
The Untamed

🔥Lan Wangji🔥

He watched Wei Ying train all those who were willing to learn from him for long hours, content that his lover was the happiest while being welcomed at his home, with those he cared. Jin Ling also looked overjoyed to spent time with his uncle, after waiting for so long and taking the lessons to the heart.

After the training of that day, they go have lunch that water Wei Ying's mouth, as it included his favorite Lotus soup and other dishes he loved. It was then, that they hear that the town was doing a festival in the night, which was one of the reasons the town was so lively when they first came.

That put Wei Ying in an even happier mood, as he have the chance to show him more of his home. The kids asked for a night hunting, but they were going to spend a few days in the Lotus Pier, so there was no real rush and Jiang Cheng knew that fatigue will eventually hit his brother, for the long traveling, then the training for long hours.

As nightfall hit the town, Wei Ying took him to the festival first, just as Jiang Cheng and the kids, were going out. They walked down the decorated streets and visit a stand or two, buying thing to eat. Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling were ahead of them and soon Wen Ning join them, while Jiang Cheng was with them.

"He is happy you are here." Jiang Cheng said.

"I guess... he certainly took most of my time today. I'm glad he doing well... right?" Wei Ying asked to his brother. Referring to the death of his other uncle Jin Guangyao.

"That nightmare sometimes takes its toll, but he is doing well. He is learning to be a leader, been the next in line to be the head of the Jin Clan. Lord Xichen is advising him, temporarily assuming the leadership, until Jin Ling is ready to take his rightful place. Light Bearing Lord, your brother had make positive changes in the Jin Clan, for which I ask you thank him for me. I barely see him these days..." Jiang said.

"I will tell him when we meet again." Lan Zhan said.

"Ah, come one, Jiang Cheng. Why not paying him a visit at the Golden Tower. He will be more than glad to welcome you there. Teaching Jin Ling all day, most take its toll on him too, so bring the Clan Leader out from time to time." Wei said.

"I can said you the same. Go spend so time with your nephew before you go back to the mountains to finish your training. He really miss you..." Wei Ying smiled as he looked Jin Ling biker with Jingyi.

"He looks less tense now... he seems to really be enjoying himself." Wei Ying added.

"You know... I told him our story from the beginning to the end, with both the good and the bad parts. He knows how much you meant for my sister now and how much she wanted for him to call you Uncle. That seem to take some guilt out of his shoulders. Before he met you, he learned to hate you because of me, but after finding out that you were not Mo Xuanyu, his feelings were mixed. He liked you, but hate you at the same time... that's when he stabbed you... for that, I'm sorry." Cheng apologize.

"It was my fault too. I didn't make things easier for you either." Wei Ying admitted.

"Never mind that. The thing is that he knows the real Wei Wuxian now, the brother, the leader, the protector, as well as the troublemaker. He kind of admire you now." Wei laughed.

"He certainly makes pranks of his own now. He was the one who take us out of the pinch in the morning with firecrackers no less." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"He is starting to look more and more like you." Jiang said.

"Let him enjoy life a bit, he had already suffer a great deal. He will do well leading the Jin Clan." Wei whisper as he watched the tree kids playing around Wen Ning.

"He will... by the way, I hear that Wen Ning is doing well in Gusu." Jiang Cheng said.

"Yep. Sizhui takes good care of him and he looks happy too." Ying said, which was true, because even if like Lan Zhan, he was not too expressive, he could tell that Wen Ning was joyful.

"I really wish I could turn back in time. I regret not helping out Wen Qing... I liked her... yet I gave my back to her, even after she went as far as to transfer your core to me. There were just so many things that..."

"Jiang Cheng..." Wei Ying stop him from saying anything further, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"She never blame you, nor thought ill of you. I have my own regrets, but the past should stay where it belongs. Make sure to pass all those pages and write the story anew. We all need to move on and live in the present, which is what matters now." Wei advised him and Jiang assented, patting his shoulder back in understanding.

"You are right. Now, tell me, are you two marry?" Jiang asked suddenly, almost making Wei Ying fall, as he was turning, tripping with his own foot. Lan Zhan held him by the waist, yet there was no embarrassment.

"Ah... yes. Lan Zhan is officially taken now." Wei smiled widely, as if he was not taken before, Jiang thought.

"Then, make sure to go and bow to sister in the Ancestral Hall. Now, I leave the kids to you... I need to rest, so I can beat you tomorrow big time." Wei Ying laughed.

"You wish. I may not have a full golden core yet, but been a prodigy and all, I can still beat you to a pulp." Jiang laughed.

"We will see... remember to pay a visit to sister..." Jiang said, before he turned to go back to the Clan.

"Come on, Lan Zhan, let's have some more fun..." Wei told him as he grabbed his hand and pull him to where the juniors were standing. Wei make some jokes for both Ah Yuan and Jin Ling and when they were distracted, Wei used a talisman, that released magical butterflies, then ran away from them.

He guided Lan Zhan a bit out of town, to a special place. There was a huge tree that he used to climb when he was a kid. Once he had climb it to get away from the street dogs and his sister found him there, trembling from both, the cold and fear and chased away the dogs for him. Seen the tree was like walking back in time, remembering those blissful moments with his family, when everything was right and they were the happiest.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan whisper as he hug him from the back. That part of the forest was empty and so they could show each other their love freely.

"Mmm... what?" Wei asked, closing his eyes and feeling his husband hands on him.

"Are you okay?" Wei smiled.

"Yeah... this place brings back memories... but it's okay... there were many good ones too. Here, I used to climb that tree and my sister found me here and always bring me back home. I miss her..." Wei said, turning inside his lover hug.

"But my home and family now is you and as long as I had you, I will never be lonely. I love you, Lan Zhan..." Wei whisper, putting both his arms over Wangji's shoulder, then kiss him tenderly. Lan Zhan wanted for his husband to feel all his love, so he deepened the kiss, pulling him even closer.

"You know I love you even more, Wei Ying and you are my all, always were." Lan Zhan whisper, as he gently push Wei Ying against that tree. Wei moaned when Lan Zhan reached down to grab his butt.

"Let's marry again... here in the Lotus Peir..." Wangji, kissed him under the lobe of his ear.

"I will marry you as many times as you want, no matter where..." Wangji said.

"Damn, what I did to deserve you...?" Ying asked, as Wangji took away his belt.

"You free me from my cage..." Wangji whisper, as he open his upper robes to kiss his chest.

"Light Bearing Lord, what impress you that much about me, to free you from the cage you didn't knew exited around you?" Wei asked, as Wangji put down his pants, just enough to see the tip of his lover's manhood.

"Your free spirit, you were the untamed..." Wangji whisper and Wei laughed.

"The untamed? I was wild, yes, but untamed?" Wei asked, closing his eyes when Wangji touched his most sensitive part.

"You never bowed to pressure, you never back down from your path, you protected those who need it, even going against me, against your brother and against the world. You make your vow became your way of life and stood tall and grand against all... my untamed..." Wangji whisper before he was on his knees to trap his husband arousal in his mouth.

"Ah, damn... Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying whisper as he took out a talisman, that will hide them and throw it front, sticking in another tree and creating a cover, a reflection of another part of the forest, making their spot blend with it, thus having their privacy, in case the kids decided to go looking for them, as they did in the morning.

"I think you had me quite tamed now..." Wei whisper as Wangji's tongue danced over his arousal in a desirable dance that always make him go crazy.

"Not yet... I will never tame you enough..." Wangji said in a low tone, releasing him for long enough to said the words, then trapping him in again, making him moan more.

"Lan Zhan... Lan Zhan..." Wei murmur, as he put his hand over Wangji's head, to guide him in the rhythm he was dying for, but Wangji pull off.

"Not yet... Don't come just yet..." Wangji whisper, as he stood, trapping Wei's mouth then pulling him closer to him, to get rid of his clothes. Wei Ying was in need of him too, so he undressed his husband in record time and as he had done before, he throw himself into his husband, so he would grab him in his inhumanly strong arms as he trapped his waist with his legs.

Wangji push him again against the tree, making Wei Ying grab the tree trunk to support himself, as he was half hanging over Wangji, who grabbed his waist, as he make his way in, making his lover arch and grab the tree with even more force.

Then, the love making dance begin, as Lan Zhan trusted him in and out, while he make sure his belly rubbed Wei's arousal with each trust. The pleasure was great and both of them moaned the other one's name, until the pleasure was too great to hold and Wei Ying, as usual released first, then Wangji, as Wei grabbed his shoulders once again.

"Wei Ying..." Wangi whisper in Wei's ear.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei whispered back.

"My untamed..." He murmur next, kissing his neck.

"My life..." Wei whisper, against Wangi's lips, as Lan Zhan put him down, but still wrapped in his tender hold.

"What about having our wedding now..." Wei whisper, resting his head in the small of Lan Zhan's neck. Wangji smirked.

"Let's bathe first..." Wangji suggested, making his lover smile.

"Of course... otherwise our red robes will be stained."

"Did you bring them?"

"Of course."

"Did you give them to Sizhui?"

"No, to Wen Ning..."

"So... that's the, everything had been set, from this morning?" Wei laughed.


"Like I said, the untamed..."

"But you don't mind, right?" Wei asked in that provocative way he had.

"Never..." Wangji said, stealing a heated kiss from him, before they dressed again, to go back to the Clan an marry for the second time.

AN: Lol. This is a second Christmas treat, to complete the full circle from the morning teasing. The next day there will be the duel and later a night hunting with the kids. Hope you like it, with love, see you next time, take care. 😄💖🎉❤🌹😙