
Little Girl Assassin

06:37 p.m.

Alice: "C'mon! How long will we be walking?"

Alen: "Just a little more. We need a good shelter." (It should be around here) *Notices brown house* "Oh there it is! C'mon little girl!"

Alice: "Huh?! Didn't I told you not to call me little girl! My name is Alice so call me Alice!"

Alen: "Ok! Ok! Now shut up and follow me!" *Climbs high wall in front of a house* "Alright, now you climb!"

Alice: *Followed Alen and stopped in front of high wall* "You want me to climb this? U-um... I'm a girl so you're supposed to help me!"

Alen: "What? Your an assassin class. You're able t-" *realizes something* "Wait... don't tell me you don't know how to use the assassin class."

Alice: "Well, I just started playing video games."

Alen: "Since?"

Alice: "Ummm... three days ago."

Alen: *sigh* "We're both assassin class and we can do parkour so, you're suppose to be able to climb this wall. Parkour is one of our main skill as an assassin."

Alice: "Really?"

Alen: *sigh* (She's hopeless) "Check your skill menu"

Alice: *Taps skill menu*

Skill menu (Alice): [Name-Alice




Night vision-Locked


                                     Silent step-Locked

                                     Sacred skill (Shadow of the death)-Locked

                                     Special weapon-Locked]

Alice: "Wow! Why are most of them locked?"

Alen: "It's an active skill. A skill you unlocked and only can be used when the cooldown is done. I also haven't unlock even once."

Alice: "So, how do we unlock them?"

Alen: "If I'm not mistaken, we're suppose to do something that is related to that skill."

Alice: "Doesn't sound that hard."

Alen: "Knowing it is easy but, doing it isn't gonna be as easy as you thought. That's how a game works."

Alice: *Climbs up the wall*

Alen: "See! You can do it!"

Alice: "Well I only know that far but, I still got lots of ways to go! So... will you teach me to play this game?"

Alen: "Why me?"

Alice: "Well... you look like a pro player."

Alen: *Stare for a second* W-well... yes I'm a pro player. I've beaten almost every game in the world. Yeah yeah mhm that's right I-."

Alice: "SO WILL YOU TEACH ME OR NO!" *Screams*

Alen: "Ok ok, I will."

Alice: "Well, good. I don't know what will happen to you if you reject!"

Alen: "Wow! Big talk for a little girl."

Alice: "Huh?! Did you just call me a little girl?! Didn't I told you not to call me that! *hitting Alen*

Alen: "Alright I get it! Chill out! We're on top of a wall! We're gonna fall!"

Alice: "You little! I swear if you call me that once more you're gonna regr- WAAAHHH!"

Both of them fell down

Alen & Alice: "Ow!"

Alen: "Told you we will fall."

Alice: "W-Well, who do you think whose fault is that?"

Alen: "Alright! Ok! I'm sorry!"

Alice: "Really?"

Alen: "Yes, littl-."

Alice: "Hmm?"

Alen: "Alice. Yes, Alice"

Alice: *sigh* "good."

Alen: *sihh* "Ok! Know that's over, let's get inside!"

Alice: "Huh, where is this?"

Alen: "Oh, this is a friends house."