
The Untouchable Hunter — Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen (Discontinued)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"Wha-What have you done?"


"Cheif Woo Jin Chul, a moment of your time, please" the man in question was responsible for the surveillance division in the Korean Hunter's Association. He was recently put on edge by the disturbing news of Hwang Dong-Suk's death in a C-rank dungeon. When his younger brother found out it would only be a matter of time before the American S-rank hunter would make his way to Korea causing trouble.

"What is it? Tell me it's good news," Jin Chul asked warily knowing that, that most likely wasn't the case from his assistant Mi Soo.

"Unfortunately it's another case similar to Sung Jin Woo and Yoo Jin Ho. It was C-rank Gate that left 6 out of the 9 party members killed. The three that survived were party leader Lee Min Su, Gyu Han, and... Kim Bora," Mi soo finished. He knew the last name would ring a bell to the Cheif inspector, after all he was one of the few hunters that the inspector has ever been denied an interview through his guild and family connections. The only one's capable of such feats were S-rank hunters for obvious reasons.

"What happened?"

"It was a C-rank raid with the boss (Giant Yeti Twins) being defeated. What's strange is that the boss wasn't detected by our high grade magic detector but was still defeated by a D-rank attack force, albeit with heavy casualties," Mi soo said as he read through the file report in his hand once again.

"That is strange... The boss alone should have bumped the gate to B-rank instead of remaining C-rank. It's a miracle that even a few members of that squad made it out alive," Jin Chul commented on the information he was receiving. "What were the survivor reports?" Figuring that they hadn't got to the concerning part yet.

"Lee Min Su and Gyu Han have already given their accounts both saying that it was through the efforts of the entire raid team that they were able to make it out. Kim Bora, however was incapacitated at the time and was unable to comment on that,"

"Where is he, right now?" Jin Chul said very seriously. He wanted to get a word in with the white haired hunter before he was prevented from doing so, like last time.

"He is currently in the hospital, sir."

"Well then, we should get going. You can explain further details on the way," Jin Chul explained to his assistant.

'It's another C-rank raid where he had his whole squad wiped, but the only difference is that this time there was no dungeon break,' Jin Chul thought whilst getting up and leaving his office.












Kim Bora shot up in his hospital bed gasping for air. He had frantic look on his face as he ruffled his white hair and took slow deliberate breaths to calm himself down.

Once he had calmed down he noticed the familiar setting of the hospital around him and knew what happened.

'[Fatigue : 97]'

'I pushed myself too much back there. My fatigue has never been that low it felt like l was losing my mind. The six eyes really is incredibly draining.' The door to his hospital room was opened and in stepped a handsome orange haired man in a black suit. He had a very stern expression on his face as he walked inside and immediately handed some ID card to Kim so that he could immediately identify that they were Association agents.

"Sorry to talk to like this, but you're a difficult man for the Hunter's Association to get a hold of. My name is Woo Jin Chul, the Chief Inspector of the Surveillance Division. This is my partner Kil Mi Soo," Jin Chul introduced himself and the similarly dressed, but messy black haired man trailing behind him.

"What do you want?" Kim asked the inspector, he didn't want to beat around bush and wanted to get straight to the point.

Jin Chul obliged because he similarly was a man that didn't like to waste people's time and preferred to get to the point as soon as possible.

"Your recent C-rank raid excursion ended similarly to the last one you participated in, with nearly your whole party being killed, but the dungeon didn't break this time. Naturally, so many casualties in a short span of time is concerning and considering you are at the center of both incidents we are forced to investigate such happenings," Jin Chul explained to Kim his reason for confronting him.

"You've explained why you're here, but you haven't said what you want. People died raiding with me, but that's just the reality of being hunter. It's life or death once you enter the gates," Kim's crystal blue eyes glared at the Cheif inspector as he said this.

"Although, what you say is true, it's rare for a massacre like this to occur and when they do we as the Surveillance Division can't sit still. We have to find out the root cause and deal with it swiftly," Jin Chul said in response. He knew his words could imply that he meant that Kim was the culprit and if he was being honest he was implying it, but he wanted to be sure before he started throwing out accusations.

"How are you going to deal with me, huh?" Kim said very challengingly narrowing his eyes into slits, catching on to the undertones in Jin Chul's speech.

"We're not throwing out accusation, but from now on you will be monitored by one of our divisions ready hand agents whenever you enter a dungeon higher than C-rank," Mi soo spoke up for the first time in the conversation.

Kim paused for second before he smirked, "How long do you plan to monitor me for?What do you hope to discover by watching me? You don't think I'm some kind of maniac that enjoys killing people or maybe you do? All speculation is pointless because anything can happen in those gates, especially when the Association doesn't measure them properly."

Jin Chul kept a stoic expression on his face not showing any kind of reaction to Kim's words. He had a feeling that the blue eyed hunter would bring up the fact that they misread magical energy of dungeon.

"Nevertheless, we'll monitor you until we deem you as a non-threat to other hunters. So, I suggest you be careful." Jin Chul finished by getting up from his seat and walking out the door.


Kim just let out a sigh.

'Man that guy is irritating. Hopefully not too much time has past. I don't want to suffer a penalty after such an arduous raid.' Kim opened up the system to check his daily quest. He figured that since he wasn't in a snowy tandra being chased down by a gigantic monster hydra right now that not more than a day had passed, which was good news for him.



[Name: Kim Bora Level: 34

Title: Lynx Predator Fatigue: 0

Job: None

HP: 4500/4500

MP: 1110/1110


Strength: 61

Agility: 56

Focus: 46

Sense: 45

Valor: 18


Remaining Stat points: 0]



"Woah! I leveled up a lot. Wait, I remember being at level 29...maybe I didn't hear the notifications after killing the boss. It's too bad I couldn't pick any item drops since I was unconscious soon after the fight." Kim scanned his character status before swiping past it and noticing the tomahawk that he borrowed from Gyu Han was now in his Item storage.

'It's got pretty good stats... I think I'll stick with it for now.' Swiping past the item storage and getting to his daily quest list.



[Quest Instructions:

Daily Quest - The path to the strongest

(Incomplete) Running — 10/10km

(Complete) Meditation — 0/40 minutes

(Complete) Push-ups — 100/100

(Complete) Squats — 100/100

(Complete) Sit-ups — 100/100

Warning: Failure to complete daily quest in the allocated time will result in a penalty.

Time remaining - 03:12:34]



"Well, I've got 3 hours to complete this quest. Not a problem!" Kim jumped out bed, heading to the window whilst stretching his arms.

"I should probably get a change of clothing, though," Kim commented, realizing that a hospital gown wasn't the most comfortable exercise wear.

He opened the window and jumped out landing on the roof of building opposite his hospital room. The nurse entering his room to do a routine check up was left in stunned silence at his actions.
