
Chapter 12: Anger Upon Touch_1

Translator: 549690339

In the psychology clinic, Nathalie Quinlan made her way through the corridor with familiar ease, grabbing what she wanted from the therapy room.

The psychologist here was surprisingly young, at most in his early twenties, with peach blossom eyes even more captivating than Audrick Zachmann's. Underneath his large white coat, he wore a V-neck black T-shirt that was almost down to his chest, and he wasn't satisfied with just that—he hung a silver skull necklace over it. The silver skull's teeth shimmered menacingly in the sunlight, flaunting an unruly attitude!

It's just that his mouth was a bit foul.

"Nathalie, why did you keep hanging up on my phone calls?"

Nathalie dumped all her medications into a chewing gum bottle, then tossed the labeled medicine bottles into the trash can without looking up and replied, "I was eating."

In this place, she relaxed a great deal, standing without any semblance of propriety.

Lowie Wilmar clearly didn't accept her explanation, forcing his face that could bewitch young girls right in front of her, demanding her attention, "Is eating more important than me?"

Nathalie, annoyed by his nagging, frowned and pushed away his face, which had gotten too close, "Don't come near, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist punching you."

"Tsk, planning to murder your own husband, huh!"

While he said that, he leaned backward, not pressing in as closely as before. His handsome face showed a look of grievance as he spoke, "I'm your boyfriend after all, isn't that a bit too ruthless?"

Nathalie corrected his misuse of words, "Ex-boyfriend!"

Lowie Wilmar was unfazed, "An ex-boyfriend is still a boyfriend! Anyway, since you've broken up with Zayn Fisher, I've been your backup for so long, don't you think it's time to consider upgrading me to the main role?"

He was usually the joking type, and Nathalie sometimes couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. She impatiently brushed away his hand and frowned, "Not considering it! Didn't we try it before? You just don't cut it."

You just don't cut it!

"You knew I didn't cut it after just three days?" Lowie Wilmar felt a surge of frustration descending upon him, his handsome face darkening as he gritted his teeth, squeezing out through clenched teeth, "As long as you're willing to try, I can outperform anyone!"

Just three days, and she dumped him.

He hadn't even held her hand, yet was forcibly labeled as inadequate, a claim that would make people laugh out loud!

"So good you'd call me 'Daddy'!"

Nathalie glanced indifferently at the man fuming with irritation, her tone cold and merciless, "No, you just don't cut it."

"Damn it!"

At a loss for words from the rebuff, Lowie Wilmar rested his forehead on his hand, grumpily argued with her, "What do you mean I don't cut it? Nathalie, it's you who doesn't cut it, alright? What the hell is wrong with you? The mere touch from the opposite sex disgusts you and makes you agitated. I've even consulted with the top escort at McKinney, who has seen it all, and even he has never heard of such a condition. There's only one other place I've seen something like your condition!"

Nathalie couldn't help but feel curious, "Where?"

Lowie Wilmar tugged at the corner of his mouth, his fake smile glaring as he stared at her, "In 'The Innocent CEO Falls for Me'."

Nathalie: "?"

Seeing her porcelain white, melon-seeded face, one part cold, one part indifferent, and another part naive, a good part of Lowie Wilmar's irritation dissipated.

He couldn't muster his anger, took a sip of cold water to cool down, and waved his hand like a deflated ball, "A web novel. No surprise you haven't heard of it!"

The plot was so cringe-worthy and the content so exaggerated, he didn't even want to recall it a second time.

However, the male protagonist's situation was indeed similar to Nathalie's—unable to be touched by any member of the opposite sex, flipping out at the slightest contact.