
how it all began.

I've always felt like something has been missing in my life I never knew what but I couldn't shake the feeling so I decided to ignore it. I'm a foster kid I've never stayed in one place long. the parents or other children never liked me because I was different and I little shy but thats because I never really had friends. But thats all gone now I am now 15, 16 this week and on my way to a new foster home for who know how long maybe a few days they probably won't want me long.....just like everyone else.

after a few minutes in the car we arrived at my new "home". I was greeted by a woman named Jane wolf. I figured she was my "mother". she greeted me with a smile and a hug. I just stood there.

"How are you, I'm Jane" she said.

"I'm OK and I'm Ava how are you" I said with a forced smile.

"oh I'm just delighted now that your here and I finally get to meet you". she smiled.

I looked passed her and the house she was standing i front of was huge it was like a mansion and im sure it was. sure I've seen big houses before but not this big. the driver was long gone by now and my bags were in my hands.

"let's show you too your room shall we" Jane said.

I just nodded still stunned by the enormous house. as we entered the house I got a strange feeling I don't know why but I did not a bad feeling but something was different about the house and Jane I got the same feeling when I first saw her. We wondered through the halls making our way to my room and It was on the second floor. there were three floors the living room and kitchen and dining room and more. Then there was the second floor where we were it was filled with so many rooms all bedros and guest rooms im assuming. I'm not sure what the third floor holds but I want to find out. we finally made it to the room where I was staying and it was big. it had grey walls, a big bed with red and black blankets and sheets and many other things. this room is just my style I moght add a few things on the walls but thats for another time.

"do you like it" said Jane

"I love it. its just my style and red and black it my favorite color." I replied

"Good I hoped so" Jane said smiling. "well I will leave you to get settled in dinner will be ready in an hour or so ok". I nodded and she left and shut the door behind her. I set my stuff down and plopped on the bed.

"I can get used to this, I might actually like it here".

*knock knock*

I sat up and said come in. and a man stood in the door he had kind eyes and mustache. he looked really strong and would be handsome to girls his age.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi?" I said confused.

"sorry where are my manners I'm Andrew, janes husband".

"oh ok,I'm Ava". I said hesitant.

" I just came to meet you and see if you've settled in well.

"yes I have"

"OK if you'd like I can get my one of my sons to show you around the house it is kind of big"

"kind of its enormous, but I'm ok maybe another time"

"haha, ok see you at dinner"

"kay" I said ending the conversation and he left.

so they have children, hmm.. oh well I think I'm going to take a short nap. I thought to myself.

A while later.

I had finally made my way down the halls and into the kitchen. there was a smell of chicken and many other things. I've always had a good sense of smell better than most others.

"hello dear" jane said as I entered the room.

"hi, do you need any help?" I asked.

"of you don't mind could you set the table dinners almost ready."

"ok" I walked around to where she had pointed to the dishes and silverware and grabbed some and started standing the table there were just enough plates to fill the whole table one at each chair.

"thank you sweetheart" jane said

"your welcome"

"could possibly go get the boys and my husband they should be upstairs"

"of course".

I left the room and went up stairs to find them. I checked almost all of the rooms on the second floor and I came across one I haven't looked in yet so opened it and what i saw was not expected.