
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Part 11: The impossible

We stepped out of the storage room and the environment was different. I looked behind and see the storage room, and beside the storage room is another portal. I heard some of the witches talking among themselves.

"I've been in the human world for a week, and now I have the finest soul. I shall bargain it with a higher gold."

"Let's get moving."

"India had the most resources, the humans are idiots. We only showed them a few tricks and they worshiped us and even sacrifice their self."

"Human is just our food stock. I need to go and collect my blood."

"The newborn baby flesh is my favorite."

The road was busy with witches flying, some of them selling their portion and the most sinister thing is the building. It was made with human bones, a big statue of baby bones was gathered in the center and it was the most terrifying scene to watch.

I lose my words and my legs are shaking. I couldn't dare to take a step. Aoi-chan looked at me and tried to calm my nerve.

"We need to go now," she said, pulling my hard rock body to move. Her hands were sweating and cold. I know she must be scared too. I light up the lamp since it's almost sunset and all the stalls begin to light up by themselves. We walked across the bone garden and head to the street.

"There!" I pointed my finger across the street and watched a group of students heading to the wet market. We run towards them and followed them from behind. We stayed on the same path as they are. The wet market is nothing like the human wet market. They sell human body parts, organs, skin, heads, and even blood as their main source. A lot of witches bargain around the area, and the strong smell of blood makes me feel dizzy.

"Are you okay?" says, Aoi-chan. Her facial reaction and her body shaking.

"I'm not okay."

"Should we continue?" She asked. The most disgusting and heartless creature eating human flesh like it was nothing.

"Yes. We can't stop now." We keep on walking forward, I wasn't paying any attention surrounding me. Suddenly I felt a cold hand grip my arms and pulled me and Aoi-chan aside.

"Human... What are you doing in here?" says the mystery man in a black robe.

"How do you know?!" I quickly looked at the lamp, the oil was running out. This is bad.

"Follow me." The man grabs my hands and forced me to go with him.

"Wait, my friend!" I turned back and Aoi-chan passed out and was carried by another man in a black robe. There are three of them. We enter a building and headed to the basement. The stairs are creepy and I can't see a thing. It's pitch black. Soon, we reach the main door and the man says something to the door. The door opened by itself. A magical door.

He pulled me inside and they closed the door, the man let go of his grip. I run towards Aoi-chan and hold her.

"Aoi-chan.. are you okay?" I asked.

"My head feels dizzy." She said. Aoi-chan touches her forehead and breathes heavily.

"Please help her," I asked the man. He looked at his fellow friends and a woman appear. She carried Aoi-chan and place her in a bed.

"Her spiritual energy been sucked out in every moment she's in here." says the mystery woman with a beautiful white mask, she cast something to Aoi-chan and pour a glass of water.

"Wait! What is that?" I stopped her from making Aoi-chan drink whatever it is. She looked at me and slowly removed my hand from her hand. Then she hands me the water.

"If you don't believe it safe, drink it," she said.

I took the cup from her hands and drank it. If anything happens to her, I won't forgive my future self. The water tastes nothing. It's just plain water.

"Mineral water?" I asked, the woman smiled and nodded.

"It's not just a normal mineral water, it's spiritual water." says the man. Then he takes off his robe. His face was covered with a mask. An ugly mask like the creature.

"Why are you here soul traveler?" asked the man. He crossed his arms, waiting for my answer.

"To save my sister," I replied slowly. I was having a second thoughts.

"You can't save anyone in here," he said. Then another woman came out from a room.

"She's not supposed to be here." Says the mystery woman. She looks angry.

"If she's here, that means she can help us." says another man.

"You think she's the one?" sooner after a sum of people wearing different masks appear in the main hall.

"Silence!" He said and almost immediately they stopped their argument. I looked at them and the man must be their leader.

"Now, tell me your name," he asked.


"Your name."

"I can't tell you that. I don't know what might you do if you know my name." I'm not planning to make any friends here.

"Little girl, you must tell us your name or we kick you out. Your choice sweetie." Say the man. His words were cold.

"My name is Mayumi," I told him my family name only.

"Mayumi. Isn't it easier if you cooperate with us, now Mayumi my name is Jarrel I am the person in charge of this place?"

"Jarrel," I say his name under my breath.

"What are you?" I asked.

"We are the sole guardian. We are not humans or an angel. We simply existed to keep the balance of the world. A soul traveler like you is rare." Jarrel showed me his magic and it was nothing like I ever imagine.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. In the back of my mind, I'm a bit worried. I don't sense anything good or bad from them. It's just neutral.

"Mayumi, you have made a crime by invading our world with or without your conscious. You need to return to the world to which you truly belong." Explained Jarrel.

"I can't leave my sister in here. That's impossible and even if you drag me out with force I will fight you." I walked to him, I'm pretty mad when I know his true intention was to send me home.

"If you wanted to save your sister's soul, go ahead. We will not stop you. But then remember, you have another dying friend in here." He pointed to Aoi-chan.

"What do you mean?"

"Your friend here is not a soul traveler like you. She's using her spiritual energy to walk in here. I guess she had reached her limit." Explain Jarrel. Aoi-chan looks exhausted and she looks unwell.

"Give me your word, promise me you will save my sister." I looked at Jarrel, it's a tough decision and I can't take any risk.

"I promised. Your sister's soul will be saved." Jarrel gives his words, and the others disagree with the deal. They were murmuring.

"We have a deal."

"But before you go home, this agreement cannot be one-sided. I have my condition after we save your sister's soul. You must be one of us since your talent is rare. I wouldn't slide this deal like it was nothing. Think about it, the next time I see you, this is your home." Jarrel smiled.

"Deal, as long as my sister's soul is safe and my friend lived. I do whatever you say." Jarrel instructed his men to bring Hanabi's soul in here. They moved out quickly.

"You can relax in here, madam white will take care of you and your friend." He was referring to the maid lady in white. I nodded and watch them vanish into thin air, I don't know what are they want from me. As for now, my sister's soul and Aoi-chan is my priority. I waited for 10 minutes, and suddenly two of Jarrel companions return with Hanabi's soul.

"Open the jar when you return home beside your sister's body." says one of the men.

"Thank you so much." I take the jar from his hand and looked at Aoi-chan.

"Aoi-chan. Let's go home." I hold her hands and I can feel my body start to fade away, then I looked at the hall, Jarrel was watching me.

"Don't forget our deal little girl." That's the last words he said before I was completely gone.