
Celebrations Part One

Wei Ying

After the emotive reunions of Yin, Yang, Jinzhu and Cian, they were teleported back to the Burial Mounds Camp in where there was an air of festivity, as those who were left behind to guard the barrier, saw how the corpses that were infesting the barrier had gone into a pile of ashes, as a light rain fell over them all. Seen such a deed, as well as the beautiful rainbow shining in the sky, they knew the untamed group had succeeded.

Euphoria emerged in the hearts of the cultivators watching the seal and as the rain drench them little by little, they yelled and danced as the edge of darkness was finally over. In such a good mood, the group found the camp and as soon as they spot them, once again they came to greet them in waves, surrounding them in want to either hug or said a word to the valiant heroes.

Wei Ying laughed when some female cultivators came close to him to congratulate him, with one bold one, even trying to hug him, only to be stopped by his husband before she could even touch him. His serious gaze make the woman froze in the act, for which he laughed. He was so possessive sometimes, yet he loved him that way very much.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, let's them greet us. We should celebrate this faithful day. I hope there is wine." Wei whisper as he moved around avoiding hugs, yet greeting his people. Lan Zhan followed him, hoping that Wei Ying will not ask for him to drink along with him that night. It was not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't had any tolerance to alcohol in general and he was a completely mess if he actually drink it.

It had been like that for most of his family, for which alcohol was forbidden in the Cloud Recesses. His brother had just a little bit more tolerance than him, but more than one small cup will also make disaster in his system. He saw Xichen once get drunk with Meng Yao and after that, he probably was ripped of who knows what kind of information. Xichen never drank again after that, which remained him that he needed to visit his brother soon and see how he was doing.

Meng Yao, as evil as he had become, was Xichen's second brother and his death should be hard on him, despise all. Betrayal was something his brother didn't deserved, but knowing the kind heart Xichen had always possessed, he knew he will eventually forgive the wrong doings done against him and move on. It may take a while, but eventually he will go back to trusting again, although this time more carefully.

Nie Mingjue pass an arm over his Baxia's shoulder and happily led him into a tent, so he could tell him exactly what happen and also to plan a raid to the remaining rouges that had a base in the southern part of the country, they had named Nightless City. They had discover it after the untamed group had save Nie Mingjue and a scout had been sent as far south as they could in search of the place Meng Yao had been hiding and hearing that, Baxia had smiled, more than ready to give punishment to the wicked and bring peace to the world once more.

His mother was there and after she gave him a bear hug, she invite him, along with his Lan Zhan and the rest of the group to have a deserved meal. She had sent words to Wei Lao to prepare a feast that will outshine even the banquets of the Lotus Pier.

By the time they arrived in the town, the people were waiting for the heroes and an improvised festival was already on the making. There were still a few hours to nightfall, so after they greeted his father and told him what happen with meticulous details, he took Lan Zhan and discretely went out of the hall to be alone.

There was still so much to do left, Yang's core still need to be mended by Lan Zhan and the world still needed the healing they will do one step at the time, as their power over their seeds grows more and they needed to go to the Lan Clan, to register Ah Yuan as Lan Sizhui, probably get officially marry and finish their studies there, even when they had already surpassed the teachers.

Little Yuan was waiting for them back in their room, along with Lianmei, who was taking care of him and as soon as he hear them coming, he went out and ran toward his two fathers. Lan Zhan took the boy that was going to become his official son very soon and lift it in the air, turning him around twice, making Ah Yuan giggle in cheer happiness. Then the little troublemaker hug him tightly as he kissed his cheek, welcoming back home.

After feeling left behind, Wei Ying pouted because there was no hug for him and Ah Yuan told Wangji to pass him to his father Xian, then also kiss his cheek and hug his warmly.

"Congratulations, I hear that you have succeeded, young Master Wei and Second Master Lan." Lianmei said, respectfully bowing to both of them.

"Ah, yes, thank you. By the way, Ah Yuan, you didn't make troubles for Lianmei, right?" The kid moved his head in negativity.

"He is such a good boy, he didn't gave me any worries, nor did any mischief... so unlike his Xian father." Lianmei said teasingly.

"I hear that." Wei Ying pouted again and Wangji smirked.

"Was it not right?" Lianmei asked humorously. "As I remember, you were such a troublesome child. Perhaps Lan Wangji wants to know a few stories of his man. I had so many and none are boring. I remember the time when you were six years old..."

"Hey! Don't go telling my husband those old stories." Wei Ying panic.

"But I'm sure he wants to hear them, right?" She looked at the interested Wangji.

"Yes." Wangji simply said, although internally, he was eager to know as much as Wei Ying's past as anyone was willing to tell him, as he was bow his present and future.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei protested.

"It's a good lesson for Ah Yuan." Wangji said softly and Lianmei laughed.

"Of course! Ah Yuan, you will be forbidden to do what crazy things your father Xian did when younger. The Lan Clan will not take it too well, especially Lan Qiren." She added and Wangji assented in agreement.

"Ah Yuan, you are not to copy your father." Wangji advise him and to Wei Ying's dismay, the kid simply assented while in his arms.

"You little traitor... just wait until you had to learn all the Lan Clan rules, which are thousands and follow them every single day." Wei Ying said, making Ah Yuan have some doubts.

"Wei Ying, behave." Wangji said and Wei Ying smiled.

"Alright. Since you had so little time to enjoy, let's go to town and have some fun. There is going to be a festival." Lan Wangji was defeated, as Ah Yuan cheered excitedly, asking to go down to town.

Lianmei smiled as she watch them go, as the beautiful small family they had become in such a short time. They got along so well that anyone who didn't know the truth would think Ah Yuan was related to them by blood and that they had been together for years, instead of months.

"Good for you Ah Yuan, you have found yourself good parents." She whisper to herself as she went out of Wei Ying's pavilion and see the small child walk with both his hands held by one of his two fathers.

The others had also thought of going to town before the appointed feast on nightfall, although once in there, they had taken different directions in other to be alone with their partners. Jiang Cheng leaded Wen Qing into a more deserted part of the market. They had walked mostly in silence, although it wasn't because they didn't had anything to say to each other, but that Jiang Cheng was deep in thoughts.

Lord Zheng had told them that their studies will resume back into the Lan Clan in a few days, so he had what was left of the year to spend with her, but after all the life and dead experience they had gone through together, he was actually impatient.

"Hum, Wen Qing... you are a great cultivator... but your specialty is still healing, right?" Jiang Cheng asked her.

"Yes. All Clans had great cultivators, but there are less healers. Why asking that?" She asked back.

"Well... will your Clan set you as the heir, when your first duty is to heal the people?" Jiang Cheng asked and Wen Qing smiled. He was finally getting bolder.

"I was never appointed as the next leader of my Clan. I don't have the talent for that." She said, with a hint of a blush.

"Come on Master, just kiss her..." Sandu said inwardly to his Master and Jiang Cheng tensed at the intrusion, holding the precious sword harder than he should.

"Be quiet. You had spent too much time with Suibian and his bad habits had rub on you." Sandu laughed.

"Maybe..." He whisper and went back to meditation, leaving his Master to his own.

"Jiang Cheng?" Wen Qing asked, as she saw him got tense.

"Ah, never mind... Wen Qing... I am the next Clan Leader of the Jiang Clan, so my responsibilities to my Clan are great... but, perhaps... if you are willing to travel... the Lotus Pier is a very beautiful place... maybe, you can come to love it... and perhaps want to stay? With me?" Jiang Cheng asked, a bit at loss of how he should confess. Does that even count? Wen Qing smiled at his nervousness.

"Next appointed Clan Leader Jiang, are you asking me to marry you in a future?" She asked bluntly and Jiang Cheng panic. Did he really confess just now? What if she didn't like it? What if she wasn't willing to spend her life in the Lotus Pier? What if she said no? What will he do then?

"Jiang Cheng... you think too much. As a healer I will go to the places I am in need, but if you don't mind and are willing to let me do my duties or go with me... I will not mind to become a Jiang." She said with a gentle smile pasted on her beautiful face that make Jiang Cheng's heart implode with happiness.

He hug her tightly first. There were not much people around that part of town anyways, then just like Sandu had suggested, he give he a feathery kiss in the lips.

"Then, as of today, you are my fiancé." Jiang Cheng said, while taking her hand and kiss her.

"Just like that? What about asking your parents first? They may not want you engage with me." She said.

"Just like that. My bride, I choose and not even my mother will make me change my mind if she doesn't agree, which I doubt. She likes strong women... and the best healer on top of that, she will not refuse. Now, let's go, I need to tell this to my sister. We can have a double wedding." He said and Wen Qing laughed, as she was pulled away by his now, impatient fiancé.

Night fall a few hours later and they gather again to go to the feast made in their honor. The atmosphere was a lively one, with anything you can possibly eat, to those who loved meat and to does who didn't, like his Lan Zhan, who was basically vegetarian. Thus everyone had a great time enjoying the well-deserved feast and music.

Nie Huaisang became drunk with the strong wine of the east halfway, which tasted like fruits, but was high on alcohol. Thus he said some nonsense and cling to his older brother, telling him he had almost die so many times, much to Nei Mingjue's embarrassment and even Wen Ning begun to hiccup with the strong wine, which give Mianmian an excuse to pull him away from the feast, so she could have a walk into the nearby gardens and have a serious talk with the shy young man. Been wounded in the Burial Mound had reset her priorities and Wen Ning had proven to be the one for her without any doubts.

Wei Ying follow their example, excusing himself to his father, saying he was a bit tired and pull his Lan Zhan along with him, with a bottle of the best wine in his other hand. Ah Yuan had been taking away by Lianmei again, so they will be alone that night and he appreciate it. He loved his son, but he needed a little time alone with his man, especially after what happen.

Even if it was for a short time, his absence had caused Lan Zhan great pain, of that, Yin had assure him. Both of them had also decided to stay in the east for a bit longer and were going to move when the whole group went back to the Lan islands. They were going to teach him and Lan Zhan about their seeds, in Lord Zheng's place, so they could have a better understanding of their nature and to become full immortals.

"Lan Zhan... will you be able to mend Yang's seed?" Wei Ying asked as he drank from the bottle of wine.

"Yes." He simply said as they keep walking back to their room.

"That's good. The world still needs to be restored back to what it was long ago. We may travel lot too... will you mind been away from your Clan for long periods?" Wei asked.

"No. As my husband, my first priority is to you." Lan Zhan said and Wei Ying smiled.

"You know... we never marry officially. I mean, they all know and treat us like a married couple and by the heavens we already are, but by the law of man..." Wei whisper as he looked at him.

"As soon as we go back to Gusu, I will arrange an official union with my brother." He said.

"What about your uncle? Will he object? He doesn't like me too much." Wei said.

"I outranked him in the moment I became a Sage. He can't object, by Clan rules." Wei Ying laughed.

"I never thought I would love a Lan rule... I guess I was wrong." He drank again.

"Wei Ying, don't drank too much." Wangji advise him gently.

"It's so tasty... want to try it? I know it's against Lan Clan rules, but this is the east, get wild once in a while." Wei said teasingly, while winking at him.

"I..." Wangji stopped mid-way, not sure he should tell Wei Ying about his lack of tolerance with the alcohol. He knew Wei loved to dink... but if he could not drink along with him, may that hinder their relationship?

"Oh Lan Wangji, my Hanguang-Jun... why the silence? Can't drink?" Wei Ying asked as he stood in front of his man with a serious expression. Wangji looked at the other side, avoiding his gaze for a moment.

"No tolerance for it." Wangji confessed, looking back at him. Wei Ying moved closer and put both his arms over his lover shoulders. The bottle of wine, hanging from one of his hand at Wangji's back.

"What about kissing a drunk husband?" Wei asked, already itching for it.

"No problem." Wangji said softly, kissing his tempting lips to prove his point. There was the taste of wine, a sweet one, but he didn't mind it and as he deepened the kiss, he heard as the bottle of wine fell for Wei Ying's hand to crash in the ground. That brought back Wei Ying to reality, not really lamenting the loss. There was just a little wine left and his Lan Zhan was tastier.

"Then, what about carrying your drunk husband to bed?" Wei asked next, while kissing the corner of his lips.

"My pleasure." Wangji said as he took Wei Ying on his strong arms, bridal style with a smirk.

"And about warming your drunk husband body with something big and hot." Wei keep teasing, while Wangji blushed when carry him back to their close by pavilion.

"As you wish..." He said, hurrying his pace to give his man that he had asked for. His undying love and life, as well as his body and soul.

AN: Okay, a few lose ends done, I will do others, as you point them out. Then this story will be finish and I will focus back in the others. Thank you guys, I hope you like the extra ones. Take care my dears, see you back soon. 🥰💞❤💖💐🌷