

When Tayo travelled to Canada to further his studies ,he had paid for Victoria's first and second year tuition fee including her accommodation fee. When Victoria got to her third year, she had to start up a pastry business in order to retain herself in school. For that period she was able to pay her tuition fee,I .C.T fee and renew her accommodation fee all by herself. After schooling she went for the compulsory youth service (NYSC). She was posted to Kaduna as an information technology(I.T) instructor in a government school. Due to her hard-working nature she was given a 30% bonus add to her previous pay. After her Nysc camp she could cater for herself in terms of accommodation and feeding but she was running out of money. At that time many graduates were seen carrying their cv from one company to another because of technology development and creation human like robots that seem to do better jobs than real humans,this has lead to a very high rate of unemployment . Six months after her NYSC Victoria had no job of her own. A day came when she realized and said to herself "I can't believe that I've been this stupid I studied computer engineering and know how to bake I could employ myself" and also employe lots of people, these will help to easy the rate of unemployment.The next day Victoria withdrew all her money and made a loan appeal to the bank then built a house like structure and began Inventing different types of pastries which she started selling and began broadcasting a web show , showing how to make simple dishes and fries. Business grew fast due to technology and she began to employ lots of people as she initially planned. Soon she started baking and her pastries were sort for vastly. Slowly her business climbed its present status