
Who's That Crazy Mentor?!


That's when I feel some wind behind me. It is also when I understand that there were not 12 woodcutters, but 13. Sorry mother, it seems I won't ever find our brethren…

I was full of hopes and dreams, but it seems this journey of mine will end here. Never will I find Yggdrasil, never will I…

"Wait! She's human!"

A girl's voice interrupts. I can feel the cold steel of the axe digging into my neck, it hurts! But then it suddenly stops. Just the tip, that's all that penetrated my flesh. Behind me, I can hear the grunts of the man and feel his warm breath on my neck.

"What?! She's not some kind of magical moving tree camouflaging as a human?!"

What is that even supposed to mean? I stay completely immobile. That's when he simply yanks his axe out. I feel faint, but then the girl that saved me approaches and bandages my wound. My whole back is drenched, this is the first time in my life I brush so closely with death.

"Are you okay?"