
The Unusual Protagonist

The story is about Merida with her unsung frame of mind, died in most unpredicted and very regrettable way. Being reincarnated is not what she expected to happen to continue her wasted life but thinking back after what everything happened before the incident, she immediately accepted her fate and instead became "the unusual protagonist" of her own story. Regretting the fact that she wasn't even given an enough time to spend her life to its extend. Thus, she used the opportunity of being reincarnated and spend it like what she wants it to be, that probably lead her to most unexplainable, unimaginable and most craziest insane incest situation. (Err...  insanely incest? I know right, this might be even the craziest and creepiest thing that Merida ever did in her life.)

Zeestarisyours · Fantasy
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6 Chs


R E W I N D⏩

After the class, I immediately went to the faculty to help the teachers just like any other day as i was already used to this kind of life cycle– I am a proud student‐teacher and part of the deans student list, It quite simply means that greater achievements equals to a bigger responsibility that i need to weigh.

There was only few students left at school, most of them were busy with their own stuffs... some of them were probably staying at our dorm school so they do not bother to leave right after the class.

"Are you sure you'll be fine? If you want i'll give you a ride." The other teacher asked me, it made me shook my head with a smile, declining her offer. Finally everyone decided to leave as they made me sure to secure the lock of every window and the door before i leave.

Or so that is what i thought, after finishing the papers i already left the table and went to the windows to secure its lock not until i saw him. Standing and looking intently at me.

Anthony Smith

He was a prince with gallantry wrapped around his body. His soul chimed with elegance and power that scarred the people away when they go closer to him.

He's the epitome of beauty.

Blessed with saint looks chiseled brick-hard muscles. His oceanic eyes were the death of me. A brave and playful knight that always hunt me in my dreams . Everyone would die chasing after him.

Anthony Smith is a diamond, the one that can never be trade.

When he look at me i can see golden shinning light with pure white feathers falling all around him. Gosh! This Smith guy is the death of every woman at our campus. However, even if he is the only last man on earth i'd still choose my career over love... sigh I closed the tinted window followed with the curtain but i can still feel his hot gazes intently like he can see through me.

I left the room after securing the lock of all the windows and the door; heading to dorm.


Four AM in the morning, i head out as usual for a morning jog. It's weekend today and usually there are only few students whose staying right now at school dorms as they've decided to spend the weekends with their families that lasts until the day after tomorrow.

I went to the oval and started running after turning on my MP3 to play music. I am running all by myself right now not until a shadow beside me appeared, my steps faltered and look beside me. It's him i look at his back that jogged passed me.

Damn this Smith guy!

I run again but this time beside him, i lowered the volume of my headphone as i tried to talk to him.

"Didn't know you're into running Smith." I cleared my throat and keep my formal voice. I can't let him notice me getting gaga over him.

Gosh this is so awkward!

"Yeah, not until i saw you."

My face hardened, still can feel my ears getting heat tho...

I tilted my head out of disbelief and bewilderment when i realized that, did he just flirt with me?! I quicken my pace and ran ahead of him, but to my dismay because he was taller than me and his footsteps were a lot bigger than mine, he easily caught up with me. "Tomorrow, seven pm sharp. I want you in front of our student council room." He smoothly said then preceded at running, while me... i was stoned and was forced to stop running because i feel like my feet won't respond to me anymore. What did he say? Did i heard it correctly? Why would he want me to go to student council room, it's weekend 'ya know?!

This guy was so weird that i can't even read him, yeah he's attractive but so what?!

What's wrong with Smith today? My brows furrowed, as my ears twitched.

I went back to my dorm after running a few laps. I guess i'll just go to my reserved sauna service right now since i'll be occupied tomorrow.

I fixed myself and go down for the library, i've got weekend school jobs to finish. I am currently proof reading a novel made by my senior's friend, he kindly asked me if i could do it since he's really close with that person and he doesn't want to disappoint her.

Why does brother hates me?

I read from the title. Sigh, all in all the novel is good. It was a rated R18 romance-fantasy novel, to be honest it was just my second time reading a romance novel. My first experience is not that good since the novel i had read is too lame. It's the best novel i had read so far.

It's a very interesting book. And i can actually relate at the protagonist in a lot of way. Every chapter of it leaves me breathless, i was thinking that if ever our school production would make this novel into a movie or anime adaptation under our works minus the for adult only parts this would definitely click right away.

I summarised it and take another clean paper to write my suggestions and more feedbacks so the writer could have another thought to improve it anytime.

Galena Honora Liechtenstein is the female lead, an outcast and introverted princess. She has a brother which is the villain of the novel named Franz Dietrich Liechtenstein. They are the only children of the king of Leichtenstein and princess of España(millenia after war broke around the world turning everything into a new one.)

The female lead's loving parents, the king of Liechtenstein and his queen died in an accident. Leaving them all alone, the twins were never closed to each other but never once in their life faught for the attention each of them receiving. For them they're merely stranger, aside from being only blood related nothing more.

Since the king and the queen died the only heir left for the throne is Franz. They grew more distant since Franz became more occupied in state matters. Galena without anyone beside her began to feel lonely and greedy for affection which where she found at the male lead, Alois Maximilian Luxembourge. The first son of the duke and duchess of Luxembourge.

Time flies and Franz the current king of Leichtenstein began to receive anonymous letters about the "conspiracy" plan of his only sister. At first he didn't believed it but when he saw his sister with the current heir of Luxembourge doubt filled his heart.

Soon enough, a secret investigation was oredered by the young king... with "false reports" he had proven his sister guilty at this acts of forming a coup d'etat against him.

He loathed his sister to his core, even planning to kill his sister with his own bare hands because he believed that he's the only one deserving to do it.

Princess Galena together with Lord Alois of Luxembourge fought for their innoccence. At the end they succeed. But after hearing that his brother Franz had gone insane and went for massive killing... they originally planned for a real coup d'etat to happen.

But then regret it when he saw his brother slowly dying in her amrs, asking her "Why? You're the only family i have, why kill me?" Which made her heart broke, soon enough the female lead without knowing also died in the hands of her trusted aide.

The siblings died at the same time, bowing to have a new life and path to take.

In the end the male lead grieved for his loss, got depressed and got assassinated after a year.

The wealth of Liechtenstein was given to the goverment, the monarchy without heir leads to its downfall, the monarchy country then turned to a democratic free country.

The Liechtenstein grieved for their loss...

After reading and proof reading, it's already lunch time when i got out from the library and went to the sauna that's just a few blocks away from school ground. I spent my remaining time at the sauna house to relax, their service is really good and very pleasing. It helps me loosen my tired physical and mental being.


The sunday evening falls and yet i'm still inside my room battling with myself whether i should go or not.

And of course Merida Bonifacio, is still Merida and i choose the latter and jeopardized him instead.

Days and weeks passed and i've been avoiding him like a plague. Weeks turned to months and as i was about to enter my room when i saw a glimpse of Anthony hands on his pocket and intently looking at me. I shivered at his sight, it feels like he's throwing me daggers and if looks can kill i might be lying dead by now–black feathers of a fallen angel falling and imitting from his aura. It hits me down to the core(i felt guilty, did he really wait for me to come?)

I just glared at him, shrugged my shoulders silently and swiftly went inside the classroom. Then suddenly without a blink a pail of cold water fell down out of nowhere soaking me wet.

I blink, blink, blink and blink again. Until it registerered my mind, i heard everyone's laugh. They exchoed in my mind, replaying like it was programmed to be replayed.

I felt a warm clothing enveloped me, i blink and look at beside me and then there... i saw him. Gone with his angels look, now looking like he's on verge of killing.

I once more shivered, but this time it was not probably due to the coldness but because of his glares. The laughing students was silenced in instant, and all of the sudden a warm big hands held my small ones and took me out of that cruel place.

Why is he doing this?

Why is he helping me all of a sudden?!

It felt surreal, taking a glimpse of our hands... i forced my other free hand to cover my face, at my disappointment it barely even cover the half of it.

Why are you acting like my knight in shining armor right now? I mean, yeah i was supposed to be happy right now.. but i just can't help but think that I'm afraid he'll just use me for now and leave me later when he grew tired of me.

"Change your clothes."

The last thing i heard before he walked away. W-wait! H-how am i gonna change, i didn't bring any extra clothes with me?! And why did he even brought me here if he could just kindly take me back to my dorm?

My eyes wander around the room. The room is quite tidy and neat, i smell a sweet fragrant–a girl's room.

Whose room is this? Wait, am i still even at school?

Then all of a sudden i white door at the corner near the bed caught my eye, what's with that door? I curiously walk towards it, hold the knob and slowly open it just to get surprised for the sudden revelation. Behind the door, was full of clothes and other women accessories...


Is it really okay for me to use a pair of it? Sigh, i've got no choice anyway unless i want Anthony to see me still unchanged which would be a quite a lot troublesome because my uniform was sticking to me like a second skin. And for sure it's making the other person see what shouldn't be seen.

I tried to find a casual shirt and jeans but to no avail, i only found a simple statement shirt and the rest was either a dress, and a skirt. Good thing i found a black jumper-skirt that's just above the knee... it's far more decent that the other skirt i had found.

I went out of the room after fixing myself. I tried to find Anthony, but still can't find him. Sigh, i toured around and found myself at the living room. Which was decorated with framed pictures and paintings around. I softly ran my hand at the detailed carved work of the frame.

It's an old photograph of a family, a picture portraying a joyful bond of a family. Happiness visible in their eyes, i kind of envy them... the picture, composing a mother... a father and of course their children... i can't even question Anthony's character because that's just he is, he's caring and all... perks of having someone to rely and guide you everytime.

"Happiness shines the way it should be seen, are you happy right now?" I asked. As i heard an incoming foot steps right beside me. Eerie silence reigned over us. "Are you happy right now Merida?" He breaks the silence. Seconds have passed before i was able to answer him. (Do i look happy to you?) "Yes... why wouldn't i be?"


"Lie" Taken aback by his words, our eyes met. "You do not seem to look like any of it." Sigh, is it that obvious to you right now?

An incoming call interrupted us, he turned around and answered the phone call. I took it as a chance to slip and run with all my might away from that building. It leads me to the highway.

Suddenly, like a jinx and ill-fated person i am... it rained heavily causing me to get soaked again even though I just finished changing clothes.


Unfortunately, i've got no mother, father... and precisely i've got nothing and no one at all except myself. I was born to fit in any place, i grow anywhere and can be seen anywhere-i mean everywhere... i can be at my friends house, i have friends and there are lots of them that can also be trusted. And i also don't blame anyone for leading this kind of life, i just want to graduate and be a certificate holder.

I never really wish for anything or anyone at all, because i can't afford to let someone in and see through me with every pain and struggles vividly and clearly presented. Of course as badly, cheesey and cliché i want it to be.. i met this fuck*n' Smith guy. I mean... look! Who doesn't for once in their life, had their crushes ever in their whole life?! Mine was just delayed!

So this Smith guy was loved by everyone, he's some kind of the typical boyfriend next door material, everyone from school idolizes him... he's the literally an exact opposite of me. And i saw the good me in him, were far too different and too much for each other.

I almost cursed fate, because wherever i go he's always there... coincidence? Yeah, i think so too! Believe me, i'm not the kind of obsessive girl fangirling at her crush. I'm way too busy for that!

There's a lot of unexpected event that happened today and i can't believe it made me even forgot that it's my birthday today. I took my phone out of my bag, i was surprised to see that i had received a couple of missed calls from Anthony. Sigh...

Then out of the blue, i shriek crying in a fright when someone took my belongings with force. I screamed for help, but no one was currently present at this time at i am too far for people's reach, THIEF!!!

We tugged at each other, because i'm not going to let go of my bag for it contains my most only valuable things l had.



Desperation crept inside me, "Please... please don't do this... this is all i have! I have no money, please!"

"Ek is jammer dat ek net werk gemis het, want ons het ook nie geld nie."  (Sorry miss, work only... we have to do this for money.) The other guy said in words that i can't even understand!


"Teka ayaw kasi bumitaw pare!"

"Pasensiya na miss trabaho lang, wala rin kasi kaming pera!" Pagkatapos ay tuluyan niyang nahiklat ang gamit ko.

"Manong importante yung mga nakalagay diyan eh!"

All of a sudden, biglang lumitaw si Anthony kung saan at nakipagsuntukan sa dalawa nang magawa niyang maihulog ang mga ito sa motor.

Dali-dali akong lumapit at inawat sila, nagsisigaw din ako para humingi ng tulong pero paramg walang silbi dahil malinis ang kalsada't walang makikitaang mga nagdadaang tao kahit sasakyan. Imposible!

Ganito na ba talaga ako kamalas sa buhay!


Nanlaki ang mga mata ko ng humahangos na napatayo ang isang lalaki matapos mapuruhan ng suntok galing kay Anthony, may dinukot siya sa kanyang beywang; baril.




I heard a gunshot, saw blood out of nowhere and a warm feeling embrace me. Sunddenly a painful realization hit me... H-hindiiii

Hindi pwde 'toooo....

Coincidence man o hindi, hindi ko alam kung bakit bigla siyang dumating... he catched a bullet for me, the last thing i saw is his smile and a few unheard mouthed words. Then another gunshot rang, everything became blur.

I died...

We died... why?

He was supposed to live a life far away from me... why did this suddenly happened?

I died without even forgiving him...

I died without thanking him, i died without even living a full and happy life...

I died as a loser...

And died with guilt, regrets and dismay...

If ever, just ever i would be reincarnated... i want to live a full and happy life. Without any regrets, i want to be loved and love.

A single tear escape my left eye, i tilt my head and with every energy left in me i look at this man beside me. Another gunshot rang, and it took  my breathe and life away.

I want to be reincarnated with you in another world. Let's fall in love without any hinder and regrets, whatever sequences it may be.

