
the unliving sage

In an effort to save him from an untimely doom in the hands of a resurgent evil, Dante was reincarnated... but into another world full of wonders and rich in magic. nevertheless the hunting cries of corruption reeks in this world, as dante is forced out of his new peaceful life to fight against those that threats his second chance of peace in this new world, but is he ready to win the battle against mortal beings of pure evil, a ministry with dark intentions, monsters of endless bloodlust and even deities with power to bend the very cosmos to their will, to save the ones he holds dear... but is he ready to fight the battle against the most dangerous threat to all around him... himself

chro_nicle · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 11: so much despair: death’s agony


'Huh so I have reached sage level at this short amount of time… meaning that thanks to that 1st trial the 100000 demon onslaught. I was able to recreate at least a 10000 spells…. Good' I thought, as this could really give me an advantage when I get reincarnated and to fight the monarch.

: "of course I am, the faster I prove that I am worthy, the faster I get to being reincarnated." I said in a stoic tone.

: "HAHAHA DON'T BE TOO CORKY BRAT. THOUGH I ADMIRE YOUR CONFIDENCE HAHAHAHA REMINDS ME OF ME. SO LET THE TRIAL…. BEGIN!" death shout, as I started to get surrounded by a black smoke with some strips of red.

: "bring it."


I noticed that I had already been teleported, as I can't sense any mana flowing through the place.

: "gotta get moving, don't know what… he… has…. Installed….. For.... Me, aaahh my mana it's drained." I said as I felt my conscious slipping away and I was about to collapse on the ground.


I kneelt down to the ground due to exhaustion from getting here, as it seems that in order for me to get here I must have gotten drain of mana.

: "<grunt> so when he meant 'it drains a little amount of mana to get here' I guess he left out the point that it was my mana and that i won't be able to get up for some while huh….. What would I ever do without him <sigh>?" I said with sarcasms. As I started to observe my surroundings but it just looks like a classic level dungeon... I hope so.

'I guess from the looks of things, I'm going to get reincarnated even earlier than I had expected. I wander what this last trial will be. Because unlike that last trial, this one is supposed to be even harder than the one I fought Asterix, who almost killed me but turns out that… I wasn't really in control during the main fight from what death had told'

'Though I can't really trust him…. Heck who knows what is going on in that messed up head of his but I guess can't really be saying that. Since we share the same body and soul I guess.' I thought, as I just kept on walking in this… dungeon.

'what's that… sound?' I thought as I could hear the sound of charging horses accompany with the roars of men, who are ready to fight. As I noticed that the dungeon and terrain had changed to that of a wide battle field, as my eyes could see millions of soldier who are ready to fight as so much bloodlust was in the atmosphere….. But what are they.... Fightin-


I heard a powerful roar as I turned back, I could see millions of people….

: "corrupted… what is going on her-." I was caught off by a very loud battle cry from the soldier's side.

: "CHARGE!!!" one of the soldiers, who seem to be general of the soldier, had commenced the war, as both sides charged at each other with….. So much bloodlust in their eyes, as this battle was like a clash of sand and water in which both their numbers were too great to be counted.

: "what is this battle fo-ackk god what just happened." I felt something sting me on my chest as I didn't even get what was going on.

: "aarrghh!" I shouted as I started to feel multiple stings on my body and I then noticed that one of the corrupted mortals had sliced one of the soldiers on the chest and I felt a sting on my chest area, then I started to see lost souls in the air and then that was when I started to hear voices in my head as I grabbed my head in agony and pain, I started to hear the voices of regret.

'Why <sob> why was I killed? When I could have dodged that attack but why did I not move?'

'Why did I have to be put in the front lines, when I had a family waiting?'

The voices of hate.

'That general just led all of us to our deaths and now I'm dead.'

'You ruined my happiness'

The voices of the betrayed.

'You stabbed me in the back. You killed me brother.'

The voices…. Of despair.

'I guess the poison had worked too late than I expected it.'

'Are you happy family…? I'm finally gone'

: "s-STOP IT! ALREADY!" I shouted in pure agony, as blood started to leak out of my head openings and my vision had started to become blurry then all the souls had started to enter me but before my hearing started to fade… I heard his voice… the one voice that really makes me go crazy.

: "It can't b-be." I said in both awe and shock, as the battle field that was filled with soldiers and corrupted humans was now a field of rotten corpse, as I could see dead corpse as far as the eyes could see… a truly despicable site.

: "what do we have here... Hahahaha jolly good, jolly good show" he said in a British accent, as he was getting closer and closer towards me.

: "w-what are you doing here? W-what have you DONE?!" I shouted in rage and had rose back on my feet regardless of how weak and emotionally unstable I am, my mana and aura had started to increase and had gotten more stronger as I was now filled with rage and malice as I stood before him…

: "that is not for you to know, but you can join them hahahaha because it seems that they were having a blast don't you think." He said in an excited tone, as I got infuriated by this and had charged at him without thinking or having any strategy or plan because I was so angry that I couldn't think.

[Rage, system corrupted! RAGE error error]

[Main objective: must destroy]

: "YOU WILL PAY FOR TAKING THEM AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted and had I started to trade punches with him at high speed as my punches were fast but uncoordinated but I wasn't worried about this because all I wanted was to see his cold, lifeless body on the ground.

: "you're so stuck in the past, that you're still as weak as before hahahaha begone!" he said as he brought out a sword and had aimed it for my chest region.


: "it's over bra- what." He was surprised as he noticed that I have held the blade of the sword with one of my hands which bleeds as I had stopped it from piercing me in the chest as blood could be seen dripping from the tip of the blade.

: "i… say… when it's OVER! Element inverse: bolding flame!" I inhaled and had release a compressed stream of fire that have blasted him towards a mountain which exploded due to the attack as I then saw this as an opening to finish him off.

: "you will pay for all that you have done executioner. Sage inverse: final breath!" I raised my hand toward the sky as a large orb of raw mana had started to increase in size then I floated up to the sky as the clouds started to revolve around my attack which had finally stopped and was about the size of multiple mountains joined together.

: "even you won't be able to escape this attack. So don't come back!" I launched my attack towards him with so much force that I had destroyed the sound barrier and headed towards him at sonic speed.

: "foolish brat. If you don't understand true power then know your place." He said, as he stood up totally unharmed by my previous attack and just smiled at this my final attack as it was heading straight toward him and just raised his hand towards my attack and said something that I awfully remember to well.

: "ICONIC FORCE!" and like that my blast had stopped and had started to get repelled towards me at greater speed as I didn't have enough time to react to this and had braced for impacted,


The magnitude of the blast had shaken the ground to its very core as the aftermath could make other nuclear explosion look like fire cracker and as it dispersed soon after I was saw laying on the ground as my whole body was heavily injured and was too drained of mana and tried my best to get up as I raised my head up.

: "i-I c-can't g-give u-u-." I was caught off guard as the executioner had appeared out of nowhere as he was right on top me with his foot raised above my head and then.


: "stay down" he said as he marched my head deep into the ground as the ground and shattered upon impact. But I stilled try to raise my head with the little energy I had left.

: "n-n-n" I was caught off by him as he continued to stomp on my head, as the sound of flesh being pounded echo through the waste land.

: "stay down."


: "e-eh-e-."

: "stay down."


: "...…"

: "you failed because you still hanged onto the past." He said as he rose his foot up and his foot was now enclosed in corrupted mana.

: "so now you shall become the past. Meteoric force: falling star!" he brought his foot down to my head in full force.

: "n-n-no…-."


The full impact had technically divided the ground of limbo into half.

[Health stat:???]

[Power stat:???]

[Mana stat:???]

: "its ove- <gasp> ... huh it can't be." He said in pure shock as to see that I was now standing on my two feet with my head putted back in its formed shape before.

: "because I could not stop for death.

He kindly stopped for me.

The carriage held but just ourselves.

And iMmOrtAliTY..... For I am despair.

For I am inevitable.

For I am….. death."