
No Us

I was inspecting some finished products when a fuming Rou Chen came.

"Akira, if you send me there one more time without you I'm gonna kill a person, " Rou said.

"Well, what happened? Explain it first to me," I said.

"He should be thankful I didn't unleashed the demon inside me," he ranted.

"Rou, tell me," I said once again.

"Our revised terms and conditions are told to be acceptable but he wants you to be there when he signs it," he said with crossed arms. My face reddened with anger and I can imagine smokes coming out of my ears.

"That damn jerk.. I will show him who he's treating that way. Let's go," I said and we went directly to EDL Corporation.Upon arriving, we go directly to his office but the woman on the receiving desk block us.

"Ma'am do you have an appointment with Mr. Loca?" She asked.

"Yes we do," I answered.

"Ma'am may I know your name please?" the woman asked.

"Akira Shane of Shane Corporation," I said.

"I'm sorry but your name isn't on his schedule of the day. If you can wait, I will confirm your request," she stated.

"Yes Please," I said politely.

The woman entered and after a few minutes he came with someone.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Mr. Erwan, the personal secretary of Sir Eros Drake Loca. Please come with me," he said and lead us to Eros' office. We came in and I saw him sitting. It was obvious that he was waiting for us and I didn't wait for his permission.

I just sit beside him and he was staring right through me. As if I will back down.. hmpft!...

"Let's start," I said breaking the silence.

"Yes," he just said.

"Sign it now that I'm here," I said.

"Not so fast Je... Akira. I also want to give some conditions," he said nearly saying my known name to him.

"It's Miss Akira for you. State them," I said coldly.

"I will sign it with the condition that you'll be handling this personally. What I mean is.." he said.

"I get it. Condition granted," I stated and Rou Chens eyebrow raised as if disagreeing with my decision but he just keeps quiete.

After we both agreed with our conditions, we signed it finally.

"Thank you Mr. Eros. I hope the success of this project," I said and stand to leave.

"Akira,.." he said.

"Miss Akira," I corrected him.

"Miss Akira can we talked?"he asked.

"Our business here is finished and the contract is final. What's more to talked?" I said.

"It's not about business, I mean let's talk personally, emm about us?" he said and I smirked.

"Us? Theres nothing to talk about us and there's no US. Rou, lets go," I said and Rou smiled triumphantly as if winning the lottery.

"Yes,"Rou said and we leave him.


She's still the same. Her eyes, her voice, her smile, the way she moves and her smell is still the same. She is still the Jenna, no it's Akira now, that I love. I know I'm fucked up. The first time I see her in the school, my actions and words hurt her. I wanted to apologize during her introduction ceremony but she made a barrier. It was a very strong invisible barrier like steel that even arrows can't penetrate it. The way she looks at me is like someone staring at a stranger. I know that if I were her, I would do the same. The day I decided to abandoned her was the hellish part of my life and I regret every single bit of it.

'If I kept her and our child, maybe my life is not as messy and cold as today'

'If that event did not happened to my sister'

'If I know who needed me the most that time'

There are many ifs running in my head and I know that no reasons or excuses can justify what I did to her but this time, I'm not going to let her go anymore. I am willing to ask forgiveness every part of my life if I have to. I miss her and I still love her.