
Chapter 245: Amadeus: As It Should Be_1

Translator: 549690339

At least when Mr. Yapiter ran into him, the familiarity with which the two greeted each other didn't seem like they had been strangers before.

But could a character recognized by a big shot in that circle be just an ordinary role?

"What are you dawdling for? The lens, hurry up and get the camera ready!"

They had their material for today!

A showdown between the true and the false heiress, the 'false heiress' harshly stepping on the true one! Half of McKinney gathering around!

It was all so sensational!

While the reporters were bustling about, the guests invited by the Quinlan family also started to stir, whispering to one another and discussing fervently.

Only Olivia Barness and a few others who didn't recognize the top-notch figures were at a loss, clueless about the calibre of the people that Nathalie Quinlan had brought along.

But anyone who knew of the stature of the guest arriving with them wished they could be part of that group.