
The little lamb

"Mom come on please i promise I won't be out long," the young girl said as she slammed her hand down on the table"no cadence," the elder female said with an annoyed sigh the young girl let out a huff and stomped off upstairs with a loud bang following after she plopped down in bed and let out a scream into her pillow she went to her closet to change she grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a tie-dye shirt she quickly got dressed and put on her shoes she opened the window she had never been so happy that her room window was not that far from the ground. she jumped out of the window with her phone and purse intact she hurriedly ran out of the resident. once she leaves she makes her way to the train station she waits for the train to go into town she walked to a little bench they had in the station she took a seat looking at everyone around her 'the train would be here in a few mins' she said to herself after a few mins she hard the rumble of the train and stood up to get on board as the doors open and people flood out of the train cart Candace makes her way in she takes a seat next to the window to watch the scenery go by as she looks out the window the vibration of the train puts a sense of ease to the girl as she waits for her stop.