
The Unknown Caller(TUC)

"We are the Unkown Callers. We preferred to call ourselves Unkown to those who isn't worthy to know our names!" Types Of Caller's 1.Call to Inform(CI) 2.Call to Protect(CP) 3.Call to Help(CH) 4.Call to Destruct(CD) 5.Calk to Save(CS) "All I want is a peaceful and romantic life not this kind of life" Vincent said with such disappointment in it.

Aullihk_d34th11 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2:She's sleeping with me

"So how's your day?"she asked then start to walked in.I followed her.We entered the bookstore and a sea of people showed up in our eyes.

We went to a corner where only few people are wandering.We saw a table so we plan to sit there and "Would you like to read? I guess you like books"I said then start searching for a nice book na nasa table lang nakalagay.

"Oh no I read books but I have something to tell you"Woah ang tense ahh.Binalik ko ang libro kung saan ko ito nakuha and umayos ako ng upo and tumingin sakanya.

'Ano kaya ang sasabihin nya?'

"So what are you gonna say to me?"Tanong ko sakanya pero medyu gentle yung tone ko para naman medyu mabawasan ang tense.

"Uhm...Our land lady just renovate our apartment"She said while playing her nails.

"So?"I asked in confusion.

"Uhm can...will y-you h..."Di ko talaga gets ang sinabi nya.Her face is cute when she do that.I think she's begging for me to...That's the thing I still don't know.

"I don't understand you but I do know your begging or asking for something to me.What is it?"I asked.

"Will you let me sleep in your house just for three days?If you don't it's ok I can just buy a suite in a hotel"She said.Hello mama mia an angel was given to me,gracias.

"No.I mean no need to buy a suite in a hotel you can sleep in my house.No need to give me money.You can sleep freely, you can also sleep with me"Sabi ko.

"What did you just said?"Oops wrong move si Mr. Gentleman nagiging aggressive na.

"Ah I mean you can sleep with me in my house"Sana maniwala.

"Ahh ok.Thank you!!"Sumigaw sya and hi-nug ako.TF may malambot at mainit na nadadarama yung body ko ah and jr. is alive.

"Shh!!!"Pagsasaway ng librarian.Guilty look naman syang umupo and nag-aarteng nagbabasa ng book.

"I'll come tonight just send me you're address ok?"She said.

"Ok.Just don't get to late I might be asleep that time"Dahil kasi di ako natutulog ng sobrang gabi dahil it's bad for my health even though I'm a writer.

"Hahaha ok"She laugh then stand up.

"Where are you going?"I asked.

"Didn't you just said I should not be late then I'll start packing now"Hahaha my point naman sya.Sayang di pako makakapagusap man lang sakanya pero dun sya tutulog so maybe mamayang gabi nalang siguro.

"Ahh ok see you there"I said then I went to the end of the bookstore and I saw there my book.

"My products din pala ako dito"I whispered.Kinuha ko ang book ko and tiningnan yun.

I opened it and I noticed something, there's a blood?The hell what happened?I also noticed that the blood has something on it.

Tiningnan ko ito mga ilang minuto then na-realize ko it's number.Who could it be?

Cause of my curiosity I planned to get this book siguro di nako magbabayad since book ko ito.

I reached the front door and the guard stop me.

"Hey where are you going? What's this?Did you stole it?I won't let you out so explain"The guard said.

"Ahh this it's my book"Sinabi ko pero di ata naniniwala.

"Look I'm the author of this book..."I opened the book and pinakita ko sakanya ang name ng author and I also let him see my ID para maniwala talaga sya."See?"

"Oh is it really you?Can I have a selfie my daughter loves it and she said she really wants a pic and also can you sign here to?It's her notebook"The guard pleased me.Hahaha fan ko pala to eh.

"Ahh ok no worries and say this to you're daughter, "thank you for reading my book" ok?"I said then we took a selfie and he nodded.

"Bye and thank you sir"Haha another fan ulit ahh.

"Oops umuulan na pala?"Mabuti nalang malapit itong bookstore sa isang store na may umbrella.

"Pabili po to ma'am"Pagtuturo ko sa isang black na payong.I paid it then binuka ko ito at lumakad na sa aking condo.

Thanks for reading this chapter.Hahaha sorry kung natagalan dalawa kasing story ko na di pa tapos eh.

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