
The Unrivaled God of Music.

"At first I couldn't understand myself until I learned of My true weakness - Unmerciful!... Many claim to know me but they don't. With this power my only goal is to make a world a better place. Even if it means going against the very heavens! because...At the end of it all, even if not certain about many things but one thing I know is that no matter the race, the place you come from ,somewhere deep inside, you crave for music... With Music I stand against all with a flute in my hand and once I reach my goal, will I face my eternal rest" ______ Alex a carefree young man with no talent yet a musical genius is the ridicule of the cultivation world; a world where strength was the only thing that mattered. Will Alex be able to survive?... His weakness, his forgiving heart, their scorn, disdain and ridicule how long will he endure before he snaps?... "But what's the origin of this weird flute?... Is it a gift?...", Alex looked puzzled. Watch as Alex seeks to uncover mysteries learning there is more than meets the eyes... ____________________________ The cover pape is not mine, if you want me to take down, I can do it without batting an eye.

Vaniaka · Eastern
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11 Chs

Masked Wang Meng

Meanwhile two people could be seen fighting , one figure was that of an elder in his primes and another was of a youth with a smiling ghost mask. it was an intense fight as everyone watching held their breath...

shoo! shua!

A sword energy so terrifying that it seemed it could destroy everything in its path was released, everyone had beads of sweat on their fore heads-

"Even though elder Fu suppressed his cultivation, his power is so scary"-

"Yes-if it were me i would run in the face of such power"-

"That's why its not you...people like you are cowards, I admire young master"-


"Elder Fu is strong but young master is not lacking either, he might last a few seconds"-

Murmuring noises spread as the people and youths discussed the fight before them. The fight was fierce, and everyone's was fixed on the two figures when-

"Sword of destruction!"-

"Everlasting sword of destruction??...", everyone swallowed hard, they couldn't understand what was happening before them, and why would elder fu go to such extremes?...

Everlasting sword of destruction was the village's most treasured skill, it was the ultimate killing move and under its power, one felt complete despair and helpless. A sword move that everyone feared because no one has ever blocked it without having fatal injuries.

Elder Fu smiled bitterly as he unleashed his strongest attack...

It was still and everyone had held their breath afraid of what to come...

And yet in the face of such a raging sword energy, the masked youth showed no signs of panic, instead he was unusually still and composed. No one could see his expressions and for the first time in a long while, everyone wished he had no mask... it sounded cruel

People felt great pressure from the sword energy and some had to seek shelter even though it was not directed at them but due to the great power behind it, they had nothing but one thought in mind..."he is finished..."

In one second all the people were hopeless and in the next second... Shock and disbelief was all one could see judging from their facial expressions.

With hands clasped behind his back, the masked youth looked indifferent even in the face of danger before him - no he looked like he was rather unhappy... He was perfectly still...

Just when the sword energy was about to turn to cut him in half , he did something shocking...

Just his fingers was all it took for him , with slow yet swift hand gestures , a circle appeared in front of him, it swallowed the the terrifying sword wave in a blink, disappearing completely as if it was never there... Across them, thundering noises threatened to puncture their ear drums, blood trickled from their ears as dust danced in the air as it tried to settle. People chose to believe that this was hallucinations playing tricks with their eyes, yet no matter how they looked at it, the truth was right in front of their eyes.

Everlasting sword of destruction was the village's ulmate move, it's power destroyed everything in it path to nothing, anyone facing such a destructive power, a sense of despair is what they could bear while waiting to die. Young master should have been shredded to pieces right? but why was he still there? and how could a simple drawing of a hole defeat such a destructive sword wave?... Questions were rather endless.

Again there was exceptional silence as everyone absorbed everything before them...

"So strong!", elder Fu murmured, he couldn't believe his eyes, [even though I have used only half of my power just now, it was enough to bring him down right?... ]. For the first time, he regretted holding back when fighting this youth.

"Wang Meng, you are strong but just now, I used just half of my strength do you dare to continue?...",Elder Fu faked calmness, his reputation matched him, looking at his face not a single sign of panic was there.

Inside a mask Wang Meng's lips curved up," Wrong! ", Meng telepotated and was now whispering in the elder's ear. Such speed is one they had never seen before. Elder was petrified to hear some whispers in his ears, tilting his head he saw Wang's lips... His his paled... Although it was only just a whisper everyone heard it.

" Allow me to return the favor"-

Leaving after images behind him, Wang Meng unleashed his attack...


Elder Fu was sent flying, spitting a mouthful of blood... He was injured.

"Just now I used speed, combat and portal formation, I have not even used half of my power yet you are already down... You disappoint me elder Fu", Wang Meng sighed while taking measured steps toward the injured elder.

"Second level of the martial realm?... ", elder Fu exclaimed while the people looked even more shocked.

" Why did you suppress your cultivation? " -

" Am afraid that if I didn't you couldn't even last more than ten breaths I thought it would be exciting to fight you at my weakest. But your loss today was your fault... Never underate your enemies. But don't worry, next time I won't attack", With that, Wang Meng left feeling bored, people watched him intently while he disappeared from their sight...


At the same time, a soul tearing melody could be heard, it sounded so sorrowful and yet so touching as if it was the only thing left when everything else was gone. Closing his eyes ,Alex got lost in this piece of melody that he couldn't find himself, he felt so attached to it, the various feelings it carried, the grief, the explicate pain, all of this was new to him.

Losing himself he played wildly, in this moment time had no meaning...

Everything was dead silent as the sorrowful melody filled the entire sky, even the trees, the air relayed their with grief. Closing his eyes , Alex had never felt an explicable feeling he was having right now, everything else seemed meaningless .

"Wow... its the music emperors ... Come on brother let's go see them... "

" I heard their music can heal and kill"-

"I don't think so... Um... How can the beautiful tune am hearing kill you?... Am going".

Opening his eyes, Alex was stupefied by what welcomed him. "Wait am I hallucinating?"

Looking at everyone else suspiciously while raking his hair, why has he been this careless? He of all people know that the world admired people with strength but him...he was a waste.


Suddenly applauds followed and looking carefully it were indeed his people, at this moment, he felt valued and respected, with some tears threatening to fall he thanked everyone.

It wasn't pretentious or anything it was genuine admiration...

The whole village was looking at him not with scorn but with admiration... Alex couldn't believe it at all, he thought he was hallucinating yet another round of applause almost had his heart leaving his chest... With a few steps backward so as to run but was stopped...

"Alex you are so talented in the music arts, it's a pity that I couldn't see that before", Feng Lord admitted, "who knows what might become of you in the future".

" Alex is indeed a music genius, even Feng lord was touched ".

"Music has meaning and purpose indeed - "

" Young master Alex is so talented, I wonder if he will be able to match Gonja the killer", a youth with neatly braided hair remarked drawing his friends' attention

"You mean the legendary warrior who plays evil tunes to disturb people minds...I doubt so. Gonja is just a legend, so no one knows for sure whether it's true and besides who can fight people with music?... I guess it's too fake-"

"Darren, Zhu, its alright you guys... Look the training session is about to start! ". Looking at his two friends... He shook his heads...

" What?... ",

" Zhang you fool, do you have to shout our names so loud? Have you forgotten? "

Follow the MC journey in his struggles of ups and downs...

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