

He was too busy enjoying the compilation that he did not notice that the seat beside him was already occupied by another passenger. Vanessa found the young man seating beside her to be rude and arrogant due to the fact that she had greeted him several times but he behaved as if she didn't even exist. Angrily she began to watch a movie she downloaded , but didn't get the chance to watch the movie now that she had this opportunity she decided to use it to the maximum. She had heard from her friends that it was very interesting and could wash a person over with a wave of different emotions. Few minutes into watching her movie she drifted off to sleep. Not long after she fell asleep the plane was preparing for take-off. A voice interval informed the passengers that all computing devices should be switched off. After switching off his computing devices he noticed that the lady beside him didn't make an attempt to switch hers off. It was then he realized that she was asleep so he helped her switch off all her computing devices that he could find without invading her privacy. Then another instruction came from the interval which informed all passengers to buckle their seat belts. Tayo buckled his and helped the sleeping lady beside him with hers after buckling her seat belt he noticed she was uncomfortable so he adjusted her seat so that she can sleep more comfortably


Remembering the past had brought her so much pain she felt as though her heart was being stabbed. After a while she could finally pull her emotions together. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and discovered that her make-up was ruined. So she decided to wash off the make-up. After washing her face she felt kind of relieved and had calmed down greatly thanks to the fact that cold water had a soothing effect to the human body which helped to relieve her tensed up muscles. Secondly the make-up was very heavy for her since she barely wore make-up and when she did (mainly on important occasions) it was always very little (but today was an exception).She looked at herself one more time before she exited the restroom. As soon as she came out of the cubicle as expected she saw Naomi who informed her that some business executives were looking for her.