
The unspoken god quits and becomes an innkeeper

The unspoken god of the world decides to leave his post and become a mortal innkeeper. He wishes to remain as a simple innkeeper and wishes nothing more than appease the customers of Unseen Moon Inn. He will face many customers. Some ruly and some unruly. He will quide things to play as he plans and those who try to mess with the god that knows the darkest secrets of the world will get what is coming to them. Be kind to others as long as they are kind to you. And when they are not, stay polite and try to find a peaceful path. If those that disturb your peace will not stop, find a way to "suitably" get rid of them. These are the rules that the innkeeper plays. Be wary of when you bear ill will to the innkeeper and his inn. And no, he is not doing a very good job hiding his power.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Concept of evil

One day Levil decided to go and say hello to an old friend. Once Jes felt it, he said to all that were in the inn, that included Iloton, Rilli and Elis, to leave the inn and that it was closed for a while. Once the three left the building, they sensed something sinister near the inn and decided to leave. Even Iloton wasn't comfortable while feeling that presence.

Then Levil entered the inn. He is a tall human looking thin man that looks fancy. He has a black hair and different colored eyes. One is dark violet and the other is a dark red. He has a cane on his left hand and black gloves on both of his hands

With a warm yet sinister smile while raising his arms welcomingly, Levil says "Greetings old friend! How have you been?!" Jes said with a smile and while pouring Levil a shot of alcohol "It's been good old friend. How's your business going?" Levil then puts his cane down and a hand on the counter and says "Oh, the usual. Couple of dark rituals here, rallying some serial killers there. You know how it is. Still popular with the ladies I see."

Jes gives a chuckle and says "If only that luck would translate to more customers. And I hope you don't count the kid in with what you said." Levil puts his hand on his chest like he was in shock, then says "My, I didn't think you would be offended by something like that. After all, she is your former kin and older than anyone else in this wretched world. You can't just say that because she looks like a kid she is instantly out."

Jes responds "That's where we have to disagree. Your preferences aside, I don't think it is a good idea to fuck someone mentally immature." Levil then takes the glass, drinks it and then says "Then you are saying those that are suffering with mental issues or are handicapped don't deserve love as well? And then there are just the stupid ones." Jes says "Now you're twisting my words." Levil then says "I'm simply saying the facts."

Levil shows the shot glass to Jes as to indicate that he wants more. Then Jes pours some more and Levil takes a good sip of it. Then Levil says "You really know how to let others indulge in the pleasures of this world. Care for a round of chess?" Jes says "Sure." Then Levil snaps his fingers and the two are sent to a desolate plain with nothing but dead things.

Besides them is a chessboard and two chairs for each side. Levil presents the chair by showing it with his hand. Then both of them sit and start playing chess. After the first move was made Levil says "This place used to be thriving farmland a couple of centuries ago." After the second move Jes asks "Was it your doing?" Levil says "It was just a little nudge to the followers of Loimos and then he did the deed all by himself."

After the next move Jes says "So you managed to manipulate the most neutral god of them all to follow up with your schemes. As expected of you." Then Levil says "Why thank you. It isn't easy to manipulate that stubborn god of pestilence." Then they continue the match in silence for a while.

Then Levil says "Tell me more about one of the old worlds." Jes thinks for a moment and then says "Then why don't I bring up one of the old world's writers. There was a one that had problems with self harm and suicidal thoughts, but he also brought up some interesting ideas for others to think about."

Levil says "Those kinds of people are up my alley. Little push and swoosh goes the light. What interesting ideas did this one have? Jes does his move and then says "Well he wrote about the concept of evil. In his writings he brought an example about a situation like eating a baby. It is inherently considered evil if there is no concept. But what if the baby would end up killing many people and cause desperation? If that fact was brought to the table, then there would be few more people leaning towards the fact that it wasn't evil. Then there is the fact that the baby is still innocent at the moment and we don't know if it will turn to evil. But if we had that certainty, would more people eat the baby. There was also a famous question about what if you could go back in time and kill a child that will commit major genocide towards sertain group of people in the future. In that question most people would choose to kill that child to prevent major casualties. But then we are back to the fact about eating a baby. Is it evil?"

Levil thinks for a moment and says "To do something that affects negatively towards a person or group that hasn't done anything negative towards you is evil. If you kill a baby, you are killing a living being and possibly cause distraught to the parents or other people, you are considered evil. No matter what the baby would commit in the future. Only in the future can we say that killing a baby might have been the safer option, but if the baby were to be killed, then it would never commit any evil themselves, thus the reason the baby was killed was meaningless in that timeline no matter who you try to argue with."

Then a couple of moves later, Jes brings up another discussion about evil. "If a mortal would willingly take away the land from future generations by poisoning the air, would the people poisoning the air be evil?" Levil says "If that's the whole concept, then yes." Then Jes continues "But what if they have no other choice. But if the poisoning of air makes life simply easier to the majority of people, are they evil for letting things be? Should they fight against it and protest to make people stop poisoning the air?" Levil says "Still the answer is yes." Jes continues "But what if they can't stop it happening no matter how hard they try. If the world has accepted the fact that taking away future generation's hope is worth the leisure, then should you just fight against it to make yourself good? If the battle was meaningless, would there be a meaning to keep going?"

Levil asks "What was the people's resolution towards this since the majority accepted the way things were?" Jes said "There were those who didn't believe the poisoning was real, there were those who knew and simply did nothing, there were those who fought against it and then there were those who gave up. The writer I told you about earlier was the last one."

Levil says "Your little writer was someone who sounded like he would have been fun to poke around with to see what he comes up with. How popular was that person?" Jes said "He was just an ordinary person writing things. I don't know what else you expect? All the humans in that world were mostly just ordinary without any real power to choose their own way and just be another gear in the machine and not the operator."

Levil then says "Sounds depressing. And boring to be honest. Poking people who wish nothing more than to eat, drink and sleep the next day wouldn't be fun. I think you are being a little too cynical in the way you describe that world. I'm sure there were some fun things there as well. And probably who would be fun to poke around with. Anyways, what happened to the writer?" Jes smiles and says "Who knows." Levil says with a bit upset in his voice while still being sarcastic "Oh come on my friend. Don't leave me hanging like this." Jes just says "Too bad." And moves a piece that makes it checkmate.

Levil is stunned by this for a moment and analyzes what just happened. Then he asks "You didn't cheat while I was focusing on your story, did you?" Jes says "I wouldn't be that unfair to you old friend. It wouldn't be fun for me to cheat my way to victory like that." Levil then says "Still, wouldn't be out of character for you. Fine, I accept, you are victorious." Levil then offers his hand as to say it was a good match. Jes shakes his hand as it is good manners and Levil was a respectable person to some degree. Then Levil asks "Would you care for another round old friend?" Jes answered "Yeah, why not. Let's see if you can beat me this time."

Levil loses another round and then says "I don't get it. I win all the rounds I fought against mortals, but why do I keep losing to you? It must be since you have had time to practice ever since you picked this game from that world. I'm sure that must be the case. If not, then I'm sure you're cheating." Jes then says "Want to have more alcohol? I got plenty. I can even share some from one of the old worlds." Levil says "Oh, exciting. Can't wait to have a taste of that. Then let's proceed. Do you want to go to your inn or would you like some other scenery?" Jes answers "Let's just change the scenery."

Then Levil snaps his finger and they are sent to one of the hells. This was something that was constantly on fire. Jes said "You certainly have some interesting picks." Levil says "Don't I. Now pour me some." Jes does so and he pours a drink for Levil. Levil then says "It is a shame you can't get drunk. It would be so much fun hearing you speak some ancient secrets while drunk." Jes says "I know what you mean. It is boring to be like this sometimes."

Then Levil says "But don't you know everything that is forgotten in the world? I'm sure there is a way for you to fix the little problem you currently have with alcohol." Jes says "There is one, but it is too bothersome to do and would make things difficult for the whole world for a minute or two." Levil says "Come on! Don't be shy. You can let go every once in a while." Jes pours a drink to Levil after he drank it. Then Jes says "There are some people I don't like risking getting involved, so I choose not to do it."

Levil then says "Is it Dikaio? I heard that she just found out you and Polemos's little thing back in the day." Jes just said "Why would it be her? Because she likes me or something? No, there are people that I've put some investments in so I can't risk losing all that progress. If there weren't those people, then I would probably do it." Levil asks "Then why didn't you do it when there weren't any of those people?" And Jes just says "I didn't want to put more eyes on me. After all, I had many eyes glued to me back in the day when I did my shenanigans."

Levil then says "True, true. Well I won't force you. But say, what would you do if I found that little Aia and brought her head to you?" Jes says "Probably nothing." Levil says "Are you sure? You do care about her, don't you?" Jes says "I just think that it doesn't matter in the long term. If she dies here, then so what? She always dies before the world ends and I am left to wander around until that world ends." Levil then says "But what if she fell in love with you again? Would you be mad then?" Jes said "No." Levil responds with "Cold" then takes another glass of alcohol.

Then a devil comes along and says "What are you two doing here?" Levil just says "Having a good old time, that's what, oh little mister devil." The devil gets angry and says "You are in hell and go up against the true denizens of it? You must be out of your mind. You better…" Then Levil snaps his finger and the devil bursts into a bloody pulp. Then he says "Don't you have any manners? Now my mood has gone down. Oh right, you are dead. But since you are a devil, you will resurrect anyways, so screw it."

Then Levil drinks more and asks for another. Jes does so and then Levil drinks it. Then Levil decides "How about we go and take a walk around hell?" Jes just says "Haven't done so in for quite some time, so why not." Then the two go and look at the suffering souls. There is a man burning in a cage and Levil decides to go up to it and say "Hey saint Roderick. Long time no see. Do tell, were those orphans worth the pain?" Saint Roderick is screaming in pain while being unable to utter a single word. Then Levil just says "Good talk. Let's move onwards."

They keep on walking past suffering souls and Levil looks happy as can be, giggling along the way. Then Levil decides to grab one of the suffering souls and toss it to the river of lava. Then he laughs and says "That's what you deserve you little turd." Then they continue walking.

While walking, Levil says "You know, the fact that the reason why people end up here mostly by themselves is great and all since I can watch them suffer, but misleading an innocent soul to a place of suffering is something that thrills me every time. Haah, I wish I could just do much more."

Then the two stumble across a torture session where man's balls are about to be twisted off. Levil says that he wants to be the one to do it and the two devils let him. With excruciating pain, the man's balls eventually twist off in a bloody mess. Levil is laughing like he's having the best day of his life and the man just keeps on screaming. Then when Levil calms down a little, he decides to lick the blood off of his gloves seductively. Jes has been watching all this happen with little to no reaction.

After Levil is done, both of them leave and start to wander around some more. Some time later, Levil says to Jes while a woman and a a man are raped by devils simultaneously "Why haven't we slept together yet my old friend? We have so much in common and we are dear friends to each other. Why not share the love and just do it. You can choose if you want to be the top or the bottom if you want." Jes then says "I just don't want to." Levil then whines and says "Is it because I am a man? You know I can shapeshift to whatever you'd like." Jes responds "I just simply don't want to. It's that simple." Levil is disappointed and says "Well, if you ever change your mind, I would be happy to comply."

Then after walking some more, Levil realizes something and says "Oh right. You have a daughter don't you? What if I turn her to evil and have my way with her?" Jes responds by saying "While I think a parent would normally say "Don't you dare touch my daughter", I honestly don't care much what path Bellum chooses to take. She is free to do what she wants and if that includes being guided by you, then so be it." Levil says with a bit of disappointment "You aren't making things any fun for me, you know that right?" Jes then says "Oh I know." Levil then says "Well at least you know."

Then Levil stretches his arms a bit and says "Man I'm glad I chose to visit you. It's been too long since we hung around like this. Want to do some more walking around in another hell perhaps?" Jes says "I think it is time for me to return to my inn." Levil responds with "Well so be it." And then he snaps his fingers and the two are now back at the inn. Then Levil says "It was truly fun to hang around again. Maybe we should do this more often. But time sure flies and it truly seems it is time for me to go." Then Jes picks a bottle of alcohol from a portal he made and gives it to Levil while saying "This is a parting gift. It was enjoyable for me too." Levil smiles and takes the bottle with his right hand. Then Levil says his goodbyes and goes through the door and his presence disappears soon after.

After Levil was gone, Jes went and took the "closed" sign away and then returned to the business as usual. Then later Iloton came back, who had some paper bags of sweets on her. After she put them away for later consumption, she said to Jes "So that was the god of evil." Jes responds "That's right." Iloton then says "Iloton wonders if he is as bad as the other ones." Jes replies "Oh I have met a lot worse." Iloton then says "Is that so." And begins eating her purchased sweets.

Jes then mutters to himself "Out of all the "evil" gods I've met, I think he is one of the more reasonable ones."