

She proceeded to the Bahamas event center and was to directed Award center by one of the staffs at the Bahamas event center. The party was due to start at exactly 10:00am. So she decided to do the last minute checkup by 9:00am.

She checked the hall, the kitchen and every other place needed for the event . In order to make sure that everything was ready and accounted for. she had made a to-do consisting of all she needed to do list and was glad that it had been completed . Few minutes later the guests began to arrive for "The grand launching of TRISS the newest latest and best limited edition dish by THE BEST ENTERPRISES ". After introduction of the guests of honor it was time to give a speech on TRISS. She began speech "The newest creation of BEST enterprises TRISS is a dish made from natural Korean honey and some special spices. It is highly nutritious and makes your taste buds dance it can be used as a side dish to other variety of dishes. It is highly satisfying. It contains vitamin A, Vitamin D, calcium, Vitamin B2, vitamin B 12, Sucrose etc. . But we believe our highly esteemed customers are the best judges. Please inform us of any lapses in our dishes.