
The Unwanted Cinderella

Kings... Queens... Princes... Princesses... In the modern 21st century, monarchy only exists in various countries like Japan and England, but what if we tinker history a little bit. Let's revise it in a way that the world that we know ceases to exist, that instead of many independent powers, the world is outclassed by one Kingdom The Kingdom of Pendragon. Gareth was the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Pendragon. He had all the things that every commoner and lords can dream of, but he detested all of that. He hated the protocois. He hated the rules. He hated the manipulations. He hated his King of a father. To him, the Palace is a place of nothing but restrictions. He felt suffocated. So, with on|y the fiery courage in his heart, he left the palace and gone rogue. The press tagged him as the prodigal son, but he couldn't care less. What matters to him was his freedom outside the grandeur prison of a palace. It is the outside world molded him to be the man that he is now; cunning, smart and ruthless. He became the captain of his ship and the master of his fate. But circumstances brought him back to the Palace. This time, he actually considered staying. He met a woman with the most gorgeous eyes and the most delicious pair of lips. Nothing surprises him anymore but the woman blows him away during their first meeting. And after a wonderful kiss, she ran away. Like Cinderella, she leaves him hanging by the thread along with her crystal stilettos.

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Chapter 9 - The First Date

Hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa rin makapaniwala si Steffanie sa mga naganap. It was simply absurd that Prince Gareth stashed ten million worth of cold-hard cash just to have a date with someone like her. Her, who was a total nobody. Her, who was a scholar.

No one in their right mind will do that. But then again, she knew that Prince Gareth does not fall under the "usual" category. He was different. He was no prince charming, but he has a different charm of his own.

Mariing tinitigan ni Steffanie ang malapit na grandfather's clock. It was already quarter to seven pm. Masyado siyang maaga. In fact, she was thirty minutes early. Napagpasyahan niya kanina na mas mabuting dumating siya ng maaga. She hated being late, no matter how fashionably it may appear.

"Ma'am, is there anything I can do for you?"

Hindi na niya namalayan na nakalapit na sa kanya ang waiter. She was seating alone in a private dining room inside one of Camelot's most exquisite restaurant, The Arca. Doon kasi siya itinuro ng maitre'd kanina nang siya ay dumating. Minsan na silang kumain dito ng kanyang kuya. The food was delectable but the price was over the top. Naghinayang lang siya sa perang nagastos ng kapatid. This was a place of luxury.

"Thanks, but I'd rather wait for His Highness before ordering."

Mataktikang tumabi na lang muli ang waiter sa sulok ng silid.

Muli namang lumipad ang kanyang isipan patungo kay Prince Gareth. Everything was still fresh as if it had happened yesterday. She could still remember their passionate first encounter and the sweet sensations it brought along with it. She was aware of her body's reaction to the man. He evoked a foreign feeling that she couldn't even name. She never felt something like this before. Only him.

Naputol ang kanyang pag-iisip nang pumasok na sa silid ang taong laman ng kanyang isipan. Gareth came in all of his royal splendor. She suddenly felt that familiar yet foreign sensations Nagsalubong ang tingin nila. She was still in awe on how expressive his eyes can get. Right now, his amber eyes emanated passion and desire. She vividly recalled the burning feeling of having his mouth on hers. How his powerful arms felt as it enveloped her. Her thoughts immediately sent sparks of desire in her body. She blushed to the roots of her hair.

As a sign of respect, tumayo siya bago ito tuluyang umupo. He sat opposite her. He flashed a naughty grin to her. Waring nababasa nito ang takbo ng kanyang isipan. Agad niyang inilayo ang tingin dito.

"I am sorry. Hindi ko alam na maaga kang darating, Should I've known, mas maaga pa sana akong nakarating." he started.

She just smiled timidly at him.

Umiling-iling ito saka sumulyap sa wristwatch. "Here I am, thinking that I will be the early bird but you beat me right through it, sweetheart."

"It's ok your highness, I didn't wait that long. Nauna lang ako ng mga fifteen minutes."

"First and foremost, do not address me as Your Highness. A plain old Gareth will do."

"But, it is very unethical."

"A lot of my friends call me that, so it's okay for me. I assume that we are friends now? Right, Steff?"

Tango na lamang ang naisagot niya rito. Her, being friends with a prince? Ni sa hinagap ay hindi man lang ito sumagi sa isipan niya.

Lumapit na ang waiter sa kanila saka inabot ang menu sa kanila. She just ordered a salad. She was so intimidated by the presence of this man that her appetite was suddenly lost. At isa pa, isa ito sa pinakamurang naroroon. Nanghihinayang pa rin siya sa laki ng perang pakakawalang nito. Gareth ordered a sirloin steak. The waiter served them with champagne bago ito tuluyang lumabas ng silid.

There was a moment of silence between them. There so many things that she wanted to ask, so many questions that needed to be answered. But be as it may, not a single word came out of her lips.

Gareth was deliberately appreciating the beauty that was front of him. Steffanie was indeed a sight to behold. She was a ray of sunlight, a breath of fresh air. One look and he's under her spell. But despite all that, he could still feel the distance between them. Na para bang may isang dingding sa pagitan nilang dalawa.

"I have to return something to you," he said.

Nakuha niya ang atensyon nito.

"May I know what is it?" she answered.

Kinuha niya dala-dala nitong kahon saka inabot sa babae. With confusion painted in her icy blue eyes, Steffanie opened the package. Nanlaki ang mata nito sa nakita. Her face suddenly turned red. Inilabas nito ang laman ng kahon. It was the same pair of shoes that she wore during the King's birthday party. It was also the same shoes that she deliberately left behind as she made her Cinderella exit.

Hindi ito makatingin ng tuwid sa kanya. Ramdam niya ang biglaang pagkailang ito. She was red all over. Right there and then, alam na niya ang tumatakbo sa utak nito. It was the same thought running in his mind, the sweet berry-like taste of her succulent lips, the magic of their first encounter. Muntik na niyang matadyakan ang sarili sa isiping iyon. Just the thought of kissing her made him hard again. His libido was skyrocketing over the roof.

"Thank you," tipid nitong sagot.

She was tensed. Ramdam niya iyon. He needed to break the wall that separated them and he didn't know how. For the first time in his life, he did not know how to charm a woman, this woman in particular. And for the love that is all good, he didn't even know how to fucking start a good conversation with her! She was very delicate. Alam niya iyon. Na para bang lahat ng sasabihin niya ay may kaakibat na epekto rito. And that was not in a very good way.

"How are you? How are your injuries?" she started. Hindi pa rin ito makatingin ng tuwid sa kanya. With that, he finally saw the window of opportunity that he's been waiting for.

"I've recovered very well, thanks to you. By the way, hindi pa ako pormal na nakakapagpasalamat sa ginawa mo. What you did was very heroic."

She blushed at his open praise. "Salamat po Kamahalan. I am just doing what is right. Lahat naman gagawin iyon kung sila ang nasa katayuan ko. A person's life is very valuable regardless of one's status. Kailangan natin itong pangalagaan."

"You seemed very poetic," papuri niya sa babae.

She just remained passive despite his efforts to sustain their conversation.

"And you right Steff, life is valuable. We only live once. We should make the best out of it," he added.

She was about to say something but the waiters came in with their orders. Isa-isang inihanda ng mga ito ang dalang pagkain sa kanilang hapag. Steff's full concentration was on the food that they were serving. Natapos na ang mga ito sa paghahain ngunit nakatingin pa rin ito sa pagkaing nasa mesa. Ni hindi man lang nito ginagalaw ang mga ito.

"Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?"

She looked at him, her eyes asking him dozens of questions at the same time. "Why?"

"Why what?" he answered.

Bumuntong hininga ito. "What is the reason why you did all this? Kung ang pagligtas ko po sa inyo ang dahilan, hindi na po kayo dapat nag-abala pa. This is very grandeur. A simple thank you would be enough."

"Again, please loose all the formalities. It makes me feel twenty years older. And I don't think I'm following your track, sweetheart."

"Gumastos ka ng malaking pera sa charity event just to have a date with me. Then, this place is no poor man's den. Napakalaking pera na ang napakawalan mo para isang kagaya ko."

He could feel the sadness in her voice. He could feel her insecurity. His protective instinct rose. What made her become this? Who did this to her? He clenched his fist. He wanted to punch the face of that someone who made her feel so unwanted.

"What's wrong with someone like you," he said tenderly. But she just remained still.

"C'mon Steff, look at me sweetheart." And look she did.

"Look into my eyes." He was now looking at the beauty of her soul. Her eyes expressed everything.

"You are beautiful Steff. You are priceless. Always remember that. All of this money could never compare to you, sweetheart."

"Thank you."

And finally, for the first time tonight, he saw her smile. Her candid smile made him daze. It was as if he was a blind man who got a glimpse of the beauty of light for the first time. Damn it! But she was so beautiful that he suddenly had an urge to envelop her in his arms.

"You know Steff, your smile makes you more beautiful. You should wear it often."

Nakita niya ang muling pamumula nito, waring nahihiya sa kanya.

"Maraming salamat. But smiling is never that easy, especially when you live in a world where sorrow seems to always prevail."

He clenched his fist. Ramdam niya ang lungkot ng babae sa bawat salitang binitiwan nito. He wanted to comfort her, to relieve her of her sadness. But who was he kidding? He, too, had his own personal brand of misery.

"I'm sorry for asking," the words suddenly slipped from his mouth.

"It's nothing really. Just an impending thought," sagot nito sa kanya. But he knew that there was something more behind those words.

He then decided not delve deeper.Hindi pa ito ang tamang panahon. They should have fun tonight.

"Anong pinagkakaabalahan mo ngayong mga panahong ito?" mataktika niyang pagpapalit ng usapan.

Waring nag-isip muna ito saka sumagot, "I am completing my entire course requirement for my graduation."

He nodded. "I see. So finally, your dream to become an artist will soon come true."

Napatingin ito sa kanya. A soft smile formed in her lips. "Actually, I never dreamed of becoming a painter or an artist. It is too grand for me. I am just doing this because I love expressing myself through my art. My dreams are actually very simple."

"Care to share those simple dreams of yours?"

Nagdalawang-isip ito bago sumagot, "Ayoko. Baka matawa ka lang. My dreams are very shallow."

"Trust me, sweetheart. I won't."

Huminga ito ng malalim. "But before that, may tanong din ako. If you answer my question, I'll answer yours."

Natutuwa siya sa daloy ng kanilang usapan. Somehow, he knew that the wall between them was easily collapsing.


"Well... I am just curious. How does it feel to live inside a palace?"

Huminga muna siya ng malalim bago sumagot. "The palace is a wonderful place. Inside, there are many people who will try to earn your favor. You have subjects everywhere. All the wealth of this Kingdom is at your disposal. Probably, it is a place to be for everyone who seeks power and wealth."

He stopped there. He did not want to elaborate anymore. Baka may kung ano pa siyang masabi rito. He's afraid of breaking her girlish fantasies of prince, princess and the castle. Iyon naman ang laging tingin ng lahat sa palasyo, na ito ay isang lugar lamang ng karangyaan. And be as ironic as it may seem, it was actually the opposite for him. He did ask nor want any of those. The palace was his personal prison.

"But I bet it is lonely there," she said.

Nagulat siya sa sinabi nito. Not once in his life had he heard someone refer to the palace as a lonely place.

"How can you say that?" he said.

"Please don't get me wrong, I know how wonderful the palace can be. For some reasons, I feel that it's lonely there. All your actions are for the world to see. You are constricted with laws and expectations of the people."

He was shocked at how she phrased everything. She was right. She hit it point on.

"Nicely said, sweetheart. The palace is never for the faint hearted."

"I'm sorry for giving my unsolicited opinion," she apologized.

"It's good. We have a deal, right? I did my part of the bargain. It's your turn. May I know these dreams that you referred to as being very shallow?"

Nagsubo muna ito ng pagkain bago sumagot. "I have a very complicated childhood. There are things that I was not able to do and there are so many regrets. So basically, my dreams are just a mirror of my frustrations when I was just a child."

Interesado siya tinatakbo ng kanilang usapan. Sa katunayan, his interest was really piqued.

"Then? Sige ituloy mo lang."

She blankly stared on the table. A soft but radiant aura was enveloping her."Please, don't laugh."

"I promise," he said while playfully raising his right hand.

"Well, other kids dream to be a doctor or an engineer, while I dream of simply touching the sky. I want to see the things from above, like how the wonderful Creator sees His creations. I want to see the stars. How the twinkling stars light up the milky way. Gusto ko ring magkaroon ng pusa. Never pa kasi akong nagkaroon ng pet."

He was so engrossed listening to her. He could feel her innocent ardor as she candidly express her innermost dreams.

"Quite a list you got there, sweetheart," he commented.

She nodded. "Then there are the dreams that are impossible for me to reach."

Biglang nagbago ang tono nito. Suddenly, her words were now full of unspoken sadness.

"Like what? If you do not mind me asking?"

She looked him in the eyes. He could see the sudden vulnerability in her soul. Tipid itong ngumiti, "I want to be someone else, kahit na isang araw lang. I want to feel what is like being in the shoes of other people, of leaving my life behind to trace someone else's destiny."

"And why would you want that?"

Nanatili ang katahimikan. Then he understood her silence. Hindi nito nais na pag-usapang ang dahilan.

"At pinaka aasam ko sa lahat, I want my mom to witness my happy ever after. That is, if I truly have a happy ever after."

Hindi na alam ni Steffanie kung ano na ang nangyayari. One thing lead to another. She just found herself opening her pent-up frustrations to Gareth. He was such a good listener and she felt secured with him. She could feel his genuine concern every time their eyes met.

Ngumiti ito sa kanya. It was a smile of reassurance. Suddenly, she was drawn by the masculine beauty of this man.

"Those dreams are wonderful. Simple but very sincere," Gareth with a saccharine smile still pasted on his gorgeous face.

"If there is anything I can do to help you, just ask," he added.

She suddenly felt his commanding presence. Even when seated, Gareth still exuded an air of authority. His stance said that he was a man of high status. He was very potently male, a true Alpha. Suddenly, she remembered something. Her brain worked nonstop. This thought once crossed her mind during the time they met at the IMPERIO but she did not entertain such thought anymore. Inakala niyang imposibleng mangyari ang kanyang naiisip. But now, today. It was not as impossible as she first assessed. Kailangan lang niyang mag-ipon ng lakas ng loob para sabihin dito ang nais niyang mangyari.

"Uhhmmm, I do need one favor," she timidly said.

"And what would that be, sweetheart?"

This is it! It is now or never Steff. Finally she let the words slip, "One of my requirements for my graduation is an exhibit. My theme is Alpha male. Naubusan ng ako ng ideas and I am on a dead end. I do not know what to do. I am really desperate. Prince Gareth, with all of the courage I can muster, may I ask you to be a model of one of my artworks?"

She watched as his face turned from being considerate to being confused and now, to being inquisitive.

"Anong ibig mong sabihin?"

Huminga siya ng mamalim. "Can you be one of my subjects for my painting?"

"Does that mean that I will pose for you in nude?"

Her imagination suddenly flew from her body. His words triggered her artistic side. She suddenly had come up with a very good concept to her painting. She could now imagine the framework of her painting. He imagined it to be masculine, to radiate an altruistic yet very powerful aura. She imagined how perfect he could be in the image painted in her mind, how the contours on his chiselled body could emanate power and supremacy, how his face could fit the characteristics of a war god.

"Yes, I think you might have to strip." She blushed intensely. Iniwasan niya ang mga tingin nito. Kahit papaano kasi ay tinatablan pa rin siya ng hiya. But she did not have any choice left.

"Sweetheart, I'd strip for you any time you want. But not for the sake of art. When I strip, drawing will be the last thing you'll do."

His eyes were now enflamed with passion and undiluted lust. Lalo lamang siyang nahiya rito.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

Tumikhim ito, "I am sorry sweetheart, but it is a no."

Steffanie was light headed when she woke up in her studio. Nakatulugan na niya ang pagpipinta ng kanyang mga paintings. She was still empty-handed. Pawang mga backgrounds lamang ang kanyang nagawa at mga paintings that would be put in the sidelines. She could not start with her main pieces. Hindi niya alam kung paano ito gagawin. Kung pumawag lamang siguro si Gareth na maging modelo niya. 'Di sana kahit papaano ay may nasisimulan na siya. But he didn't.

Naalala pa niya ang pagtanggi nito dalawang araw na ang nakalipas. She did not push her luck. She could sense the finality in his voice. At isa pa, tinablan na talaga siya ng hiya ng mga panahong iyon kaya napagpasyahan na lang niyang huwag nang ipilit pa.

Tinitigan niya ang pintang ilang araw na ring nakatambak. It was the faceless god of war. She let out a sigh.

That night was indeed one of the most wonderful nights in her life. It was her first date ever and it was with a Prince of this Kingdom. She was also very happy at how good Gareth's company can be. Naging kumportable siya rito. They exchange petty talks and shared some intimate conversations. Sinabi niya rito ang kanyang mababaw na pangarap samantalang nagkwento naman ito tungkol sa buhay nito.

He shared about his family, that theirs was the second family of the King, that his mother was the second wife of the monarch. Nagkwento rin ito tungkol sa mga kapatid, that in their mother he has an older brother and a younger sister, Prince Lancelot and Princess Anya. She actually learned a lot from him. By the end of that date, she considered Gareth as one of her friends. That was, neglecting the fact of the sexual tension brewing between them.

Inayos niya ang mga gamit saka nilinis ang paligid. Kailangan na niyang magbihis dahil may klase siya ngayong araw. Mabilis niyang binagtas ang daan patungo sa kanyang tahanan nang masigurong maayos na ang kanyang studio.

Naglalakad siya nang muling makita ang eskinita kung saan niya natagpuan ang duguang si Gareth. That dreadful night shall be forever etched in her mind. And she will always be thankful that Gareth was now safe.

She was nearing the door of her condo unit when the guard of their building suddenly approached her.

"Ma'am, may package po sa inyo?" the man in his mid-forties told him.

"Galing po kanino?"

"Naku ma'am, hindi ko po alam. Idiniliver lang po kani-kanina lang sa front desk. Para raw po sa inyo."

Sinundan naman niya ito sa loob ng opisina ng front desk officer. What she saw shocked her. It was a cage with a gray Persian cat in it. It was sluggishly purring inside.

"Miss Steffanie, sa inyo raw po ito. Kindly receive na lang po."

Iniabot nito ang hawak na papel sa kanya. Agad naman niya itong pinirmahan. Her eyes were still glued on the magnificent beauty of the cat.

"Ma'am, the manager would just like to remind you on the strict rules of the building regarding pets."

She just gave a nod. She immediately approached the cage. A card was attached on it. She read it.


Always keep that beautiful smile of yours. His name is Ash. Sometimes, even the most petty dreams could come true.

Despite being unsigned, she knew who gave this cat to her. Her heart gave a somersault. This was the first time she received a gift aside from her brother and Sofia. She was definitely happy. Agad niyang kinuha ang pusa saka binagtas ang daan patungo sa kanyang unit. She hummed a happy hymn habang hindi mapalis ang ngiti sa kanyang mga labi.