

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs




I sat in silent , after Zach's outburst ,shocked to the core , this was all my fault .These two bundles were going to die because of me . Images of that night ,the night I decided to forget all my troubles on a stranger's bed flooded on my mind as tears splattered on the faces of my two babies. They looked so cute with their eyes closed . I was ready for death ,I knew this was coming , I had committed adultery, yeah and there were going to execute me for that but the so damn called council did not notice the way Zach beat me, abused me and all that .All they see are the mistakes the Luna do and not the Alpha .

As I drowned myself in the smiles of my two babies .I looked at them and that's when I felt it ,the need to protect my children .I would die for them ,I would rather die than them , this is all my fault ,they are not supposed to die because they didn't ask to be born in this cruel world .Am gonna protect them no matter what .I quickly wiped my tears away , then put them carefully in their cribs and removed the drip tube that was connected to my arm . I didn't need it anymore I am werewolf so I had already healed.

I had a plan and it was so simple ,yeah in words but come actions . I breathed out a heavy sigh , this was going to be very difficult. When I was about to turn the knob, it suddenly turned and it opened ,my heartbeat accelerated and I swear the person responsible for this could hear it also. I was frozen on spot with no plan whatsoever , this was it ,I was gong to die,.I gripped the two cribs tightly scared of the unknown . I decided to shut my eyes completely .

"Luna ,what are you doing?", I heard a familiar voice .I opened my eyes slowly and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Alice . " Alice? ,what are you doing here?" I asked but "I asked you the same thing and where were you going?", she asked .A tear escaped my left eye and I wiped it off with the back of my hand as I was still holding the other crib.

" No time to explain ,Alice could you please help me please!"I cried quietly. With a surprised look on her face she said"of course my Luna, anything for you." I smiled slightly and answered "Alice there is no time so listen to me carefully, this is very dangerous and I need you to be brave okay", she nodded with a determined look.

" Alice ,as you know these two bundles here",I said as I pointed my chin to the cribs,"are in grave danger ,Alice they want to kill my babies bu.....but I...I won't let them do so Alice ,I won't .They also want to kill me Alice ,they will execute me tomorrow an...and..," I stammered. "Calm down Luna I heard everything sorry for eavesdropping on your conversation with the Alpha but I couldn't help myself Luna ,she said as she bowed her head avoiding my eyes." Then why are you here listening to me and still calling me Luna when you now know very well that am no longer your Luna ,Alice ,why are you here when you know this may cost your life, why do you look like you are ready to help me when you know tomorrow will be my last?",I asked in a row.

She just smiled ,"because am here to help you escape Luna ,and besides everything you have done you still will be my Luna,also I kinda fell in love with these two when they came In this cruel world , and to answer another question of yours ,Luna am an orphan although very young ,I don't have a lot to loose since I lost everything my parents ,my siblings in that great war with the vampires ,my Luna so am ready to die at least it would be worth it and please don't try to convince me otherwise",she concluded. I couldn't help but smile at this child's courage and I immediately grew fond of her. I nodded she did too.

"Luna let me carry the other crib," I nodded and gave it to her ,she smiled,"I know this place like the back of my hand ,we just have to see our way out of this hospital maybe through the 'staff only' door then the back door , from there ,we sneak out into the forest and try by all means to get to the highway then we will get the available flight to wherever but anywhere that is way too far from this place okay?"she said .I nodded with a wide grin finally my babies will be safe but something caught my mind."But Alice my money is at the pack house , my cards and everything," I stressed.

She sighed and said,"don't worry Luna I've got a plan, stay here for a minute let me go visit the pack house",she made her way to the door,"But Alice",she turned sharply ,"no buts Luna ,I signed my self for this just wait here give me ten minutes then I'll be back okay", I nodded,"Alice !," I called out when she was about to go , she turned again,"just be careful dear," she just smiled , headed me the crib and faced the door.

I watched as the clock ticked and by each minute that was passing, my heart was unsettling ,'she said ten minutes' ,I had to remind myself again and again so as to calm my self. As if the babies knew what was happening ,not even a muffled sound came out from the two . My miracles , I was going to save them no matter what , even if it meant them growing without a mother , that would be fine as long as they are alive ,'but...' my subconscious argued but I quickly shut her because I knew what she was going to object .Growing without parents was a mini hill , I went through it myself but I survived .I sighed

I looked at the clock once again and my heart sank with worry , it was already past ten .minutes by twelve making it twenty two minutes already .I started pacing around the hospital too waiting for Alice to show up. Eight minutes passed and tears were at the brim of my eyes ,'where are you Alice?' I asked no one in particular. Tears started flowing down my cheeks and at that moment Alice budged in .Overwhelmed with emotions I hugged her so tight that I swear it became hard for her to breath , she chocked and I released her , I couldn't help it I was so happy see her.

"Sorry my Luna , I was caught ..." I yelped in sheer horror , afraid that i had dragged this poor soul with me and my downfall. She saw worry visible in my eyes and continued ,"then I had to explain what I was doing there and the Alpha believed but then Mr Hunk came in with his sick child and I had to do a check up you see",I nodded with understanding. "Let's go then dear we don't have more time to waste," I said as I gave her the other crib and she handed me my cards and a sling bag full off some cash which I stuffed inside my track pants side pockets and she nodded .Just like thieves at night we sneaked our way out Alice had given me a veil ,and she made me drink this pill to cover my scent but she told me it wouldn't last long but we had to give it a shot.

We reached the forests and I let out a huge breath and smiled at Alice .We were now near the highway just an hour then we would have reached .Just as we were taking a rest after series of running and jogging , I picked up a scent but it was too late because arrows started flying our way .One was aiming at Alice and with my reflexes , I used my other free hand to divert it from her .By the time she looked at where it came from, many came flying to us . "Dodge my Luna!", she screamed at me and one arrow flew right above my head, cutting the tip of my hair. I screamed ,my babies started to wail and at the same time a loud howl boomed through the forest .Damn I knew the owner of that howl even In my sleep , it was Zach and the howl carried a lot of emotions but anger,betrayal and regret was very dominant .

At that moment I knew we were doomed and my babies couldn't stop crying .I looked at Alice and she nodded at me and suddenly, 'Luna we have to get you out of here even if I don't make it alive you have to okay , survive Luna and it will make my soul happy if I happen to not make it alive',Alice said in my thoughts yeah telepathy every werewolf had that ability , the ability to communicate via thoughts . I sniffed and roughly wiped the tears on my cheeks,'no Alice we are surviving this together now get your ass up and run dear',I told her back .She nodded and she stood up.

I clutched the crib I was carrying to my chest and started running ,Alice followed and the arrows too. Later , seeing that our speed was dropping we transformed into our wolves and clutched the cribs with our mouth , to be precise with our canines . We ran and the people chasing us were not giving up either , there were the pack warriors after all. Alice was starting to tail back and I had to shout via her mind, 'Alice dear u have to run ', she huffed and replied, ' Luna they don't call you that for nothing , I ain't strong like you , my wolf is tired !' ,she chuckled

Alice was really trailing back now and an unexpected loud howl and a whimper came from her .I stopped in my tracks and turned back, Alice laid there weakly and the whimpers were not helping her situation at all .I quickly changed back to my human form and a strong sizzling smell clouded the atmosphere , silver .A long arrow was stuck on her back and from the angle it was struck at ,the arrow was from a wide ranger, the crib she was carrying was in front of her .I dragged her to the side .

'Alice dear please wake up don't die on me dear you have to get up ', I shouted in her mind since she couldn't speak because she was still in her wolf form. She looked very weak and she was now shaking , silver was poisonous to werewolves and on top of that the arrow was coated with wolfsben another poison to wolves . A weak voice was heard in my mind ,'Luna Lu..Luna please save yourself , save the babies please, leave me here I will be fine ,it doesn't even hurt', she whimpered as blood started to ooze from her mouth. I scoffed. 'Luna I will be fine go they're nearing they ..they will hurt the babies please Luna just go', she was right I could smell their scent there were getting nearer. Alice pushed the crib towards me and,'Margret go!! ,but do me a favor ', she continued in my mind as I carried the other crib ,'Please name the boy Adrian and the girl Adrianna please',I smiled weakly and ' of course dear anything for you and Alice am so sorry dear'. I could feel her smile in my mind and with a thud, she breathed out her last breath. I sobbed silently as I clutched Adrian and Adrianna to my chest and ran like a lunatic . The highway was only a few meters away from were I was I could hear the sound of cars .Then I kept running with hope in my heart.