
Chapter 46 Horny and hungry for dick

Ruth forced herself to walk out of the door. She got to the door and the door opened. She knew she will not come inside again if she stepped out and she won't be able to get what she want.

She turned only to find Kennedy behind her. She froze immediately.

"I'm waiting for you. I have somewhere to go." Kennedy said with a sweet calm voice.

Ruth summoned the courage to look at him and said, "Thank you Mr. Kennedy."

Kennedy could notice something in her eyes and voice. And as she turned to leave, her wrist blushed against his groin in a way that could be seen as an accident. She felt his dick and a flow of blood rushed down her crotch. She took a step and stop.

"Miss." Kennedy said.

"Ruth." She replied.

"Miss Ruth, I think you should hold on a moment." He said and Ruth turned to face him. He smiled at her and stared at the open door before he pressed a red button and the door closed and locked up.