was where I first saw him. A boy about my age, when we made eye contact he would give me a big smile that melted my heart every time. He had dark brown eyes, long eyelashes and black hair. We never talked so I don't know his name sadly, after that I would always tell my mom to go on walks through the same path so I could see him.

After a year or so he suddenly disappeared...I still wonder where he went to, I miss him so much. Ever since then my life has been so boring, it's the same everyday.

When I was 12 I got my wolf, normally others get it at the age of 10 since that's when their puberty starts and brings changes to their body. My brother got it at the age of 9 and after that he became surprisingly strong. My friends wouldn't make fun of me because I didn't get your wolf for a long time so I love them very much, especially my best friends Jenny and Karl. I've known Jenny since we were kids and Karl, I met him at 4th grade. I didn't like him very much back then but now look at us, we are the best buddies of all time. Jenny is quite a shy girl so we don't really hang out much but still we are the best of friends.

Hey guys I'm the author of this story. I can't really upload much chapters since I'll be busy with school works and btw this story is based on my real life story except I added some more things to make it interesting. I hope you like my story! Byee have a great day guys, I love you so much <3 <3