
Chapter 9: It's Just a Teacher, What's There to Regret?_1

Translator: 549690339

But when it comes to the most formidable families, the Zachmann and Tucker Families absolutely rank at the top, along with the Sullivan Family. The Fisher Family could only barely squeeze into this circle.

Among these families, the Zachmann Family took the lead.

Because the Zachmann family had intricate relationships with Beijing, Mr. Zachmann was also a prominent figure in McKinney during his youth.

However, as he got older and his health deteriorated, he moved to Beijing for convalescence ten years ago and seldom returned.

The younger generation had heard of his name, but rarely saw him in person.

When Mr. Zachmann saw the group approaching, his spirits lifted with joy, and he laughed with a booming voice, "Coming back to pick up my granddaughter."

"Granddaughter?" Adelia Tucker turned towards Nathalie Quinlan, who was silently pushing his wheelchair behind him.

Clear skin and fine bones, with distinguished eyebrows.

"That's right, this little girl. She really has grown up to be quite beautiful!" She wasn't exaggerating; the Zachmann family members were all good-looking, but this girl's appearance... how should one put it, absolutely stunning!

Mr. Zachmann couldn't help but laugh, "Ahaha, just a child after all, appearances aren't important."

Though he said this, he couldn't hide the pride on his face as he introduced Nathalie, "Nathalie, this is Grandma Tucker."

Nathalie Quinlan's eyebrows twitched slightly as she obediently called out, "Grandma Tucker."

Adelia Tucker immediately removed a string of beads from her wrist and insisted on giving them to Nathalie, while feeling guilty, she said, "Oh dear, Nathalie is such a good girl. I didn't know your grandfather was bringing you here for dinner today, otherwise, I would have definitely prepared a proper gift for our meeting. I've worn this string of beads for a few years; they were blessed by Master Woomin at Pujo Temple a few years ago. Don't disdain them."

Nathalie declined several times but couldn't refuse, especially after Mr. Zachmann spoke up, so she reluctantly accepted the gift.

After giving her gift, Adelia Tucker was satisfied and started to chat with the old man about family matters.

The Quinlan family group, including Mrs. Fisher, were all left dumbfounded.

Especially Cindy Lawrence and Jeff Quinlan who had faces mixed with shades of green and purple, Jeff even more so as he stood there unclear whether to join the conversation or not.

Ghania Quinlan was struck as if by lightning at that moment; her delicate face turned as pale as paper.

She clenched her fingers and muttered in a voice only she could hear, unable to believe, "Aren't her parents from Hillwood County? How could Grandma Tucker know them?"

And Adelia Tucker's attitude, it wasn't just familiarity, but even a deliberate closeness to the old man beside Nathalie!

Nathalie, how could she know such people?


After chatting with Mr. Zachmann for a bit, Adelia Tucker turned her questions towards Nathalie, "Nathalie must be in high school by now, right?"

"About to start her third year of high school," Mr. Zachmann answered cheerfully.

Adelia Tucker glanced at Nathalie and asked, "Where does she study?"

Mr. Zachmann didn't hide anything, casually replying, "McKinney No. 1 Middle School. She took a year off, so she had to pick a new school. I asked her, and she felt McKinney No. 1 Middle School was fine, so I let her continue schooling here temporarily."

Ghania Quinlan and the rest of the Quinlan family, lost in thought, heard the name McKinney No. 1 Middle School. The last trace of color on Ghania's lips vanished, and she nearly couldn't stand up.

McKinney No. 1 Middle School?

Nathalie is going to attend McKinney No. 1 Middle School?!

Back when she took her high school entrance exams, her family had gone to great lengths to secure her a spot at McKinney No. 1 Middle School, yet for the other party it was just a casual mention. The huge gap made her feel faint.

She couldn't bring herself to listen to what Adelia Tucker said thereafter.

It was only after Nathalie and Mr. Zachmann's group had left that Ghania slowly came back to her senses, hearing her own grandmother inquiring about the distinguished Grandma Tucker and Mrs. Tucker.

"Who was that old gentleman just now?"

Adelia Tucker didn't know their relation to Nathalie and casually replied, "Oh, you mean Mr. Zachmann? He's an old friend of mine."

Cindy Lawrence asked in confusion, "What kind of friend? How come you've never mentioned him before?"

"We don't socialize often so I never had the occasion to mention it." Adelia Tucker was on good terms with Cindy Lawrence, but since the Quinlan family didn't quite reach the true top tier of McKinney's upper circle, and Mr. Zachmann had some connections higher up, even she had to be cautious with him, laughing as she said, "Actually, Mr. Zachmann is somewhat of a teacher to me."

She loved traditional painting, and Mr. Zachmann was a figure at the master level. She had sought his advice a few times.

It wasn't an overstatement to call him somewhat of a teacher.

"Oh," Cindy Lawrence understood then.

Nathalie's poor relatives were from Hillwood County, but it seemed he must have been a respected teacher there with a bit of local fame.

She knew her friend adored traditional painting, so perhaps that old man had some skills in that area too! TV dramas often portrayed such hidden masters appearing in rural areas. Unfortunately, he wasn't some famous teacher.

"I had heard before that he lost a granddaughter and had never found her. It's been so long, and I didn't expect they finally found her!"

"Having their child missing for so long and finally getting her back, they're bound to dote on her like she's the apple of their eye."

"That girl really is fortunate. I heard Mr. Zachmann found information about his granddaughter online. She had posted her information on the internet, which shows that the family she was with probably didn't treat her well... I wonder if that family will regret it in the future?"

The Quinlan family felt the sting as if they had been slapped, all too embarrassed to utter a single word!

Jeff Quinlan thought back to when he had assumed Nathalie had come after him for money, and his face burned with shame, his insides churning uncomfortably, at a complete loss for words.

It was only Cindy Lawrence who, watching Nathalie's retreating figure, wore an indifferent expression and commented, "...It's just a teacher, what's there to regret?"

"..." A teacher? Had she misunderstood something?

As the others had moved far away, Adelia Tucker didn't say anything more.