
The Unkown Dream

Chapter 1

I scream to the top of my lungs, birds fly from the trees startled and small animals run the opposite direction from me. My head is a mess, My hair is ratted and I'm hungry. I don't know where I am, I know nothing at all, not even my name. I look around confused, I hear the sounds of birds and the sound of the wind. Where the hell am I? I thought to myself. I feel a strange feeling, but what is it? It's like...unknown. I hear footsteps in the distance and I look at my own feet. Dirty...shoeless. I notice the dress I'm in, it's ripped up and completely dirty. It's white and I try to remember why I have it. The footsteps get louder and I look in the direction. Trees...grass, where am I? The woods? A lady emerges from the woods, I take a long look at her. She looks better than me. Dressed in a nice tight blood-red dress, black gloves. wait...Horns?!?! Am I hallucinating? Dreaming? God. I must be.

"Dear child, you must have questions." Her voice is calm but strong, like a queen. So noble like.

"Um, yes actually...I do." I answer her in a small shy voice.

"You are in the woods, well you're dreaming. But you may ask away, dear one."

"First question, who the hell are you?"

"You'll find out sooner or later, now I must go dear."

"Wait...No don't go I still have questions."

Just like that she disappeared, without a trace.

I wake up to arguing and I sit up putting my hand on my forehead. Headache...splitting headache. I look at the two who are arguing, should have guessed. Dina a small petite girl with blonde hair, normally put into a bun. She's smart and always cheerful and happy. She keeps us happy and positive. Justine is almost a pure opposite of Dina, tall, skinny, mean. He has messy black hair and to most people, he's the "bad boy" why? I guess it's his cold expression. He's normally mean to everyone although he does have a weakness towards cats. Them two fight like there is no tomorrow. Well, not necessarily fight, it's more of arguing over things, stupid things.

"What are you two arguing over this time?" I ask them.

"He won't let me watch my movie!" Dina whines. Her voice is small and sweet.

"It's a stupid movie!" Justine defends. His voice is strong and bold but sounds like a criminal's voice, well in our situation, we all are criminals.

"Oh my god, Justine be nice to her for once!"

"Ugh fine!" He shoves the remote into Dina's hands and she does a happy dance and sits on the couch. I look over to someone else. Scott, a tall muscular boy, is normally calm with people and pretty nice. His brown hair is neatly styled and his muscular build will throw you off guard. Surprisingly enough, he hates fighting. The scar across his right eye would say otherwise, but it's true. Pretty laid back though. And then there's me a slim tomboy, I'm Raya and I normally never style my hair which is black and sleek. I like keeping it down and straight. I'm also known as the boss and well I think of myself as the boss. I never really speak about myself much, I don't really like expressing my feelings, but if you asked the others they'd probably explain to me as, Sarcastic and badass or depressed like. I don't know why, but they said it's because of my serious, cold expression. Anyways, Dina is sixteen and five foot and four inches, Justine is twenty-one and seven-foot, Scott, is twenty-three and seven-foot and three inches, and I am twenty and five foot eleven inches. Why do I tell you this? Well because I guess it's important to tell you along with the fact that Scott and Justine are my brothers. We never knew our parents, they died when I was five, but I always took care of everyone. I guess it's because of my "special abilities".

I get up off the couch I was sleeping on and I go into the kitchen and find stuff to make breakfast with. I check the freezer to see if we have any waffles left.

"Who ate the last waffle?" I asked the group. Justine slowly backs out of the living area and to his room and I already know who ate the last one.

"Justine! Your turn to buy me more waffles!" I hear a muffled "fuck". He comes out of the room with his phone in hand and headphones around his neck.

"Fine, I'll go to the store, although I need a list." He exclaims. I hand him a list that Scott, Dina, and I added things to. We would worry about money issues, but we are criminals and we steal everything we need. We haven't been caught….yet..

An hour later Justine gets back and Dina and I are playing video games.

"Oh come on you always win! At least let me win one!" Dina whined.

"You can never let your opponent win because they'll feel stronger and make you seem weak," I answered. I pay full attention to the game and I win again and yawn.

"Alright, Justine did you get everything on the list?" I asked

"Yes I did, do you not trust me with shopping?" Justine asked.

"I do, I was just making sure," I answered. Scott comes over to him and Justine hands Scott a yogurt and Scott disappears to his room.

"Scott you need to socialize more!" Dina yelled out.

"I'd rather stay with my kitten all day!" He yells back. Scott is a big softy, but you don't want to see him mad. Not at all. He hates fighting but will fight if he has to. His kitten is a fluff ball and adorable, he protects her with his life, but he gave her the most basic name for a cat...Whiskers. Why not be a little more creative. Justine and I also have cats, Justine has a very cuddly cat named Milky Way and my cat is a black cat named Danger. Dina has a bunny named Cotton Candy Vanshweetze, we all just call her Cotton, and sometimes Dina calls her Queen Vanshweetze.

I get up and go to the kitchen and put all the food away and I make breakfast for everyone. Waffles for me and eggs, bacon, and sausage for everyone else. I am not the only one who likes waffles, but everyone knows that I love waffles more than them. Justine once tried taking a small bite of my waffle and I gave him a scar on his hand. Now everyone knows not to mess with my waffles.

"Breakfast is ready peeps! To the table!" I call out to everyone. Everyone comes and sits down and I take Danger off of the table and swat her head lightly.

"You know you're not allowed on the table." She meows and sprints off to their kitty tower.

We all sit around the table and eat our breakfast. There was a moment of silence for a while until Scott broke it.

"You've been sleeping on the couch a lot lately, why is that?" He asks, making eye contact with me.

"I can't sleep at night so I came out and watched TV until I fell asleep," I said. I know it's a lie, that's not the real reason, but the real reason isn't really important.

"Alright, I hope you're ok? I'm worried for ya, you've been distant."

"And you aren't?" There are small chuckles from Justine and Dina.

"Normally you aren't."

"I know, but I'm fine." Am I? Am I ok? I asked myself.

I finish eating my breakfast and wash my dishes and go to my room which is sectioned off from everybody else's room. Why? I don't know. I sit on my bed and look at a picture frame with a picture of a girl and me. Her purple hair was shiny and soft. I missed her, My girlfriend. I missed her touch, her hugs, her kisses. I feel a tear go down my face and I wipe it away quickly. I set her picture back on my nightstand and I go over and sit at my desk and look at my many drawings, mainly of me and her. I let out a sigh and there is a knock on my bedroom door. I stand and go over to my door and open it, Scott is standing there. He is the more caring one, he watches after me and studies my moods, he knows when I'm not myself.

"Scott, what are you doing?" I ask him

"I brought you ice cream, chocolate ice cream to be exact." He answers. I can't help but smile and he hands me the ice cream and spoon.


"No problem, if you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you alright. So don't be afraid to ask if you want to talk." He smiles and I smile back.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." He walks away and I shut my door. I sit on my bed and eat the ice cream that Scott happily delivered to me. I'm surprised he's single, but at the same time, I'm not. The reason why I am surprised is that he is so nice and honestly just the best person. He gives the best hugs and makes sure you are at your best. His cuddles are perfect and he keeps you warm. He is the most trustworthy and honest person you will ever know, He's also loyal. The reason I'm not surprised he is still single is that girls take advantage of him and say he is too soft and a "big baby" even though they have never seen him fight. He's never found the right person to be with. A girl that he once dated said he was too "weak" and he was too much of a "big softy". They never gave him a chance nor did they get to know him. I feel bad and for me to be upset over one person while he's over here single and has been cheated on, kind of makes me feel bad, too. No matter what he still makes me feel better about myself even though he has his pain hidden inside.

I let out a sigh as I took the last bite of my ice cream. I stand and from my comfortable spot on my bed and I go back out to the kitchen and throw my spoon into the sink and throw the ice cream tub into the trash. A yawn escapes me.

"Tired?" Dina asks.

"Since when am I not tired?" I ask in response.

"I don't know." Justine butts in. I noticed Scott isn't in the kitchen nor the living room so I went to his room and knocked. I heard shuffling and then the rattling of the doorknob opening. His door opens and he looks at me and I look at him. I go into his room and he looks at me.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Am I not allowed to get cuddles from my big brother?" I question. He smiles and he comes over to me and he hugs me. I smile and hug him back. He sits on his bed.

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asks.

"Sure!" I answer. I sit beside him and he turns on his TV and he puts a movie in and he sits beside me. I give him a soft smile and he returns it with a soft smile as well. We watch the movie and I fall asleep before it ends. He comforts me and covers me up with the blanket.

"I will protect you from anything." He whispers and he strokes my head. He lays down and falls asleep.