
The untamed beast

Jake had been cursed to be a werewolf for years, terrorizing the town and killing many people in the process. But after years of struggling against the curse, he finally found a cure and was able to live a normal life again. At first, he was relieved to be free of the curse, but as time went on, he began to realize that he couldn't forget all of the atrocities he'd committed in his werewolf state. The guilt and shame consumed him, and he longed for the animalistic instincts that had once driven him. One night, Jake's wish was granted when he felt the familiar pull of the full moon and knew that his instincts were back. He tried to fight it, but he couldn't resist the urge to transform. As he ran through the woods, he felt a sense of exhilaration and freedom that he'd never felt before. He knew that he had to find a way to make amends for his past mistakes, even if it meant losing his animal instincts again. With a heavy heart, he sought out a group of hunters who specialized in werewolf cures, hoping that they could help him find a way to make up for his past sins. But no matter what way he tried he couldn’t go back to his usual human self. As time went on, he started to realize something was wrong. He couldn't forget all the terrible things he had done while under the curse. He felt his instincts come flooding back, and he knew that he couldn't keep them at bay for long. As hard as he tried to resist, he found himself giving in to the primal urges that had once controlled him. He realized that no matter how hard he tried, he could never truly escape his past as a werewolf and now he has to find a way learn to live with his new reality. what will happen when he finds out the truth about his beast? and the fact that the beast has always been protecting him.

viola_aster · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 1

The curse of lycanthropy, or the ability to transform into a wolf or wolf-like creature, has been a popular

subject in myths and legends for centuries. In modern times, the concept of werewolves has been explored

in literature and film, often depicting them as savage beasts with little control over their actions. However,

what if a man who had been cursed with lycanthropy was cured of the curse, but was unable to forget the

atrocities he committed while he was a werewolf?

This scenario raises a number of interesting questions about the nature of memory, guilt, and redemption.

If a person is cured of a curse or affliction, does that necessarily mean they are absolved of the harm they

caused while under its influence? Can a person truly move on from their past and start anew, or are there

some sins that cannot be forgotten or forgiven?

In the case of our hypothetical man, it seems that the answer is the latter. Even though he is no longer

cursed with lycanthropy, he is haunted by memories of the terrible things he did while under its influence.

As time goes on, he finds himself regressing into his old self, regaining his werewolf instincts and becoming

more and more prone to violence.This raises another interesting question: is it possible to truly overcome one's nature? Can a person who

has been a werewolf, or any other kind of monster, ever truly become fully human again? Or is there

always a part of them that will remain wild and untamed, no matter how hard they try to suppress it?

It's possible that the answer to these questions is different for every individual. Some may be able to

overcome their inner demons and move on from their past, while others may find themselves forever

trapped by their own nature. In the case of our man, it seems that he is unable to escape the horrors of his

past and is doomed to repeat them, no matter how much he may wish otherwise.

Ultimately, the story of our man serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of facing one's past and

coming to terms with one's mistakes. While it's natural to want to forget the bad things we've done, it's

important to remember them as well, in order to learn from them and grow as individuals. If we try to bury

our past, we may find that it comes back to haunt us in ways we never could have imagined.

Jake, a young man lived all his living in fear of being caught as a werewolf and the guilt of his atrocious

acts during full moon had always been eating him from the inside.

He always thought of these werewolf instincts as a curse that had been passing down his family for ages.

He wanted a normal life too where he doesn't have to supress himself all night to hide from the moonlight.

Despite being a good looking young man, he had to hide in his house during full moon to stop himself from

his transformation and hunting people down during his wild rampage. He spent years trying to find the cure

for his werewolf curse and prayed to God for help.

After years of suffering from the curse of being a werewolf, Jake was finally stumbled upon its cure and

after sheer hard-work he was cured. He could finally live his life without fear of losing control and hurting


Jake had been looking forward to this party for weeks.

He got dressed up and looked himself in the mirror one last time before leaving.

"looking good Mr. Jake" Jake heard his butler Andrew compliment him. He smiled back at his very loyal

butler and walked outside to his car. After half an hour drive he reached the party destination and meet up

with his friends.

"Ayyy Jake is here!" "Jake my Man! You made it!" "The king of party is here!" all of his friends started to

shout loudly as he entered the backyard where everyone was having a huge pool party.

He was out with his closest friends, dancing and having a great time.

" wow, I really can't believe you actually made it here Jake! I thought you are just gonna skip this event like

you always did back then!" his female friend slurred and asked him leaning against the wall.

"that was long ago, Stacy~ now I will be joining all the events with you guys" he quietly replied her and took

a shot of wine in one go.

"that's the spirit!!"

Jake was having a great time at his friend's party. The music was pumping, the drinks were flowing, and

everyone was laughing and having a good time. But then, something strange happened. His vision started

to get hazy and he felt like he was losing control. he felt his werewolf instincts kicking in. He could hear the

sound of everyone's heartbeat, their breath, and even their slightest movements. And worst of all, he felt

the familiar thirst for blood that always accompanied his transformation.

He started feeling suffocated and his clothes felt extremely tight.He tried to push the feeling down, to ignore it and just enjoy the party, but it was no use. The pull was too

strong, and he knew he had to get out of there before he lost control. He made his excuses to his friends

and slipped out the back door, his heart racing. He needed to find a quiet place to wait out the full moon

before he hurt someone.

As he burst through the door, he felt his body convulse and change. His eyes turned scarlet and his veins

on his neck and hands popped up. He fell on his knees as he felt the same bone wrecking pain in his body

band sharp fangs coming out. He howled as his body tried to again turn into a werewolf, feeling the power

of the transformation coursing through his veins. But as soon as he got a hold of himself again, he was left

feeling confused and scared. How could this be happening to him? What would happen when he turned

back to his human form? With a sense of dread, Jake realized that his life would never be the same again.

"why? Why is this happening again?.....I was cured....then why is this coming back? What is happening?"

A few minutes to taking deep breaths he realised that his werewolf instincts that were just riding him a while

ago had finally subsided. He felt normal and everything felt alright now.

He stood up and walked back in the party house feeling lightly ecstatic. His friends all worried asked him if

he was alright. He replied that "I am fine. It wasn't anything bad" and walked back to a couch to sit.

"Jake! My man! You drunk already? We thought you could enjoy this all night. Hahhahahhaa guess you still

are not used to loud parties huh?"

"yeah....I think I am still not used to all of this..."

"hey, Bro? Are you alright? You don't look too good? Is everything alright?"

Jake looked at his concerned friend and replied,

"Don't worry Adam! I am fine. I just had loads of drinks and I guess all of them are mixing up inside.

But...I guess I am up for another beer round!"

Hearing this his brunette friend, Adam cheered up and drank the glass in his hand in one go and said,

"that's more like it!".

The rest of the night it was a blast, everyone enjoyed specially Jake but he couldn't shake the fear of

having his werewolf instincts riding him again.

Jake had been feeling scared all night. He tried to ignore it, but eventually, he knew he had to leave the

party. When Jake had bid everyone good-bye he went to his car to drive back home. He was halfway

through his journey when he felt the same suffocation and tightness again but this time it was more

stronger. He was worried that his friend's cars would also be going through the same road and there could

be a chance that they can see him transform.

"fuck! Argh shit!!"

Jake was horrified. He didn't want to be a werewolf again. He had struggled for so long to control his urges

and resist the temptation to give in to his primal instincts. But it seemed like the curse had taken hold of him

once again, and he was powerless to stop it.

His senses became hyper-aware. He could smell the faintest scents and hear every little noise. He even

felt stronger than usual. It was then that he realized his werewolf instincts were kicking in earlier than usual.

This wasn't good. He needed to rest and figure out what was going on before he lost control

He quickly paced his car, taking deep breaths and went home. When he came back he was greeted by a

smiling butler but soon as the butler noticed the horrified expression on Jake's face his smile faded and

turned into a worried expression.

"Sir Jake? Are you alright?" he asked him worriedly as Jake kept stumbling and walked upstairs to his

room. He faintly replied to his butler,

"I am fine.....just a little sick...Don't come in my room to check on me. I will call you when I need you."