
The Unknown Character In A Reverse Harem Otome Game

After completing a nightmare Otome game, a streamer receives a message from the developers offering him the chance to input a character into the game. Upon doing so, he falls asleep and wakes up as a baby in the world of his favorite game, *Rose Covered in Thorns*. Now five years old and the youngest member of a powerful ducal family, he must navigate the treacherous game world, amass power, and survive the unfolding storyline to ultimately become the head of his family. A/n: - The Cover Photo is made by Ai - Paused/Once Again I lost my motivation Additional Tags: OP, Kingdom-building (Other tags pending)

imnotmotivated · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Frustrated Studies

Harold left the library, and Vincent closed it up and went into the back room. He changed his clothes and opened a book.


His soft gaze landed on the pages. He lay down on his bed, placing the book on his chest.

Ever since his mother died, Vincent had sworn to destroy the nobles. But as time passed and he met Theodore, doubts surfaced in his mind.

Unlike the young nobles he had met, who were all arrogant, Theodore was different. He wasn't demanding, his tone wasn't arrogant, and he talked as if they were equals.

But most of all, Vincent was touched by Theodore's interest in reading his late mother's book. The book was his only memory of her. Some of his memories had blurred or faded due to the trauma.

He wondered what would happen if the nobles faced their downfall. What would happen to Theodore? He asked himself that many times.

Recently, he had heard about Theodore's injury. Although the incident was kept a secret, it couldn't escape the underground's intel, and many others were eager to learn more. The other nobles surely knew about it too.

Vincent sighed and covered his head with his hands, recalling the conversation he had with his master.

"There's movement in Count Deacrux's territory. The number of demons has started to increase since last year's raid."

It's been five years, yet no one has managed to close the portal. Many lives have already been lost, and resources were being used up to stop the constant attacks.

The count was already at his wits' end, while the other territories turned their backs. The empire had used all its resources for the raids. Some suggested that if the attacks didn't stop, the count's territory would be obliterated from the empire.

"I am changing your location. You're going to Lapuz territory. There's a place for you to stay there."

Vincent was being relocated to gather more intel. He was placed in Lapuz territory, near the count's area, which was constantly flooded with refugees. It was a prime opportunity to ask the refugees for any useful information.

Vincent slowly closed his eyes, knowing he had only two days left before he would leave.


I slumped on the ground. I couldn't do it after all. The process was too hard to master.

I went to the bathroom for a quick shower, then put on new pajamas and sat on my bed. I opened the book again, re-reading to see if I had missed anything important.

"What am I doing wrong?"

I asked myself while flipping through the pages.

I kept reading, my eyes growing heavy. I sighed and put the book down on my bedside table.

"I'll continue tomorrow."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, I went to my classroom and sat in my chair. I waited for Jasper while reading the Leclair History Book.

I was intrigued that a simple name I added to my character had created such a backstory in this world, with detailed story.

"Oh, glad you're here."

I stood up and greeted Jasper. My eyes went to the burly man standing beside him. He held a cigarette, smoking.

I covered my nose from the smell.

"Oh, sorry about that, lad." The old man put away his cigarette.

"Ahem. This is Herald; he'll be your swordsmanship teacher for one week. On the patriarch's orders, he will teach you the basics," Jasper said.

I nodded my head and greeted Herald.

He looked like one of those gym-bro grandpas I used to see when I worked out at the gym.

"Meet me at the Training Center. I'm sure your driver knows the way." Herald said and left after a few words.

"Okay then, I've prepared the tests. Let's start." Jasper handed me not 15 but 20 test papers.

I took the papers and sat down, immediately starting to answer them.

The clock ticked back and forth, my eyes fixed on the questions. They were all analytical, with some piled-up names and dates, but it wasn't too hard to answer since I had studied this topic.


Jasper waited, sighing inwardly at Theodore's focused gaze on the test papers. He knew it would take about five hours to answer them all; the questions were analytical, needing careful thought to understand each one.

So Jasper waited.

He yawned, turning on his phone to scroll through his contacts, waiting patiently.

In one hour and thirty minutes, twenty sheets of paper were placed on his desk.

"I'm finished," Theodore said nonchalantly, returning to his seat.

Jasper looked at Theodore, perplexed. He quickly checked the papers one by one.

Test 1, perfect.

Test 2, perfect.

Test 3, perfect.

Test 4...

Jasper sighed, setting the twenty papers aside. He stared at Theodore, who was busy reading a book.


"Yes?" Theodore raised his head, seeing Jasper's bewildered expression. "Did I make a mistake?"

"N-No, you didn't." Jasper calmed himself and added, "Perfect scores on all twenty test papers."

"Oh." Theodore nodded and resumed reading.

Jasper rubbed his nose. The test was at an elementary level that even some academy students struggled with, yet a five-year-old boy had gotten full marks and finished in just one hour and thirty minutes.

It was an unprecedented record in history.

"You're dismissed early." Jasper stood up and immediately went to the patriarch's office.

Meanwhile, Theodore stood up and left the classroom. He visited the library and read quietly.

He was still pondering his mistakes in controlling mana.

"Umm, Theodore."

Vincent's voice cut off his train of thought. He looked at Vincent and replied, "Yes? What is it?"

"Umm, someone else will be managing the library. My uncle is taking me somewhere else," Vincent said, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Oh." Theodore remained quiet. He looked back at his book and added, "Then, are you going to come back?"

Vincent was taken aback by the question, then smiled gently. "Well, I'm not sure, but I think I will in the future."

"Well then, I hope when we meet again, you'll have new book recommendations for me."

Vincent chuckled and replied, "I will."

Afterward, Vincent sat back at the counter, a smile on his face. He already saw Theodore as a fellow book enthusiast and a friend. Although he wasn't sure if Theodore felt the same, Vincent considered him a good friend.


Once I got home, I went to my room and lay down. I organized my thoughts.

Vincent was leaving. I didn't know if I had truly made an impact on him so he would remember me as a friend for years to come. It had only been a few months since I met him.

I sat up, an idea forming in my mind. I had to make him remember me; a gift would suffice.

But first, I had to practice again. I re-read the book, but no new ideas came to mind.

Time ticked by. I ate dinner and continued.

I kept stretching my palm, trying to control my mana to cover my skin, but to no avail.

Frustrated, I took a bath to calm my nerves. I turned on the faucet and soaked.

I groaned in frustration.

"I should have added proficient mana control as one of my traits."

I sighed. Although I had [Swordsmanship Genius], it only helped when training with a sword; meanwhile, controlling mana was another set of skills.

I grimaced, thinking that my [Swordsmanship Genius] trait might go to waste.

I massaged my temples, left the bathroom, and changed my clothes. I tucked myself into bed.

Knock, knock.

"Young master, can I come in?"

"You may."

Marie entered the room, a soft smile on her face. She sat at the edge of the bed.

"I've noticed you've been stressed lately. Is something bothering you, young master?"

"No, there's nothing bothering me," I replied curtly.

I didn't want Marie to meddle in my affairs, nor did I want her to worry.

"Really? I've raised you since you were a baby. I can tell when something's on your mind. Come on, tell me. I'll listen." Marie placed her hand on mine.

I sighed in response.

"Well, what if there's something you really want to accomplish, but you just can't seem to grasp it?"

'Is this about his studies?' Marie thought, chuckling. "Well, if it were me, I'd take some time off. I'd rest. The more frustrated and anxious you are about trying to understand something, the less likely you'll get it."

Marie added, "It's like trying to make money. You're so focused on earning millions that it frustrates you, but money can't be earned in just one day; it takes time."

I sighed and nodded. "I get your point. Thank you, Marie."

Marie placed her hand on my head. "I miss reading you fairy tales, but I know you don't want bedtime stories anymore."

"No, I think that might help me relax." I said, earning a smile from Marie.

'She's right, I need to cool my head,' I thought, lying down and listening as Marie began reading.