
The long waited night (part 1)

William Rostov

“Did you touch my wife” I asked him again by hitting his head hard with the rod.

“No” He cried in pain.

“Did you intend to?” I asked him again. I was looking like a predator at him.

“N…..No Never” he screamed.

Then I moved towards on of his men.

“Did he intend to?” I asked him a same question by hitting him hard with the same rod. But he remain his mouth shut. He did not utter so word. So I placed my rod at fire. After the iron gets red hot. I placed that rod on his cheek and he screamed in pain. His screams echoed in the room. I again placed the rod on the fire to get it hot red. After it get red hot I was going to place that hot rod on his another cheek but he started speaking.

“The boss said that he will fuck her hard the whole night then he will give us the turns” he said in between his cries.