
The Unparalleled Sovereign of Might, Speed and Annihilator Drones

Disclaimer: This story includes visual portrayals of extreme violence, blood, and gore. [Audience Rating: 18+] — Meet Jack Greyson, an ordinary human from Earth who unwittingly activated a certain item that transported him to a distant world located in the vast and endless Seas of Stars. Appearing as the weakest and most feeble in this world, Jack must fervently train and swiftly grow stronger using the 'Trifaceted Talent System'—a potent and enigmatic, talent-infusing interface of unknown origins. This system will transform his vulnerability, frailty, and oppression into unbounded, obliterative savagery, immense desolating strength, and unparalleled destructiveness by imbuing him with three phenomenal talents: unbound might, limitless speed, and the ability to ceaselessly manifest countless, myriad battle drones—technologically sophisticated ones hugely advanced than monumental fighter drones from hundreds of thousands of centuries in the future. Furthermore, each of these talents come with complementing marvelous and fascinating abilities that will make Jack apocalyptically strong, destructively fierce, and incomparably fearsome. But all these, he would need to constantly, diligently work for and earn by completing numerous secret tasks, as well as minor, common-event to grand, special-event missions that have varying degrees of difficulty, dangers, and peril—some could turn him into a disabled cripple with torn-off limbs and shredded, gashed, or melted skin, or rendered as a viciously ruined corpse. While others could leave him as scattered drops of bright, rusty red fluid, staining the ground, walls, or filling the atmosphere confined in whatever area he was reduced to as either crimson fog or mist. To know more, accompany Jack Greyson in his unrelenting, dauntless, and indefatigable, extremely perilous quests across numerous unbounded worlds or vast dimensional planes that dot the 'boundless Seas of Stars' and are filled with strange, strong and agile entities, ravenous beastly creatures, and terrifying sentient monstrosities. In these unknown, foreign worlds and planes, Jack will attempt to dominate their powerful inhabitants and leave behind his indelible mark, lingering vestige, and everlasting legacy on each of them! *** This story intertwines compelling epic actions, daring adventures, advanced technology, preternatural powers, a unique Level-Up System, romance, and the complexities of enviable, loyal and beautiful friendships turned family. Enjoy! :) _ P.S: Remember to cast your vote, share your thoughts on what resonates with you or doesn't, and provide critiques. Your feedback is appreciated!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Shocking Strength (I)

Chapter 4 - Shocking Strength (I)

As soon as Jack's form materialized at a certain location in the new world that he was spatially transported to, with an attire that didn't look like it was from earth, but bore great similarity to the ones adorning the bodies of the people walking about in the region that he suddenly found himself, he was instantly overwhelmed with unbounded awe when he saw seemingly innumerable tall, giant structures that rose so high that their tips almost pierced through the sky that was surprisingly purple in color, unlike on Earth where the sky is cyan.

"Amazing!" Jack said, utterly blown away by the awesomeness that graced his sight, and by the monumental grandness of the aesthetic and exotic, monolithic structures that he set his gaze upon.

After looking around in indissoluble stupefaction, he suddenly remembered that he had been transported away from Earth and might remain here for a really long time. He had a feeling that it was until he had completed hundreds to thousands of missions or tasks assigned by the Trifaceted Talent System before he could possibly return to Earth once again.

"Grandfather, please remain alive till I return. And I hope time goes slower on Earth than in this world. Though I don't know from where you got the strange crystalline artifact that teleported into my mind and transported me to a possibly, tremendously distant universe, I will surely narrate everything to you—my intense death-defying fights, countless perilous adventures, and the families, friends, and enemies that I made."

"Though the people residing on the surface of this planet might be immensely stronger than I, an ordinary human, I however promise that I won't let us earthlings down. This world will know of a particular creature that came from Earth and quickly rose to undisputed, planet-wide fame and glorious, world-quaking power on their planet. Just wait for your grandson to return with this absolute magnificence, glory and honor." Jack said, his eyes gleaming with a great, unyielding and unbreakable resolve.

He then said further, exuding an air of readiness to surmount everything that will appear on his path, "I guess it's only after I have completed numerous tasks here, would I be able to journey to other worlds to dominate them as well. Haha. But if this world is an average world that has probably countless tall, imposing structures, what would the higher or more excellent, major worlds have? Can't wait to explore every one of them and leave my indelible mark on each of them. They will all come to know and dread a name called Jack Greyson!"





Unexpectedly, intensely sharp and really loud, ear-grating sounds began to ring out from faraway as an alarming number of giant crow-like birds; their sizes forty folds that of a massively tall mountain, began to fly at seemingly raging speeds towards the region.

These crow-like birds, known as Aeonyx, periodically raided regional cities to feed on what they desired most—people. They were highly cannibalistic creatures, preying solely on the inhabitants of this planet. A single Aeonyx could consume six hundred people in a single rampage across vast and immense cities.


One of them, after sighting Jack from hundreds of kilometers away with its immense, powerful and bright, ruby-colored eyes, suddenly produced a loud and deafening, shriek-like sound before beginning to flap towards Jack who didn't know that something had targeted him from a tremendously far distance and was beginning to fly towards him at a great speed. Besides, he seemed rooted at the spot that he stood on—he was still utterly bamboozled and gobsmacked at the awe-inspiring sight of the massive, beautiful structures that seemed to densely dot the earth for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

"Definitely a bad, ominous sound. Ughhh! But why should this happen on my arrival? I have to leave this place at once and find a good place to hide." Jack said and immediately took off to find a rather nice place to conceal himself from whatever was coming towards them that he couldn't see yet, after hearing those alarming, spine-chilling shriek sounds and seeing how crowds of people, who surprisingly looked like humans from Earth and possessed really similar hair types and skin colors, began to rush into buildings or towering, massive structures to make them protective sanctuaries that will shield them from the colossal talons and beaks of the ravaging, behemoth beasts now rampaging in the region's airspace.

As a terrified, alarmed and seriously stupefied Jack began to run in the rather long, winding street that stretched for as long as possible—probably for thousands of miles into the distance, and was about 120 feet wide, since the region, or more precisely, the city, was tremendously large in size and had immense spaces in each streets for possibly the swift movements of numerous giant instruments without experiencing congestion, the crow-like bird—the Aeonyx that Noticed Jack from afar and suddenly developed a great liking for his body; as it could perceive something flowing within his body, suddenly appeared nine hundred feet away from its previous six thousand feet that it sighted Jack from, flapping its massive wings so hard that they generated devastating wind gales that could rapidly weather through resilient, formidable structures, reducing them to rubbles. The beating of its immense wings that moved nearly eight hundred and ninety-three times in a second and held a size that seemed to block out a large section of the sky, produced great thrust that propelled the Aeonyx to move at a great speed, enabling it cover really large distances very quickly.


The Aeonyx produced that thunderous, shriek-like sound once again and immediately lowered itself from its current high altitude of over four thousand feet in the sky, readying itself to devour Jack Greyson whole.

"Get out of here, you damned scavenger beast!" Shouted a beautiful, young woman with a serious but alarmed look on her wrath-contorted face once she appeared on the roof of a 90-feet tall building that was about a hundred feet away from Jack's current position. She wielded a three-inches thick, twelve-feet long spear that glowed, hummed and thrummed with a certain unprecedented energy.

She wore a bright and well-sewed, thick body-fitting uniform that had shoulder, elbow and knee areas covered with shiny metallic plates. This uniform featured a reflective, metal-thread embroidery of a certain mysterious symbol at the top right side of her chest, making the uniform reminiscent of those worn by trained personnel in special task corps or tactical response forces.

**Though her words are written in English, she wasn't speaking English. Instead, she was speaking Dotrian language—Ascleota, which was the name of their language. It was written in English for comprehension. So, what she said was, "Wersufi weisehsr asdeifir slakrolaila."

The sentient crow-like beast, the Aeonyx, perfectly understanding Ascleota, heard the woman's booming words from far away using its powerful, colossal sense of hearing. However, it simply ignored her and continued to fly towards Jack, who was scared out of his wits and tirelessly ran with all the strength he could muster for his dear life.

"Hateful wild bastard!" The young woman who could predict the Aeonyx, said with intensified fury and immediately jumped into the air after the beast. But she couldn't cover large distances in her jump. However, the distance she covered was quite remarkable as she quickly covered a whopping 78 feet in a single jump.

Before she could land on the ground from her astonishing high-descent jump, the air beneath her feet suddenly solidified into a surprisingly firm platform—more solid than rock. She stepped onto it with both feet and furiously sprung into the air once again after the beast that seemed determined to give her and her colleagues a tough time in their assigned parts of the city, which they watched over as regional protectors.

As Jack ran for his dear life, he couldn't notice this as he was busy running, mustering every wisp of muscular power that he could get. At the moment, his skin had turned pale-white from overwhelming fear and horror, which enveloped his whole being and profoundly chilled his heart, spine, and bone marrow.


The crow-like beast suddenly emitted a deep growl and opened its beak, releasing a strongly choking smell of seemingly decomposing corpses. It then swooped down at great speed, aiming to swallow Jack and tear him into bloody bits within its massive, lustrous, steel-like beak, which appeared large enough to fit four times the size of a towering mountain.

When its beak was only an inch away from swallowing and gulping down a truly terrified, pale-skinned Jack, a spear that glowed radiantly—making it seem like a miniature sun of myriad intense colors, and thrummed with a unique kind of savage, violently pulsing, and thunderously-booming tumultuous energy—such that it caused the air to widely part—about thirty-three feet apart and form into a large vacuumed trail that was clearly visible to the eyes of all mundane onlookers and witnesses, was thrown with a great amount of force that if the force backing it transformed into a focused blast and was directed at an imposing mountain located on a vast mountain range, the mountain will instantly shatter into fragments, while the focused blast bearing such immense destructive potency, will move on to disintegrate a long link of mountains beside it. That was simply how powerful the throw was!



The Aeonyx immediately screamed in both wrath and excessive pain when the spear struck its iron-like beak, caused the generation of large amounts of sparks, and viciously knocked its colossal beak in another direction with an immense amount of sundering, collapsing force, giving Jack the ability to evade the open, tremendously-sized beak of the giant winged beast that was poised for swallowing.