
The Unknown RealmGod

This is a story how Husbelto got hit by a weird lightning that gave him a system after he went and battle against evil. Even though the system was unbiased on the points and the mission but the Realm he has accomplished was outstanding. He became the World most likely a god/demon like a new start of being a pharaoh in disguise.

RamboGod · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Reckless System

The system ask me to remove the manacle with my magic, however I oppose his knowledge and try another way.

My face turn menacing and try to break the manacles with my barehand is was kinda successful, that the arms and leg bracelet was still there. However I'll try and buff the power of it 15x so I did and it fail 14 times, but i finally succeeded in breaking the handcuffs with magic like the system asked.

The buffs were 25x strength, cure all disease and a random positive buff.

The last one was a tricky one because the system like to pull some strings into my magic. Even though the magic it pour to my soul felt right, but the distinguished body goop out a nasty oil out the body.

The system said i was putting a heaven and earth circulation throughout the body.

Feel like a serpent try to squeeze out my soul away from my body and it nearly kill me in my cultivation.

I looked at myself through the system mirror looking eagle view.

Let go back to the real deal. I saw the fainted she wolf and took a stick. I started poke the she wolf to wake up, but that didn't work so I did the next best thing scream at her ears.

I took out the mask and it disappeared and start to scream at her ears and she woke up and punch the shit out of me.

I ask why she was so weak and she said that nobody in her clan helped her except for her mother and father, however nothing as change so I gave her a one tip to get stronger. I showed her how to shadow box a person and use their weaknesses as a advantage.

I told her to use shadow box the rock or trees as hard as it can. When she punch the rock. The whole rock exploded.

I was scared for my life, but the she wolf was amazed that she start to fallen in love with me instantly.

The system reward me with the perk of "Charming prince." The info says that the opposite sex will fall in love with you from their inner desires to change.

Suddenly I hear a crossbow arrow coming in front of me. I saw the arrow coming for my crotch so I open my legs.

The arrow almost gutted my jewels. I almost cried so I ran away and told the she wolf to run because they gotten backup.

The she wolf smell someone familiar. When she smelled it again. She found out it was her wolf pack but they brought weapons with them.

I stop running and told the she wolf to tell them to stop shooting. She yelled at them to stop shooting.

They Stopped.

I told them, who shot the arrow and a guy rose his hands up and I punch him giving him a black eye and a knock out, blow to the nuts.

The she wolf was mad and confused at the same time. I explained it to her, and she kicked him right in his nuts too.

She told her pack to not go against me or you will see death. So she showed her new source of power to her human companion.

So she hit a boulder this time and it disintegrated to dust. Their eyes rolled back with my mouth open and they fainted from that mass destruction.

The system shock me to the point of no return and I rise like dead corpse even though they can see my body shows a shock particle all around.

I will show my power and use this shock particle as my weapon of magic.

I did a small zap turn into an energy ball that destroy big pool of the forest and the system warn me to not use that power or the hunter will be alert and bring a massive squad and start killing every last monster, 1 by 1.