
The Unlucky Lucky Pink Haired Reluctant Heroine

(Mature Content) In the world of Valowre, a disease known as The Rot has infected the planet. Mana Fujino is a young woman, working as a cashier at her parents’ bakery within the protective walls of Koro, her home city. She’s an intelligent girl, though mainly unmotivated, and all she wants to do is to simply exist. However, on one fateful day, she ended up making a crucial mistake that ended up tearing her life into pieces and dragging her into the chaos that devoured the world. Join Mana as she transforms from a once nameless woman into the 7th Mytho-Tiered Warrior who’s mission is to rid Valowre of The Rot; destroying the very thing that made her powerful. —————- This is my first book. I love feedback! Only way to improve. :) I hope you enjoy! -female main character- -A lot of dark events- -Outcomes you may not expect- -minimal romance (once in a blue moon amount) -not a true system (A much needed spell occurs with drastic side effects to work)-

ioPharia · Fantasy
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63 Chs

I not a Y! A New Mage Joins!

Lex walked right into the Mage's guild like he owned the place, while Mana stared at the wonders it contained with her mouth dropped to the floor. 

Books were flying around the lobby on their own like birds, brooms were sweeping by themselves, and even the secretary was using a magic pen to write. The entire guild had a mystical feel to it. Mana had wished Fluffy could experience the magik with her, but he was off exploring the city again. Whenever Mana had business to attend to that didn't involve needing his aura, she didn't think it was necessary to haul him around if he didn't want to. He had no complaints of course, he hated being hauled around and only did it to help. 

"I'm going to go talk to Kiari, the mage's secretary and give her our contract to see if someone will help us out. In the meantime, go on back, guild members from any guild have access to the contract library no matter where they go."