
Chapter 57 Drugged .

Jennifer on her drunk state, felt Daniel's gaze moved from her face to her chest. All of a sudden she was filled with insecurity and alarm.

She shrieked as Daniel suddenly squeezed her ass hard. He pressed it harder while crushing her back against the wall.

"Daniel, what are you trying to do?" She half yelled at him as she tried to push him off her body.

"You think you can use me and go Scott free? I've planned for this and nothing will stop me, Jennifer." Daniel groaned and pressed his hip against her and caught hold of her hair. Jennifer was too weak to defend herself. He kissed her on the lips and began to suck on her lips forcefully and aggressively. He trailed the other hand to her breast as he trapped her body with his legs.

She flipped her head away from Daniel's kiss and tried to push him away with all the strength she could muster in her drunken state but her strength could not match Daniel's as he held her tight on the wall.