
The unspoken god quits and becomes an innkeeper

The unspoken god of the world decides to leave his post and become a mortal innkeeper. He wishes to remain as a simple innkeeper and wishes nothing more than appease the customers of Unseen Moon Inn. He will face many customers. Some ruly and some unruly. He will quide things to play as he plans and those who try to mess with the god that knows the darkest secrets of the world will get what is coming to them. Be kind to others as long as they are kind to you. And when they are not, stay polite and try to find a peaceful path. If those that disturb your peace will not stop, find a way to "suitably" get rid of them. These are the rules that the innkeeper plays. Be wary of when you bear ill will to the innkeeper and his inn. And no, he is not doing a very good job hiding his power.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Giving advice and chatting

The witch Ilina returned with the book and Diane happened to be there together with Rilli. She gave the book to Jes as she says "That was some interesting stuff. If I work on it some more, I might be able to use aether for something. Like for a fuel example. Or even greater spells." Diane and Rilli got closer to hear what the two were talking about.

Jes says "I recommend you stop your pursuit in using aether as a fuel." Ilina is surprised to hear this and asks "How so? It is abundant in this world, so why not use it?" Jes thinks for a moment and then says "Let's put it this way. If you were able to use parts of your house as fuel, would you use it? In this example you can't get a new house or repair the house."

Ilina then says pretty fast "No I wouldn't. Where would I stay if there were no house for me to be in?" Jes then says "Exactly. Think of aether as part of your house. If you use it, you can't ever get it back. This is why you shouldn't pursue this field."

Ilina then says "I see. That does make sense. Your knowledge is indeed vast. But if you knew this, why would you give me that book?" Jes answers "Because having knowledge is different how you use it. The research over aether is not exactly forbidden, but it is extremely hard to do. If you give this example to other people, most of the rational ones would stop pursuing this field just like you did." Ilina then says "I see" then starts pondering for a while.

Then Rilli comes and says "Where on earth did you get all that knowledge from mister?" Jes smiles and says "A magician never tells his secret." Diane then retorts with "So is this a trick show you are pulling?" Jes then says "It's just a metaphor. Like how traders don't tell their secrets to potential competitors."

Then Jes picks another book from the portal that fits his hand. He hands it to Ilina and says "This is a book about lost magic. It should give you a broader understanding of what you already know and what you will learn in the future." Ilina picks the book and says "Thank you. I won't let you down." Jes responds "I don't really have any expectations, but go for it."

Then Ilina goes outside and teleports away. Jes realizes that she missed an opportunity to talk to a moon elf, but he can't just call her back. This also gave Jes an idea. How about he hands the book about the three moon sisters to Rilli. He does so and explains the reason why he chose to give it to her. Rilli is stunned to hear all of this and takes some time to process it.

Then Diane asks "What about me?" Jes responds "What would you want to know?" Diane then says "I don't know. A combat technique I guess." Jes thinks for a moment and then realizes something. He then says "I got just the book for you." Then he picks a book from his portal and gives it to Diane. She asks "What is this?" And Jes replies "It is a book about techniques from a long time ago. It should inform you of ways to improve your physical traits and how to control your body. It also has some spiritual stuff in there just for the added flavor."

Diane says with a smile "Thanks. I treasure it." Jes then says "Do what you will with it." Then Diane leaves together with Rilli, who is still processing the information bomb that Jes gave her.

Soon after they are gone, a holy aura comes from outside. Then a blond woman came through the door. It was Dikaio. She says "You have three maidens around your shoulder and you don't bat an eye." Jes responds "They are just customers. I will never treat them differently."

Dikaio then says "That's a shame for those girls. Do you even consider their feelings?" Jes says "They are free to feel however they like, but my attention is fully focused on this inn. Nothing more."

Dikaio then says "Nothing more you say? Would that include your old love? Aia, was it?" Jes goes silent after hearing that name after so long. Dikaio then says "What will you do when you see her next?" Jes answers "If I'm lucky, I won't see her again." Dikaio retorts, "That wasn't the question."

Jes stops and thinks for a moment. Then says "My old body died before this world began, so there is a solid chance that it canceled that curse." Dikaio then says "That's just wishful thinking and you know that." Jes became silent once more.

After a while of silence, Jes says "If possible, I will guide her to a path that doesn't involve me. That is the path that Aia Silverheart should have walked." Dikaio then asks "And what if she wants to be involved with you?" Jes thinks for a moment and then says "I wonder if I can hold myself back if that were the case. Even though the many long goodbyes have passed, I still care for her deeply. But the guilt of making her fall in love with me again won't burn down. It keeps raging on. But I built my bed and I will have to lay in it."

Dikaio then says "What would you do if you were given the chance to truly remove the mark?" Jes said without hesitation "I would take it without a question. Though I have tried many times, it has never worked." Dikaio then says while brushing her hair "What if I would give you a hand on this? Perhaps what you are looking for is the help of someone else."

Jes gives a chuckle and then says "I have heard many similar words being spoken to me before. Thank you for the offer, but too many lives have been spent in vain for the curse to be lifted."

Then Dikaio says "By the way, I haven't seen the outer god here today. Where has she gone to?" Jes responds "She has made some friends." Dikaio then says "Friends? That thing?" Jes responds "Well they are succubi, but yes, friends." Dikaio then says "The same succubi that came here I presume. For all I know, maybe they will convince her to become a pseudo succubus herself." Jes then thinks about the obvious joke far too seriously and then says "You know, that actually may be possible considering how she is."

Dikaio then says "Seriously? Well, outer gods are outer gods I suppose. By the way, why does she appear like a little girl? Aren't outer gods supposed to look something unimaginable to mortal minds?" Jes responds "You don't know?" Dikaio then says "Well sorry for not knowing how outer gods work." Jes then says "It has to do with the way this world works as well as how the majority of outer gods work. You see, when the world was being formed, I added some minor touches that will automatically turn an outer god that enters this world into comprehensible form. The appearance of that form goes through many factors that the outer god thinks about themselves and how their powers work. In Iloton's case, she is, in outer god's standards, very immature. While she doesn't acknowledge the fact herself, it is something that is pushed into her being. Then there is the gender, which an outer god doesn't initially have one, but they usually have a gender they prefer to be called as. And the eyes you should figure out yourself."

Dikaio then says "Eyes represent the soul of the person to some degree. But since people can change, sometimes they only reflect how the person has been in the beginning." Jes says "Like how you have naturally golden eyes that represent lawful good and righteous. Yet you still do have to bend your will to the evil side in order to give a proper punishment."

Dikaio says "I will never turn to evil, but sometimes a brutal punishment is in order for the soul to move onwards in the right way." Jes smiles and says "And you only think this because of my influence." Dikaio responds "Shut up. It's not like I enjoy causing people needless suffering."

Then Jes pulls out a bottle and asks "Wanna drink?" To which Dikaio says "I refuse. God of justice can't be unfocused for even one moment." Jes says "Oh right, you don't have any tolerance for alcoholic beverages. Sorry, I forgot." Dikaio says "I know what you are up to. Don't try to push me." Jes says "Just a little won't hurt right?" Dikaio says "No is no." Jes says "Fine then. It's not like I can actually get drunk in the first place."

Then there is a moment of awkward silence. Then Jes breaks the silence by asking "I wonder what Levil is up to." Dikaio says "I don't want to know. It can't be anything good in the first place." Jes responds "Yeah, he is god of evil for a reason. Still, at least he has respect for people." Dikaio says "He once said "Don't underestimate the heart of anyone who is able to think. Most kind of people can turn to evil with just the right circumstances.""

Jes says "Yeah, that's something he would definitely say. At least he doesn't attack other gods directly." Dikaio responds "He uses his little minions to do his bidding. To him, the whole world is just a chessboard. If there is a chance to turn one soldier into a ruthless queen, he will surely find it and cause havoc on this world. Honestly, I wish we could just end him sometimes."

Jes responds "You know we can't do that. There has to be a necessary evil in this world. And even if we end him, surely he will resurrect through some bullshit measure like in all those games and novels." Dikaio is baffled and says "I don't know what you are talking about in the end there, but I do agree that he would find a way."

Jes then says with a smile "Well I can't really blame the man for being like that. After all, the only two people he can actually call friends are me and Polemos. I actually should go chat with those two sometime since it's been so long." Dikaio says "Levil and Polemos. The god of evil and the god of war. I'm actually surprised that the sister of hasn't officially joined forces and have kids with Levil."

Jes says "She would never do that. Even though war is considered a bad thing, sometimes it is for the betterment of others. That is the reason why Polemos won't turn to complete evil." Dikaio says "That's what she says, sure, but I wouldn't be surprised."

Jes says "I mean if Levil gave an offering on the scale that I did then maybe she would turn into Levil's puppet." Dikaio asks "What do you mean?" Jes answers with "She once offered her entire being as a price for me giving all the knowledge I had over war." Dikaio is surprised and shouts "What?! Her entire being?! That battle maniac and her battle fetish. What did you do?" Jes says "I told her if she would sleep with me for one night then I would give her a few books that might interest her."

Dikaio then shouts "You did what?! You and her… Together… Even though we haven't… Why?!" Jes said "I find her boldness a bit charming. Her looks weren't that bad either. She was also the one who offered the idea when I was going to refuse. Eventually we came to a compromise. We also had a kid named Bellum who lived as a mortal for most of her life before falling in battle. Come to think of it, I didn't even care that much about sleeping with her and she said that we would make a strong child. Oh right, I just didn't want her to pester me anymore and gave her the things she wanted."

Dikaio says "But… How did I not know of this?" Jes thinks for a moment and then answers with "I think you were too focused on bringing order to the world at the time so you just didn't notice." Dikaio says "I can't believe it. My sister got in there before me." Jes responds "You aren't even being subtle anymore."

Dikaio is stunned for a while, until she asks "Tell me. Was I the only one that didn't know?" Jes says "Maybe. It's not like it was a secret." Dikaio then says "For goodness sake. I need to talk to my sister." Jes says "Go for it."

Dikaio then leaves and Jes is left there. He says "Come to think of it, doing it because she had a crush on me might have been part of the reason. I really didn't make a great deal in that exchange."

Then in the realm of gods, Dikaio goes and finds Polemos. Polemos is a dark skinned woman with long white hair, red eyes and markings around her skin. Dikaio shouts when she sees her sister "Polemos!" Polemos turns around and asks "What's wrong sis?"

Dikaio then said "You slept with Juglius." There is a pause for a while. Then Polemos gets a smug smile on her face. This angered Dikaio who shouted "You did that just to get to me?!" Polemos says while having a grin "It was worth the wait." Dikaio is frustrated and tries to say something "You… I… I will… grrr." She then leaves and Polemos is left there having a smug smile and saying "Victory."

And in the mortal realm, Jes gets a customer who he did not expect to see. A woman with dark skin, short white hair and red eyes comes through the door and says "Hey dad!" Jes then sighs and says "So you didn't die… Again." Bellum says "You know me. Have to make people think I'm dead every once in a while and disappear for a couple of decades."

Jes asks "How did you know I was here?" Bellum says "Mom told me." Then Jes says with a bit of frustration "So she did know." He then collects himself and asks "So what are you up to?" Bellum then says "I was looking for a place where I can keep fighting." Jes asks "And you just made your way here now?" Bellum then says "I wandered from place to place. Never too long in one place so that I won't fall in love with someone."

Jes says "Still bitter about the last one." Bellum gives a sinister smile as she says "Yep. How could I forget such a betrayal?" Jes then says "Take it from me. Don't let the past take hold of you. Move on and move forwards." Bellum then calms down and says "I know. It's just… You know." Jes answers "I do know. Do what you think is necessary." Bellum then gives a kind smile as she says "Thanks dad."

Then after a moment of silence, Bellum asks "So can I rent a room or…" Jes says "50 copper and the room is yours for the night." Bellum says "Awesome. Here." She hands a gold coin and then says "Give me some of your strong beverages." Jes then gives her the room key and then some bottles of strong alcoholic beverage. Bellum goes to sit on a table with her drink and says a toast "For the future!"