
Chapter 29 Unlike other days n

As Jennifer walked out of the classroom and headed to Hall 242 where they have a semester biology test. Before she could come, they have already started writing the test.

"Don't you know that you have text by twelve?" That was the first question, Kelvin, her biological teacher asked.

"I'm sorry, something was keeping me back." She replied.

"Oh! something was keeping you back. I guess its something better, something that worth missing a class test." He said.

"I'm very sorry sir. Please allow me to write" Jennifer pleaded even though she did not read for the text. He glanced at her before giving her the question paper.

She took it and went to the back seat. She glanced at the questions and was overwhelmed with fear as she couldn't answer a single question. It was something she was supposed to know but due to the fact she hadn't been herself for a while. All the questions seemed strange to her.