
Chapter 34 Leave or die

"Young lady. I'm not in the mood for any rubbish. Do you want drink of not?" Mike asked.

"Why are you sounding like a kid. I know why you are here and I'm here to give it to you. I know what men like you wants" The lady said.

"I'm not the type of man you think I am. Please get up from that seat and find someone else." All he wanted at the moment was for her to leave. Jane will come anytime soon and if she happen to show in that situation, all his plans will be ruined.

"You are the type of guy I want and I'm sure you like what I have. Men fall over themselves because of me. I don't beg men, instead they beg me and would do anything to pull my pants down. Are you gay or something? No man is that iron to ignore what I have on my chest." The lady said.

"Did I hear you say a man must be a gay to resist your charm? Mike replied bluntly.