
The Unknown Merman

Why do you want to kill me...??? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU.

xp_boiiihaha ¡ Teen
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About the Characters:

Victoria...she is like any other Mermaid, but she is very cerious when it comes to...(everything XD). She is also a very pretty Mermaid and she already has a bunch of Mermen...and human guys after he. Her tail is a very bright royal blue and long dark brown hair with the tips died blond...oh and she is 15 years old her mom died on her 5th Birthday😭😭😭...and she still hasn't gotten over how she got killed right in front of her. She thinks life is a dream.

Javon...She also a very pretty Mermaid that has very many people after her...and not good people...people who want to sell her for her tail. Her tail is rainbow color and it's very, very shiny, it's also very bright and she has long brown hair with pink highlights that ronnie asked her to get. Javon's dad died when she was 3 years old from bleeding out to much blood. Her dad got caught in between a rock and a old ship that sank do to a cannon accident.But now Javon is also 15 years old and she has a mom but they do get along to well. Only because her mom always keeps her in the house to keep her from going on land to explore. She thinks life is a dream.

Elizabeth...She keeps to herself so no one really knows anything about her. The only thing they know is that she 14 going on to 15 and she has a pretty light blue tail that she likes to put stuff on to make it pop out more in her free time when she has a bad day and she has long black hair with blue highlights. She thinks life is a game.

Ronnie...she is only 7 she is so cute and when she gets sad she looks animated. Ronnie is Chirs's little sister and they get along really, really well and they love each other very much. She loves to copy what Javon does all the time because Javon is like a big sister to her. Javon is always there for her and she loves her very much to were she will die for Ronnie before anything. She doesn't know what she thinks about like being a dream or a game...shes only 7 anyway. Her tail is a pretty pink color...its her favorite thing in the world, if it wasn't pink she will still love it...even tho pink is her favorite color and she has long light brown hair.

The Queen...She is 27, she loves her kingdom...(Atlantis)...but she always kids her fear and sadness so no one would worry about her. She loves the king very much and she believes life is a dream and a game. Both of her parents died of age....her mom was 57 and her dad was 59. She has a dark blue tail, and she has long black hair.

Chris...as you know he is Ronnie's big brother, he is 15 years old. They still have both of their parents that care for them and support them for anything.Hes tail is Green and it shins in the water, he has long (not like as long as the girls) blond hair, and he is cute. He thinks life is a dream.

John...he doesn't go out to much because he is the son for the King and Queen...and he's 15. He has short brown hair and his tail is yellow. That's all people knows about him.(you will get to know more about him in the rest of the book). He thinks life is a game and dream.

Jony...he loves everyone and everything. He is 15. Her has really long blond hair and his tail is a Red...a pretty red. He has no parents since he was 4 he doesn't know what happened to them...they just disappeared it of no were, but because of there disapperence...he learns how to forgive, love and tell the truth...(his parents were abusive). He thinks life is a Game.

The King...he pretends to love everything but he HATES everything and everyone. The only reason he is King is because he killed he's brother. He's brother was suppose to be the next king but the "KING" killed him so he can get what he wanted. He has Black hair with red highlights and he has a Black tail. He thinks life is nothing.

The Unknown person...he is a psycho killer who kills everyone that getting in his way of his plans. He acts like he is a good person but if you fall for it he will end up trying or killing you at the end. He pretends to be a Merman but he's not really...je has a game tail that is the color of dark blue and his hair is short and brown. The only reason he can breath us because he has something in is mouth that helps him breath. No one knows what he thinks about life.