
The Unventured Passions

Unventured Passions is a contemporary romance novella in Indian context, weaving tales about a prominent young 18 year old landlord, who after becoming a barrister, returns to his country, only to find himself entangled with the fate of a 9 year old child, a girl. On a fateful stormy night, infront of hundreds of villagers, the young barrister was compelled to marry the little girl to save her life from the prevailing social evils that would have led her to imminent death. But, needless to say, he could never accept her as his wife. With an age difference of 9 years, the relationship between the two remained as that of a mentor and a mentee, a teacher and a student, for years, each growing up slowly amidst platonic companionship, until one sensuous moment of weakness. The blossoming teen girl had fallen hard for her cold barrister husband... and fearing the worst, the husband sends her away, only to realise he too had fallen for her madly... But it's late already! His baby wife wasn't a baby anymore, and the fiery passion burns hard... Would he be able to get this beautiful fiesty wife back? Will the young lady accept her husband who had renounced her once so heartlessly? The story revolves around love, hatred, jealousy, mystery, action, patriotism, and an unforgettable tale of passions above all... a saga of love beyond all odds. *Mature Content Alert*

AndieeSen21 · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter 14 Graduation Day

The guests have already arrived and are seated at their designated places in a open air theatre inside the convent premises. The sitting arrangement was such that Vandita could see Kaka and Batuk from afar from her standing shade behind the stage. Ms. Lenny was calling the students on stage for felicitation one by one. And finally it was Vandita's turn. She was nervous and excited at the same time. Although it was not the first time she would be making a public speech, but, there was a lot of difference in convincing those village women to study and to give a Graduation speech infront of so many honorable guests.

She clutched the chit in her hand and walked up on the stage.

Ms. Lenny introduced Vandita and mentioned her extraordinary academic accolades.

"Vandita, my girl, would you like to speak about your journey?" Ms. Lenny requested.

Vandita nodded with an awkward smile. She had prepared a thank you note. But, her journey?

"Respected Guests, Ms Lenny, Sister Audrey and all my fellow students." She started, and then gulped.

"I'm thankful to all of you. Without your consistent support, it would have not been possible for me to stand here today." She paused. "I would also like to thank my family, my uncle Mr. Trilochan Roychowdhury and my brother, Batuk Roy Choudhury. They are the source of my strength." Vandita looked visibly nervous. She paused to search for the right words. She looked at the chit in her hand and clutched it back. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. Futile it was to read from it.

"My Barrister Babu always used to tell me... Vandita, if you ever feel too full for words, close your eyes and search your heart." She started.

"If today, I'm able to stand here, among you fine people, it's because of my Barrister Babu. Not a lot of you would know, but I'm a victim of child marriage. When I was 9, my widow ailing mother was forced to agree to get me married with an 87 years old man. Thanks to Kulinism in our country." She chuckled, and a slight murmur rose among the seated audience. Vandita continued with a smile.

"On the day of the wedding, the man died and I was drugged. I was about to be thrown into the burning pyre along with that old man, but, Barrister Babu saved my life. He saved me from my eminent death and I owe him my everything." She stopped to wipe a single tear rolling down her cheek, smiling, and then she closed her eyes before speaking again, "Barrister Babu, I know you won't be able to hear me today. But, Thank you... Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for never losing hope, thank you for not giving up on me. I wish you were here, but today, I pledge to walk upon your shown footsteps. I pledge to make a positive different in our society. I pledge to never let you down."

A roar of applause rose from the audience. Vandita could see tears of pride in Kaka Sasurji's eyes. Batuk was whistling!

'The best birthday ever', Vandita thought.

it was not long before Ms. Lenny spoke again.

"Vandita has been an inspiration to all of us. And it's with great honour, I call upon the stage an important trustee member of this convent to felicitate this deserving girl. This man needs no new introduction. A prominent social worker, who has always preferred to extend his support without stepping into the limelight himself. A man who has relentlessly worked on social reformation laws. He has earned himself quite a reputation in India and abroad... My friend, Barrister Awnirudh Roy Chowdhury. "

The crowd cheered again.

Vandita heard the name too. She could feel a strange palpitation engulfing her senses. In an instance, everything stopped and faded away infront of her eyes. The applauds, Ms. Lenny... everything felt distant. The only sound she could hear was the thumping of her heartbeat and her rapid breathing.

And then she saw him... Her Awnirudh!

He was walking towards her. That same old face, that same old smile... Vandita couldn't think anymore. a sudden adrenaline rush overwhelmed her such, that she lost control of her senses.


Awnirudh instinctively rushed and caught her from falling down.

"I heard you Vandita. I'm here now. I won't let you fall." He whispered in a throaty voice before helping her stand steadily again.

'Barrister babu, is this really you?... Or am I dreaming? Or, Dead!' Vandita thought, mesmerized at the vehemence of the situation.


As planned, Awnirudh arrived at Calcutta Port 3 days before Vandita's birthday. It took him almost a day to clear customs and get the newly imported car on road. The next 37 hours, he just drove. Straight from Calcutta to Dehradun. He would occasionally take breaks to eat or stretch, but every time he would take out Vandita's picture from the dashboard and gape at it.

'Her eyes...! She can't be from this world." He would tell himself and start driving again with renewed vigour.

He reached Dehradun British convent the night before. He had already telegramed Lenny about his arrival and also requested discretion. He wanted to surprise her, he wanted to see her reaction.

He had spent the night in one of the faculty guest room in utter anticipation.

His excitement overpowered all his exertions. His mind, body, soul... all was occupied with one thought- Vandita!

He was getting dressed in the morning in the room when he first saw her through the folds of his French window. She was swinging slowly with a book in hand, engrossed in reading.

It was quite early in the morning and the ceremony preparations had not yet begun.

He had recognised her instantly. He would have recognised her in a heartbeat amidst a crowd of hundreds. It's hard to miss those long black traces and those big calm ocean deep eyes!

He stood by the window transfixed at the alluring beauty of the scene. Her face was calm and fresh like a morning dew reflecting the first sunlight. Her big eyelashes were fluttering in a rhythm. Her lips wore a constant curve of content. She was flittering her feet occasionally like a young butterfly. Awnirudh felt a strong magnetic urge to run down to her and take her in his arms.

"Look at her! Not a care in the world." He thought. "And here I am, dying for you Vandita."

Awnirudh had patiently awaited the right opportunity to reveal himself infront of her and Lenny helped him unknowingly. She suggested him to present Vandita with her felicitation scroll on stage and Awnirudh jumped at the offer.

Vandita's speech was not exactly what Awnirudh had expected. She spoke from her heart without any inhibitions. He couldn't help but feel awed by her candid honesty.

"You have taught yourself well Vandita. You have made everyone proud." He thought as his eyes teared up in that moment of pride.

And then was the moment he had been waiting for. After hearing his name, Vandita had turned around. Her face, expressionless, or perhaps was laced with so many mixed emotions that Awnirudh couldn't decipher them at that moment. Then, suddenly, she lost her balance. Awnirudh felt as if he knew this would happen, as if he always was ready for it. Within an imperceptible moment, he had reached Vandita and helped her in his arms. His right hand held her wrist while the left provided her support from the back. She instinctively clutched his neck and that's when their eyes met!

"Barrister Babu? "

There were so many emotions, so many questions, laced in that one single address!


Kaka and Batuk couldn't have been happier. First, Vandita graduated and next, Awnirudh had finally returned. Kaka was probably praying for this moment day and night since the last 4 years and when he saw his wish to materialize, his happiness knew no bound.


The post ceremony party continued at the Roy Chowdhury banglow. Vandita had invited Lenny and a few of her close friends along with their families.

Awnirudh had arranged a lovely cake with 18 candles to celebrate her birthday in the English style. Right before blowing the candles, Kshitija pulled Vandita aside and smirked.

"So, Bondita Roy Chowdhury, I could have never ever imagined that your Barrister Babu is none other than the famous Awnirudh Roy Chowdhury." She teased her.

"Look at him, the handsome hunk!" Kshitija gawked at him shamelessly.

Vandita faked anger and said.

"Why don't you leave your Suresh daktar and ask Mr. Handsome Hunk to marry you instead."

"Suresh is monotonous. But Awnirudh is different. He is not the marrying type Vandita, he is to be eaten, relished and savoured at leisure." Kshitija remarked.

"Issh!!" Vandita frowned at her friend in displeasure before blowing the candles.

The cake was delicious. Awnirudh had administered the party with a miniscule detailing.

The festive evening was finally drawing towards a closure with the party coming to a close. The guests were bidding their goodbyes and were wishing Vandita well.

"Vandita, may I speak to you for a minute?"

Vandita turned around to find Rishit standing infront of her.

She had known Rishit for quite sometime now. He was Kshitija's twin brother but unlike the sister, the brother actually knows how to control a tongue!

Rishit was eloquent and easy to talk to. He had also helped Vandita and Lenny in their social work a few times.

"Tell me Rishit. How are you? Sorry I couldn't speak to you any earlier." Vandita spoke courteously.

"Well, it's about your speech earlier. I'm sorry you had to go through all that... I mean Child marriage is a curse you see." He said.

Vandita sighed. "It was indeed a curse. But thanks to Awnirudh Babu, the British Government has officially put a bann on it." She quickly searched the room and her eyes met Awnirudh's. She caught him staring at her sorely from a distance.

"Well Vandita, the good part is you are not married any more." Rishit laughed awkwardly. So, have you thought of remarrying?.. I mean..."

"Huh..?" Vandita, however, was lost already. "I'm sorry, what was it again?" She asked him nonchalantly.

"Nevermind. Happy Birthday, Vandita" Rishit wished her before leaving.

'Gosh... She is gorgeous!' he thought.


It was already 9pm. Night looms briskly in the mountains. All the guests had departed and Vandita was helping Koeli clean up the bits and bobs.

Since after her encounter with Awnirudh in the morning, she had been in a trans all day. Although physically present, her mind, time and again, was drifting off to some unknown possibility.

She had not have the opportunity to speak to him in solitary and her heart craved for it.

"Vandita...." Awnirudh called her name gently.

His husky voice was enough to melt her heart.

"Vandita, if you are not too cold, would you like to come and join me in the terrace garden?" Awnirudh asked her.

"Yes." Vandita replied promptly.

Koeli had learnt the hard way. She quietly lifted the plates and left the room.

Vandita tiptoed to the terrace and found Awnirudh fondling a long necked glass bottle.

"It's called a champagne, Vandita. It's a liquor. I brought it from London for us." He paused. "My father made me taste my first champagne when I had graduated. So here you go." He raised a stem glass to her. "Unless.... " He waited for her to answer.

"He said 'us'!!", her mind was racing.

But she maintained her outward composer. "I'll try. Thank you" she said softly.

Awnirudh pouring a glass for himself, pulled a deck chair. He gestured Vandita to sit beside him.

After a brief pause Awnirudh finally spoke.

"Dehradun is a beautiful place. It's like falling in love at first sight. It's pristine and serene... Just like you!"