
The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Life is unexpected after all. Unexpected and mysterious. You never know what could happen. Even so people have certain expectations. Things in the line of reality. Things that could actually happen. Simple things. Like being a doctor when you grow up. Or winning the lottery. Becoming the president. These are all things that are within the line of reality. What isn't in that line is waking up in a forest in the middle of nowhere with short term memory loss. Even more impossible is finding out that you went from 15 years old to 5 years old. The impossibilities keep on going. Not only did she wake up in a forest, find out she was five and suffered from short term memory loss,she somehow stumbled upon the gate to the leaf village. The line of reality had completely shattered

Archer_Phoenix · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


I have been gone for a very very very long time. It's not even funny and for that I will apologize. It just became hard to continue writing everything after a certain point. Everything I wrote felt like absolute garbage so I lost motivation for it. I won't promise a comeback because it's not really a comeback just an update? Just letting the few who still check on my stuff know that I'm still around.

I actually do wanna continue my stories and I probably will, though not right now.

Currently I'm rewriting this very story with our beloved Athena. The things I wrote are, to put it bluntly, not the greatest. Horrible actually. I could have done so much better, I can do so much better. I'm a better writer, I realize my mistakes, I see how stupid things are and I wanna fix it.

And I have been fixing it. I have six maybe seven chapters rewritten and it's the same yet very different. I think the new thing is better. I won't be posting any of it now, but I will be posting the rewritten story eventually.

So yeah, that was it. Have a good one and see you when I see you.