
Chapter 62 Come to bed

Vicky helped her remove her cloths, shoes and accessories before taking her to the bathroom. She escorted her into the bath tub and she took her time.

After taking her bath, she helped her out and dried her body. She wanted to dry her hair with the hair dryer but she refused. She managed to dry it a little bit after much struggles.

She wore the night trouser and chose to wear Mikes white shirt instead of the sleeveless night shirt and laid down on the bed, then vicky retired back to her room.

Mike took his bath and went to to the quest room to check Jennifer up before sleeping. He got to the room, the light was on and Jennifer was still awake, probably waiting for Mike.

She noticed his presence and slowly sat up from the bed. She glanced and stared at Mike with a seductive smile. Looking at her, there was a hungry look in her eyes. She was staring at him like someone waiting and expecting something.