
Chapter 76 Dared. ..

Mike was in his office when a loud knock landed on his door.

"Don't break the door! Come in!" He half yelled as he kept writing something on his desk. Jennifer pushed the door open and walked in with anger written all over her face. She got the usual seat and sat down.

"I didn't tell you to seat down." Mike said.

"You don't have to tell me to sit down before I know I'm supposed to sit." Jennifer replied quickly.

"What is the meaning of that play you put up in class?" Mike asked, looking up at her.

"Do I need to remind you that you called me here for detention and not to query me? It will be better if you will stop talking to me and focus on What you are doing. I'm not here to talk with you." Jennifer replied and Mike gritted his teeth and clenched his first in anger.